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Salt Lake Temple |
Logan Temple |
Temple Star |
Although the pentagram has the same basic shape, it has no center point, with only five lines connecting each corner:
Pentagram |
Modern Nauvoo Temple pentagram |
Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary gives the definition of a pentagram as: “a five-pointed star-shaped figure made by extending the sides of a regular pentagon until they meet, used as an occult symbol by the Pythagoreans and later philosophers, and magicians, etc.” This definition hardly fits the stars that can be found on the Salt Lake Temple. Mormons and anti-mormons alike, who refer to these stars as such are simply mistaken.
Mormons should not be deceived by the misleading lies, that there are pentagrams on the Salt Lake Temple. Too many times, Mormons have been caught trying to defend pentagrams as religious symbols in the Mormon religion when they clearly are not. Unfortunately, the powers that be that have taken over the Mormon Church, are promoting the pentagram as a religious symbol, which was not in the original Mormon religion as taught by Joseph Smith. They are polluting the Holy Church of God as foretold in Mormon Chapter 8.
There is little evidence the pentagram ever existed on the original Nauvoo temple. Not one unaltered daguerreotype of the original temple shows a pentagram. All of the known surviving daguerreotypes do not produce a clear image of the temple. Some daguerreotypes reveal shapes in the windows which strongly suggest a design totally unlike a pentagram, and very much like the circular windows found on the St. George Temple, and various surviving paintings depicting the Nauvoo temple.
Unfortunately, some have taken upon it themselves to insert a pentagram into one of the windows on a copy of one of the daguerreotypes, where it previously didn’t exist. A comparison between previously unaltered copy and the forged copy will easily reveal the deception.
Two different versions of the same window from the same photo. Both windows are greatly enlarged from their original size. One showing a clarity and high resolution nearly impossible for an early daguerreotype.
There are no pentagrams on any of the nineteenth century temples including the Kirtland Temple, which was built by Joseph Smith. Brigham Young used to say he tried his best to follow Joseph Smith as closely as possible. Yet, he never put a pentagram on any of the Utah temples. A Mormon Temple is the most sacred and holy building that has ever been built by mortal man. If it is not built with humility in righteousness, in honesty and truth with an eye single to the glory of God, it will not be accepted by God.