Questions to Ask Concerning the Mormon Religion May His Story Never Be Forgotten Apostasy Rages in Current LDS Church Update: Apostasy in the Modern Mormon Church One Must Stand Alone if Necessary A Response to Mormon History Revisionists Doctine and Covenants, Section 10 Patriotic Poetry: The Cry From the Dust Poetry Collection Parley P. Pratt's Address to the American Indians The Return of the Prophet Joseph Smith A Testimony of the Divine Origin of the Prophet Joseph Smith Pentagram and the Modern LDS Church Preaching the Gospel in Many Lands The Prophet Mormon's Warnings to Those Who Spurn the Words and Works of the Lord D&C - 113th section, Scattered Remnants Exhorted to Return The Importance of Finding the Truth Translated Beings Laboring Among the Indians Blessings on the Righteous in America Prophetic Sayings of Heber C. Kimball Why the Current LDS People Have Lost Their Capacity to Reason New Books: The Mormon Religion is Still True What Did Early Church Leaders Have to Say on the American Indians? What is the True message of the Book of Mormon?
The Mormon Religion is Still True Table of Contents
Chapter 1, Revised History in the Modern LDS Church........................................................2 Chapter 2, Choose You This Day Who You Will Serve........................................................5 Chapter 3, Why is the pentagram on the newly rebuilt Nauvoo Temple?.................................7 Chapter 4, Was the Pentagram inscribed on King Solomon's Ring?........................................10 Chapter 5, Apostasy Rages within LDS Church.....................................................................12 Chapter 6, A Response to History Revisionists......................................................................14 Chapter 7, A Testimony Built on a Foundation of Sand...........................................................16 Chapter 8, Salvation, What is at Stake?.................................................................................21 Chapter 9, Prophecies by Early Church Leaders....................................................................25 Chapter 10, Like the Days of Noah.......................................................................................27 Chapter 11, Questions to Ask Concerning the Mormon Religion............................................30 Chapter 12, The Choice Birthright of the American Indians....................................................32 Chapter 13, The Return of the Prophet Joseph Smith..............................................................34 Chapter 14, A Testimony of the Divine Origin of the Prophet Joseph Smith.............................40 Chapter 15, Original Church Leaders Strict Stand on Abortion................................................46 Chapter 16, What Power Shall Stay the Heavens?...................................................................55 Poetry, The Cry From the Dust Collection,...............................................................................58 Chapter 17, May His Story Never Be Forgotten ............................................................................................................... Chapter 18, One Must Stand Alone If Necessary................................................................................................................ Chapter 19, The Divine Origin of the Prophet Joseph Smith.............................................................................................. Chapter 20, A Sermon By Parley P. Pratt.............................................................................................................................. Chapter 21, To Believe in the Book of Mormon.................................................................................................................... Chapter 22, Do Not Lightly Regard the Word of God........................................................................................................... Chapter 23, Why Have Ye Polluted the Church of God?....................................................................................................... Chapter 24, The Thread Connecting Heaven to Earth.......................................................................................................... Chapter 25, What is the True Message of the Book of Mormon?.......................................................................................... Chapter 26, How Basic Truths of the Bible Have Been Corrupted By Men...........................................................................
Chapter 1 Revised History in the Modern Mormon Church
"...I want to say unto you, my brethren, the time is coming when we will be mixed up in these now peaceful valleys to that extent that it will be difficult to tell the face of a Saint from the face of an enemy to the people of God. Then brethren, look out for the great sieve, for there will be a great sifting time, and many will fall; for I say unto you there is a test, a TEST, A TEST coming, and who will be able to stand?" Heber C. Kimball (said with unforgettable emphasis, as reported by those listening) Is understanding this great sieve as simple a task as asking which church members are considered in good standing? How could any intelligent thinker put their trust in such a simple method for determining who is and isn't righteous? Heber C. Kimball also said that only those who know that Jesus is the Christ will be able to stand the test, and if you don't know it, "get on your knees until you do". He said the church has a very close place to pass through but it will come through. Mark Hofmann was a considered a member in good standing. Although Mark Hofmann failed in his scheme, he did prove it was possible for an LDS church apostate (a personal secret at the time that he kept only to himself) to have a highly respected position in the church and attain a high position of influence on the church leadership, even to the extent of influencing members of the first presidency to act in a highly significant way. Practically speaking, he successfully convinced not only the adversaries outside of the Mormon church but also the entire membership of the church to discard the authentic version of the divine origins of the church and accept the occult version as authentic. In hindsight, it has become quite clear that Hofmann's documents contained numerous flaws that could have and should have been uncovered before the documents became accepted. Yet curiously, his revisions to history were embraced almost enthusiastically as factual both in and outside of the LDS Church. These events also signified a departure from previous church policies of denouncing such stories and documents as frauds to be classified in the same vein as numerous other forgeries and fraudulent information put out by enemies to the church; therefore allowing such to disintegrate under the weight of their own claims and the tests of time when held up to scrutiny. D&C 58:43: "By this you know if a man repenteth of his sins- behold, he will confess them and forsake them." As the sin of promoting Hofmann was made in public, there has not as of yet been a confession and forsaking of these types of sins by modern church leaders involved in the fiasco, therefore it is questionable who has and hasn't repented and can be trusted in any position on behalf of the true church. Those in the church who accepted Hofmann's forgeries, based on putting their trust in imperfect humans rather than God, are guilty of not using their free agency - as should be their belief. We will all ultimately be judged by what we accept or reject. Brigham Young stated that he modeled as closely as he could, the designs that Joseph Smith set forth in the building of the temples,and every thing else in the Mormon Religion. This would include the religious symbols and marks that adorn The Temples. Nowhere on the early temples that Brigham Young had a hand in designing, was there ever a pentagram! If the pentagram was used on the Nauvoo Temple, then why was the pentagram never used, on the Saint George Temple, Manti Temple, Logan Temple, Salt Lake Temple, or the earlier Kirtland Temple? Considering the various smear tactics, lies and cunning schemes anti-mormon groups have used to discredit the Mormon Church, how has it taken this long for this latest twist in history to be accepted as authentic? A slight challenge exists that the original Mormon leaders and their numerous character witnesses that would rise to their defense when they were slandered and falsely accused are no longer alive to defend themselves, and thus we only have their testimonies and that history which hasn't yet been tampered with. . If there were pentagrams on the original Nauvoo Temple design, how could this have gone unnoticed by true Mormons and objective research for over 150 years? The answer is readily apparent, the pentagram was never used on the Nauvoo Temple. The first known inverted pentagram on a Mormon building was introduced in the 1980s less than 20 years ago, on the façade Of the History Museum that is across West Temple from Temple Square. It is located in the upper left-hand corner above the main entrance (denoting that all who enter herein are under the power of Satan). Directly to the right of this pentagram is a Temple star with five points all radiating from the center. The author of this seems to be trying to give credence to the strange and foreign symbol of the inverted pentagram to the left. Upon contacting the church for a credible answer, and after being transferred five times, the architects office told us that the façade was an interpretation by a B. Y. U. Art Professor who gathered together old Mormon symbols in a collage that represented his interpretation of the history of Mormon symbols. During this time Mark Hofmann's forgeries were widely accepted by the church. Contained in these forgeries were examples of occultism, pentagrams and white witchcraft. When questioned as to whether or not some of these symbols were taken from these forgeries, those questioned became evasive, alluding that symbolism is what you make of it. But the awful reality is that any inverted pentagram is still a symbol of the devil. This is a very sinister and disturbing development! According to The Donning International Encyclopedia Psychic Dictionary, the pentagram is the "most powerful symbol of all ceremonial rites..." Occult symbols have been used for centuries; the upside down star / pentagram has long been recognized as the symbol of Satan. In symbolism, an inverted figure always signifies a perverted power. It is also known as the "sign of the cloven hoof," or the footprint of the devil. It is also called the "goat of mendes". When calling upon the demons of Satan, those who invoke them eventually forfeit their own souls. The followers of Satan take this pentagram very seriously. Eliphas Levi, one of the most influential magicians of the 1800s, wrote in his massive volume on transcendental magic: "the pentagram signifies the domination of the mind over the elements, and the demons of air, the spirits of fire, the phantoms of water and ghosts of earth are enchained by this sign". This sign is used to call on the demonic forces of Satan, and has no place on a Temple of God! The present leadership of the Mormon church is responsible for and has the final word on the symbols used on the Temples. Have these inverted pentagrams been installed through ignorance? Or possibly to show that the early Mormons were involved in occultism and white witchcraft? Or even worse are they trying to link Joseph Smith with these satanic symbols, knowing full well that he was the chief architect, that the designs he used came through him from God for this Holy Edifice. Joseph Smith well understood the Masonic Order, and was well acquainted with symbols both good and evil, and never would have placed such an evil symbol on a Temple of Lord. It is the purpose of this writing to show that whoever it is that is responsible today for placing these evil symbols on a Temple of God, and trying to implicate Joseph Smith as the author, claiming that this forgery of a Temple is accurate to the minutest detail will be proven wrong! Now that pentagrams are on a so-called reconstructed original Mormon Temple, repercussions to the church in this area will be truly devastating! It gives the rest of the Christian world the ammunition that they need to discredit The Church and show that the Mormons are nothing more than an evil cult. No matter how much you whitewash and adorn (with stained-glass) the inverted pentagram, it still is what it is, a symbol of evil . And no amount of window dressing will change that! The inverted pentagram represents Satan. It is the symbol of witchcraft, warlocks and wiccans. The inverted pentagram has no place in a True Christian Church. The early drawings of the Nauvoo Temple show a different design. So therefore the question arises, who was responsible for bringing the design of the inverted pentagram to the reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple? Where did they get this idea? Why place a symbol of evil such as inverted pentagrams on a holy structure such as the Nauvoo Temple? Who would want inverted pentagrams adorning their buildings? Those who believe in the forgeries of Mark Hofmann that the Mormon church came from white witchcraft? Or perhaps practicers of witchcraft that have infiltrated the Mormon Church? Or possibly the ignorant that have no idea of what an inverted pentagram truly is? In any case these symbols of evil have been placed in the fourth floor windows of the Nauvoo Temple and the consequences of this serious and tragic mistake (if it was an unintended mistake) will have world wide repercussions.
Mormon 8; verse 38, "O ye pollutions ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have you polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies –because of the praise of the world?" Is this a mere coincidence that during the Mark Hofmann era, the leadership of the Church (the same leaders then as now ) were embracing his forgeries and acting as apologists in defending Salamanders and the idea that the church was founded on white witchcraft and occultism, all the while trying to mix this, with Joseph Smith's original account of the Angel Moroni Version? Hofmann's forgeries had world wide repercussions, instead of the dignity and respect that the Mormons had hard earned, the rest of the Christian world now held the church in contempt because of these forgeries which the church embraced showing that they were founded in occultism. Then Mark Hofmann was exposed by his own stupidity, which brought an end to this attack on the very foundations of the Mormon church. Nearly two decades have passed and the church has recovered some of the dignity and respect that it had lost. Why then today are the same Leaders of the Church seemingly trying to once again establish witchcraft into the very foundation of the Mormon religion and destroy what little respect and dignity they had left by adorning the Nauvoo Temple with pentagrams? We feel it our duty now as well as it was then to oppose these slanderous attempts against Joseph Smith and the foundations of the Mormon religion. It is the responsibility of all members of the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints to find out who is responsible for including this hideous symbol of Satan on A Holy House of God, to expose them and excommunicate them if necessary, and to find out if they have placed this symbol on other temples or buildings, and to root out this evil from among the church.
Chapter 2 Choose You This Day Who You Will Serve
Second Nephi chapter 28 verse 21: And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: all is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well __ and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. Third Nephi chapter 13 vs. 24No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. The crack that is slowly widening into a chasm, that will separate the sheep from the goats can no longer be straddled, but can still be jumped. Glaring differences between the true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter_day Saints as taught by Joseph Smith, and the modern Mormon Church are becoming more apparent with each passing moment. The recent reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple is yet another example, wherein inverted pentagrams were used to adorn the fourth floor circular windows. The pentagrams have no place on the house of the Lord! The inverted pentagram has long been a symbol of the devil. Witchcraft web sites state that in the 1850s Eliphas Levi was credited with being the first person to classify the inverted pentagram as being evil. The same witchcraft web sites glorify the pentagram, claiming that it is a Christian notion that has made the pentagram an evil symbol, but you can purchase the satanic Bible with the inverted pentagram plainly displayed on the front cover. These same web sites preach that there is no right or wrong. The pentagram in today's world is considered a symbol of evil, the sign of the devil, its pagan pantheistic nature makes it entirely unsuitable as a religious symbol of God no matter how much you whitewash or place beautiful stained_glass in this emblem. The original Nauvoo Temple was taken over by mobs, who had drunken orgies, desecrating this Holy edifice with their profanities, swearing, committing all manner of sins and then used it as a barn for their animals until mercifully lightning struck, causing a fire and burning most of it to the ground. A few more years later a tornado destroyed the rest of it. This Temple should not have been rebuilt! No expense was spared on this extravagant building amounting into the millions. This Temple was built for show because of the small population of Mormons in the area. The money could have been better spent in relieving the poor and donating it to the homeless shelters. Going back into the past is not appropriate, advancing to betterment should be always the goal. Mormon church authorities who placed this symbol in the fourth floor circular windows of the Nauvoo Temple had little or no information that these evil symbols were actually used. Most of the guesswork is based solely on some supposed preliminary sketches by William Weeks the architect. The sketches were obtained by donation to the church in the 1940s. How many hands could these sketches have passed through? Been tainted by? Or as sad experience has shown possibly even been forged. A little more than a decade has passed since we were hearing stories by General Authorities Of the Church about salamanders being Angels of fire. If you sin in public you must repent in public, this has never been done. And speaking of forgeries, the official Church of Jesus Christ of Latter_day Saints web site proudly displays a rare photograph of the original Nauvoo IL Temple. This photograph has been tampered with! The photograph in question is a copy of one of only two known Daguerreotypes in existence. Daguerreotypes are a predecessor to photographs, but because of their small size cannot show a great deal of detail. Actual photos of the daguerreotype even when enlarged 30 x cannot possibly show a pentagram in the fourth floor circular windows. However this rare photo that is on display miraculously shows under magnification a pentagram in the first window on the left, note the darker shade of this window ( this is a forgery). Obviously someone in the church has gone through a great deal of trouble to alter this photograph to show an inverted pentagram. So now the question arises why tamper with this daguerreotype to show a pentagram where one did not previously exist? The photo in question is proudly on display as a high_resolution (1. 0 M.) and can be viewed by going to the church's official web site A very good actual photo of the daguerreotype (which is now stored in the Granite vaults of the church) is on display at the Daughters Of Utah Pioneers Museum in Cedar City Utah. Considering all the evidence including the fact that there is no other pentagrams on any other pioneer temples that were built by Brigham Young and Joseph Smith including the Kirtland Temple, It is evident that the Present Church Leaders are promoting the pentagram with the same fervor that they did the Hoffman forgeries, which if true, would mean the church was founded in the occult. We bear our testimony that just as the Hoffman forgeries were exposed, that this same spirit that the Church leaders are displaying in promoting the pentagram will also be exposed for what it is. We further bear our testimony that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God and that that those seeking to associate him with the occult will be known for the hypocrite traitors that they are. Doctrine and Covenants 112 vs. 23_34 quote: "verily, verily, I say unto you, darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness of minds of the people, and all flesh has become corrupt before my face. Behold vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping,of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord. And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord..... "Verily I say unto you, behold how great is your calling. Cleanse your hearts and your garments, lest the blood of this generation be required at your hands. Be faithful until I come, for I come quickly; and my reward is with me to recompense every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega. Amen." Chapter 3 Why is the pentagram on the newly rebuilt Nauvoo Temple?During the decade of the eighties there was a deliberate and determined effort to link Joseph Smith Jr. and the founding of the Mormon religion to the occult, from enemies within and outside of the L.D.S. Church. Mark Hofmann’s forgeries were leading the way. Various historians and critics of the Church were often fond of calling themselves “intellectuals,” most notably members of the Sunstone symposium, and writers for Dialogue, and were referred to as such whenever mentioned by the media. In article after article, in newspaper clippings throughout the eighties on this subject; the word “intellectual” came up when referring to these groups. “We are the intellectuals” they would say. They would go on to say they are not limited to just what history the church sanctions like the simple minded members do. They would say that they research their information from a variety of sources, they get the other side of the story, and they are open-minded, etc. “The white salamander letter is consistent with other evidence that Joseph Smith had his occult side.” they would go on. In a Salt Lake Tribune article, Mormon historian Richard L. Bushman urged Mormons to be tolerant “about this culture of magic invading the life of the prophet.” BYU professor Ron Walker said “We are miles beyond the question of the authenticity of the letters.” and historians “now are reconciling the significance of the documents.” These self-proclaimed “intellectuals” were all so giddy they could hardly contain themselves. We finally got the goods on those simpleton farmers (L.D.S. Church founders) now, they would all gloat. The Hofmann forgeries have since been exposed, but unfortunately, many people in the L.D.S. Church never repented for accepting the Hofmann forgeries as authentic. Neither did the self-anointed Sunstone “intellectuals”, nor any of the other various enemies of the Church. They all still strongly desire to believe that the Church founding was influenced by the occult, and they have taken great pains to try to dissuade popular opinion that way, in spite of these forgeries being exposed. The latest such attempt involves placing inverted pentagrams, known symbols of the occult, on the newly rebuilt Nauvoo Temple. In the first place, most Mormons, and anti-mormons have little or no idea what a pentagram looks like. Many of them will mistakenly insist that they can be found on the Salt Lake Temple. Unfortunately they are confusing the five pointed stars found on the Temples with pentagrams. These stars can be found on many of the nineteenth century temples and have sloping lines rising from each corner to a center point. As in the examples below:
Although the pentagram has the same basic shape, it has no center point, with only five lines connecting each corner:
Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary gives the definition of a pentagram as: “a five-pointed star-shaped figure made by extending the sides of a regular pentagon until they meet, used as an occult symbol by the Pythagoreans and later philosophers, and magicians, etc.” This definition hardly fits the stars that can be found on the Salt Lake Temple. Mormons and anti-mormons alike, who refer to these stars as such are simply mistaken. Mormons should not be deceived by the misleading lies, that there are pentagrams on the Salt Lake Temple. Too many times, Mormons have been caught trying to defend pentagrams as religious symbols in the Mormon religion when they clearly are not. Unfortunately, the powers that be that have taken over the Mormon Church, are promoting the pentagram as a religious symbol, which was not in the original Mormon religion as taught by Joseph Smith. They are polluting the Holy Church of God as foretold in Mormon Chapter 8. There is little evidence the pentagram ever existed on the original Nauvoo temple. Not one unaltered daguerreotype of the original temple shows a pentagram. All of the known surviving daguerreotypes do not produce a clear image of the temple. Some daguerreotypes reveal shapes in the windows which strongly suggest a design totally unlike a pentagram, and very much like the circular windows found on the St. George Temple, and various surviving paintings depicting the Nauvoo temple. Unfortunately, some have taken upon it themselves to insert a pentagram into one of the windows on a copy of one of the daguerreotypes, where it previously didn’t exist. A comparison between previously unaltered copy and the forged copy will easily reveal the deception.
Two different versions of the same window from the same photo. Both windows are greatly enlarged from their original size. One showing a clarity and high resolution nearly impossible for an early daguerreotype. There are no pentagrams on any of the nineteenth century temples including the Kirtland Temple, which was built by Joseph Smith. Brigham Young used to say he tried his best to follow Joseph Smith as closely as possible. Yet, he never put a pentagram on any of the Utah temples. A Mormon Temple is the most sacred and holy building that has ever been built by mortal man. If it is not built with humility in righteousness, in honesty and truth with an eye single to the glory of God, it will not be accepted by God.
Chapter 4 Was the Pentagram inscribed on King Solomon's Ring?Many Mormons have claimed that the inverted pentagram was inscribed on King Solomon's ring, and that it was the official symbol of the city of Jerusalem. They claim that the pentagram was used on ancient Christian Churches in Europe. Some have gone so far as to attach religious meaning to the pentagram on the recently re-constructed Nauvoo Temple. Is this true? Where did they get this information? Unfortunately, the problem with making such claims is that they are attempting to use segments from various fables, legends, and bedtime stories and reporting them as factual. Some say the Talmud refers to the legend of a magical ring of Solomon, engraved with a five pointed star "Seal of Solomon", given to him by the Archangel Michael, in which he uses it to subdue demonic evil spirits and force them to build the Temple at Jerusalem. Both the Talmud and the works of Flavius Josephus, declare the ring to have a five-pointed design, but do not describe it as a pentagram. The only work describing this as a pentagram, are certain versions of a Greek work titled "The Testament of Solomon," which is widely considered a work of fiction falsely posing as a Biblical book. According to one of the legends from these varied books, King Solomon captures an evil Babylonian spirit named Ashmedai, who is king of the demons, which Solomon uses to build the Temple at Jerusalem. Ashmedai steals Solomon's magical ring and throws it into the sea, and then proceeds to steal Solomon's kingdom. Solomon later finds the ring in the belly of a fish and retakes his kingdom by exposing Ashmedai as an imposter because Ashmedai has the feet of a chicken. According to Muslims, the Qur'an teaches that King Solomon used his magical powers to capture genies and use them to build his construction projects. Unbeknownst to the genies, Solomon died while leaning on his wooden staff. The genies continued to work for Solomon until a worm began to gnaw through his staff. In the work "Thousand and One Nights", King Solomon imprisons a genie in a bottle. All of these accounts were written many centuries after King Solomon had died, and not a single one can be sustained by the Bible. They may be held as valid religious beliefs by certain sects and religions and should be respected as such, but they certainly should not be taken seriously by Mormons, who have the greater light of Scripture. People can't believe that the pentagram was the official seal of Judaism without also believing Solomon used evil spirits to build the Temple. They can't pick and choose which portions of the story to believe. Many Jews protest the repeated attempts throughout history by non Jews to link them to magical superstitions and the occult by the use of these symbols. They protest the vain attempts by some who try to attach religious meaning to various symbols, without any scriptural basis. Many if not all of these legends originated from non-Jewish sources. One Jewish man correctly quotes Deuteronomy 18:10-14 that witchcraft, and mysticisms, and the occult are abominations to God and are not to be trifled with: "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. 13 Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. 14 For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do." And he also quotes Duet. 12:29-32. "When the LORD thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods. Mormons should also know that these commandments not to worship others Gods, apply today just as they did then; that they are not to trifle with strange beliefs outside of their religion. All of these legends are in direct conflict with the principles taught in LDS Scripture, and should not be trifled with. Mormons should know to trust only in the traditions revealed from God, and not try to incorporate ancient symbols into their religion, based on flawed historical research, and the opinions of man. The Book of Mormon warns us not to put our trust in the arm of flesh. We are building our houses on the sand if we do, and when the storm of scrutiny comes, we will not be able to stand, but will be confounded. It seems by these accounts that the Devil has been working just as hard at disinformation throughout all of history as he is today. The Jews in ancient times were surrounded by these strange beliefs, but were forbidden by God to trifle with any of them. Today, there is absolutely no evidence that the pentagram was officially used as a Jewish symbol, except for these silly legends. Unfortunately, many Jews then, just like many Mormons today, were known to be susceptible to these pagan, and superstitious influences. The Bible gives us ample evidence to the apostasy of the Jews, when the prophet Elijah sorrowed, because he alone was left of all the house of Israel who still worshipped the true and living God, and God showed him that seven thousand of the Children of Israel had not bowed the knee unto Baal. Just seven thousand out of an entire nation is not very many! The problem with the pentagram on some ancient church in Europe is the Christian Church in Europe had apostatized. This has long been the position of the LDS church, since Joseph Smith first founded it. Joseph was told by God to "join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: "They draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof."The Emperor Constantine, was well known for sending Gladiators to their death in the arena. After the Nicene council, the Christian world was forbidden to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, but that he was the "Trinity" - the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost all in one personage, without "body, parts or passions". To this day this concept remains as one of the primary points of contention between Latter-day Saints and Old Christendom. More Christians and Jews were murdered in the century after the Roman Empire supposedly became Christianized, then in the years before. Christmas, and Easter were both Pagan holidays, before they were incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church and given religious significance, hundreds of years after the death of the Savior. The cross, and the fish are both presumed to be pagan symbols, but are now Holy symbols of Christendom. So having pentagrams on ancient churches, really doesn't mean anything, or add any validity to the pentagram in the least. It is a shame that so many Mormons try so hard to link the LDS Church founders to the occult, most notably the Hoffman forgeries. We have witnessed throughout ancient history the apostasy that eventually takes control of the Church established by God according to the free agency of man. It would be naive to think that the LDS Church is immune to these same influences which caused the prophet Elijah to sorrow, and led to the apostasy of the Gentile church in Europe. The current LDS Church leaders are pro-abortion, in direct conflict with the admonitions of all the early church leaders, and all the commandments in the D&C about the consequences of shedding innocent blood and taking a human life. Their pro-abortion stand in which they state that abortion is permissible after counseling with the Bishop or Branch President and receiving divine confirmation through prayer is an abomination in God's sight. So we have to conclude that abortion, trifling with the Hoffman forgeries, and pentagrams on the temples are all sure signs of apostasy in the LDS Church.Latter day Saints have such a greater light with the fullness of the Gospel, it seems so sad that so many of them are quick to cling onto these things of the occult, such as pentagrams and white salamander spirits, etc. Why is it that so many Mormons go to such extremes to believe in and promote such evil things as the Hoffman forgeries? What purpose do they have in rejecting their own religion in favor of these slanders against the Church? Chapter 5 Apostasy Rages within LDS Church "Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies - because of the praise of the world?" The Testimony of a True Saint in the LDS Church vs. Recent Trends Throughout the history of the LDS Church, it has been common to hear words such as the following bearing testimony: "I know that this is the one true church founded by God, and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of Christ-like qualities who endured much unjust persecution, and was falsely imprisoned for no crime - he was a completely innocent man; he was a true prophet who then willingly gave his life to seal his testimony of the Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ; Joseph Smith was murdered at the hands of corrupt and evil men; the revelations and scriptures in the Book of Mormon are true, and are the words of God and constitute the most perfect book on earth today." We are currently in the time where the following metamorphosis is taking place with many LDS Church members: "Testimony" of many current LDS: "We believe we are the true and select people, we have the true church teachings and the church will never go wrong, and that Joseph Smith and early church members did a great work creating our religion in spite of what we believe to be their lack of knowledge and education, and what we have now been shown was their connections to the occult and other evils which we are not now ashamed of, but seek to show that although we believe this foundation to be faulty we believe we are moving it to a state of enlightenment. We are proud of our improved relations with much of the world who used to persecute us, and are grateful for the many contributions of these worldly neighbors to help us as a people rediscover and redefine our history, as we no longer denounce the stories of these people as slanderous lies as was the church position of our forebears; we now seek to understand and make peace with the works of all including those that formerly persecuted and slandered our church, as we believe there is value in our history in the stories of the slanderers, mobocrats, and murderers that is equal to the side of those Saints whose blood they thirsted after." Apostasy Gaining a Firmer Stronghold in Current LDS Church Many have mistakenly concluded that they may find truth with groups such as the Sunstone organization and other modern Mormon Church scholars, who trumpeted the efforts of Mark Hofmann when he customized forgeries to suit their cravings for the mythical historical documents linking Mormonism to the occult. They once again are intensifying their efforts to repaint early church history, discussing their own purported religious beliefs in terms much the same way a college medical research student discusses experimental laboratory rats for a graduate thesis paper. Using information from a mixture of sources, much of which are originally gleaned from enemies and apostates of the LDS church, their research is more than ever gaining a stronghold among Latter Day Church members and even given dignity by what many would consider to be reputable church resources within the LDS Church. Using a secularized mind-set to analyze the origins of the Mormon religion, an increasing amount of what are referred to with trendy terminology such as the "religi-scholar", "religio-intellectual" community of Latter Day Saints are flaunting their "colleg-ese" vocabulary skills to dupe their audience with an educated sounding manner of crafted words, to effectively portray the early Mormon people as uneducated and ignorant occult seekers. What many unquestioning faithful members aren't aware of is that these "oxymormon" scholars and their versions of history have only recently been accepted and adopted by Mormon Church historians and placed into standard history resources. It is becoming common for what were once unquestioning and faithful church members to uncover horror stories of shocking proportions regarding the origins of the Restored Church and it's leaders, supported by what they consider to be reputable sources within the church and public media. Conveniently ignored facts of history are that men holding some of the highest elected offices (such as governor) were complicit in the slander of early Saints and murder of Joseph and his brother, Hyrum Smith. The Governor (Lilburn W. Boggs) of Missouri issued the only extermination order in U.S. History to murder innocent American citizens based solely on prejudice for their religious beliefs. Read about Joseph Smith's final days and the prejudice he endured: Teachings of Joseph Smith D&C 123:10 "Which dark and blackening deeds are enough to make hell itself shudder, and to stand aghast and pale, and the hands of the very devil to tremble with palsy." True Saints and church historians once could always be counted on to defend the religion as well as defending early leaders until recent generations, siding with the stories of the innocent who endured vicious persecution and placing the anti-Mormon versions and their murderous origins in the proper context. It is clear we have reached that time prophesied by Moroni in Mormon Chapter 8: "O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies - because of the praise of the world? The Motives of Mark Hofmann Still Carried On One of the most notorious apostates in LDS Church history was honored with VIP treatment while openly "uncovering" apostate anti-Mormon information that was destroying the credibility of everything sacred to the Mormon religion. He successfully broke down all barriers previously in place in the church to defend and protect the honor of the sacred origin of the religion and its early leaders; when he was later exposed, he honestly admitted to these motives, yet the road he paved has allowed many to follow in his footsteps. Only after he committed murder and was exposed for fraud was it deemed he had apostatized and committed an act that affected his church membership. Although he is imprisoned for life, many church members of his ilk continue the revisionist works he was performing against the church while participating in the church. Many LDS faithful have found a comfort zone once again after the specter of the heinous works and motives of Mark Hofmann cast a shadow over the present LDS Church. With his life sentence, many breathed a sigh of relief, feeling there was the proof of divine intervention that church members could reassure themselves they would not ever be allowed to be caught off guard. In accepting the version of Hofmann over that of Joseph Smith, many Mormons were thrown onto a course of blindly accepting whatever revisions to their history that is served up to them, merely submitting their beliefs and eventually possibly their souls to the course chosen by the educated sounding opinions of others. Joseph Smith taught that any man who taught a different doctrine than what he taught will be cursed. The current church members need to return to nourishing the tree that was planted by Joseph Smith. Alma 32:38-40"...because it has no root it withers away, and ye pluck it up and cast it out. Now, this is not because the seed was not good, neither is it because the fruit thereof would not be desirable, but it is because your ground is barren, and ye will not nourish the tree, therefore ye cannot have the fruit thereof. "And thus, if ye will not nourish the word, looking forward with an eye of faith to the fruit thereof, ye can never pluck of the fruit of the tree of life. "But if ye will nourish the word, yea, nourish the tree as it beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with patience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree springing up unto everlasting life."
Chapter 6
The history of the Mormon Church is one that continues and forever will be scrutinized by its critics. Throughout history there has been an enormous amount of critical and inflammatory statements from many circles portraying alleged roles of Mormon leaders in various historical events. Of late, strong attempts have been renewed to link Brigham Young to the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Mark Hoffman was the most notorious revisionist of Mormon History, almost single handedly pulling off what scores of Mormon Church critics had had attempted and failed to do for numerous decades before him, that is, discredit the entire Mormon Faith by revising several key points in church history. Convincing critics of the Mormon Religion was an understandably fairly easy task, as Hoffman was merely supplying information that supported their allegations and suspicions. The "Salamander Letter", if proven true, would completely discredit and destroy the Mormon religion by establishing that the church had been founded on the practices of witchcraft and the occult, not to mention discard the credibility of its leader, the Prophet Joseph Smith. The only opposition to the authenticating of the Hoffman papers came from a smattering of Mormon Church castoffs and an almost equally small number of distinguished handwriting experts who dared to differ from a significant number of their colleagues. The few Mormons that were moved to question the transplanted version of Mormon history were for a time universally scorned and branded as extremist religious fanatics. Had not Hoffman made the mistake of nearly killing himself in his murderous cover_up, historians today would be unanimous in dutifully recording the role of a green salamander instructing Joseph Smith in the restoration of the Mormon religion as the official version. As stated in the first chapter of this book: "although Mark Hoffman failed in his scheme, he did prove it was possible for an LDS church apostate to have a highly respected position in the church and attain a high position of influence on the church leadership, even to the extent of influencing members of the first presidency to act in a highly significant way. Practically speaking, he successfully convinced not only the adversaries outside of the Mormon church but also the entire membership of the church to discard the authentic version of the divine origins of the church and accept the occult version as authentic. "In hindsight, it has become quite clear that Hoffman's documents contained numerous flaws that could have and should have been uncovered before the documents became accepted. Yet curiously, his revisions to history were embraced almost enthusiastically as factual both in and outside of the LDS Church. These events also signified a departure from previous church policies of denouncing such documents as frauds to be classified in the same vein as numerous other forgeries and fraudulent information put out by enemies to the church; therefore allowing such to disintegrate under the weight of their own claims and the tests of time when held up to scrutiny." This raises some interesting questions in regards the nearly unanimous agreement among modern day "experts" who wholeheartedly endorsed the Hoffman forgeries: How does an amateur like Hoffman so easily fool the experts? Would this not tarnish and weaken the credibility of the "experts" who were so easily fooled? If the "experts" were so easily and embarrassingly fooled in the recent past, what is to prevent them from being fooled again, or did this experience cause any of them to disavow their previous ways and pledge to conduct research on a credible level? Was there ever a public recanting of the errors of those who willingly placed themselves in public leadership positions as Hoffman's accomplices in revising history? Would the "experts" had been as easily fooled had the documents not served the purpose of discrediting the Mormon religion? Where were the revisionists when Hoffman's forgeries were accepted as fact? Did any of them at the time make a stand to thoroughly search out the truth, and if not, at what point did they reform their ways to become credible researchers? Is it possible or even likely, that information that favors the agendas of the revisionists is not thoroughly critiqued and researched as well as that which does not serve their purposes? History has undoubtedly answered the last question: the Hoffman forgeries proved that information that fits proscribed agendas of paid "experts" may not be scrutinized and critiqued on a factual basis the same way information would be if it refutes those agendas. The same can be said of the latest information attempting to impugn the character of Brigham Young. Attempts to slander Brigham Young will not stand up to factual examination the same way mud_slinging efforts against early church leaders have consistently failed in well over 150 years of church history. When properly examined in an objective scenario, efforts to discredit and revise the Mormon religion fail under the weight of their own agendas.
Chapter 7 A Testimony Built on a Foundation of Sand - A Call for LDS Church Members to Repent "...he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall." 2 Nephi 29:28 "Only those who know for themselves Jesus is the Christ will be able to stand, and if you don’t know it, you need to get on your knees until you do." Heber C. Kimball Why is there a strong movement in the church so anxious to flaunt the pentagram on the Church buildings? What sense does it make, to promote the pentagram as a church emblem now? Why is there now a group in the church promoting this? Why is there such a movement in the church to make this a Mormon Emblem when it never was? What is going on with this, and who is behind it all? It seems there is an influence now in the church to transform the religion from its original roots as a true church founded on the principles of God to one that is similar to a Satanic cult. The predominant evidence shows the occult never came up in the church until the 1980's when Hofmann’s forgeries and the first pentagram was noticed on the Church Museum building across the street from Temple Square. Why don’t the church leaders realize that by proudly displaying the pentagram, they have raised the possibility in the eyes of the Christian as well as the rest of the world that they are worshiping the emblem of Satan? Do they realize the potential of the consequences? What is the purpose, or do they realize the potential damage of flaunting that symbol in the eyes of the world? The pentagram is regarded as a Satanic evil symbol by most Christian religions. Efforts and arguments to prove the pentagram to be a true Mormon symbol do not amount to anything substantial - there isn’t enough evidence to show that this was ever a Mormon symbol. It doesn’t make sense to flaunt the pentagram starting now, when the whole world views it as an evil symbol of the occult; the deliberate publicity will unnecessarily bring unfavorable publicity to discredit the church. Why are most LDS people not capable of carrying on an intelligent conversation regarding their own religious beliefs to give a rational answer to such questions? When not sure of themselves most church members will fall back on, "Well, there is one thing we know to be true, and that is when in doubt, to always follow our prophet for he will never lead us astray." What are considered the more knowledgeable church members will give a specific quote, such as, "Well, I heard what our prophet (or any other general authority) has said on this matter, and it is ...." Why the LDS People have lost their capacity to reason: Anyone who has had dialogue with a current LDS church member about religion will likely relate to encountering the following phrase in statements of an LDS church member about their own religious beliefs: "Of course, on any issue, when in doubt, we know we are to follow the words of our living prophet in all things." At this point, the conversation deteriorates or is likely terminated, or, the church member will confidently attempt to pontificate on the sayings of the latest "prophet" or church position, which, in his mind will overrule any previous conversation, rational or otherwise. It is the acceptable practice among the current LDS Church members to fall back on this slogan at any time to refute a contrasting point of view or statement of a previous church leader, or any previous agreement of logic or contradiction, even if a previously established statement of truth contradicting their current position was one they themselves uttered. Any further conversation at this point seems to become an exercise in futility, as the church member has in his mind established that he/she has the right to discard anything previously discussed or even agreed to, as it is of the highest priority in the minds of the current LDS to subvert their own reasoning capability to establish the "Follow the Prophet" directive above all else. With one of these comments the LDS person now exudes a sense of assuredness and confidence that the matter is completely settled, whether or not their answer contained any semblance of a satisfactory capacity for reason; nor does it seem to matter if they themselves really understand their own purported beliefs; they may be "not able to explain it now, but there is "someone" they "know" (somewhere?) who does. It is also a common escape to say, "I know I have seen it in the scriptures, but I am not sure how to find where it is right now." Isaiah, 28:20, "For the bed is shorter than a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it." The LDS church member who has used this "Follow the Prophet" slogan will likely avoid or stonewall any future interaction with the party who contradicted them, or from that point on there will be no meaningful dialogue on meaningful topics at all between the two parties who disagreed, and they will find that the only common ground they share must be confined to small talk. If an attempt is ever again made to engage in meaningful dialogue with the current LDS member on the same subject after they have used what they consider to be the "Follow the prophet" trump card, the possibility of any future associations with this person in their mind may now be in serious jeopardy. "There are those among this people who are influenced, controlled, and biased in their thoughts, actions, and feelings by some other individual or family, on whom they place their dependence for spiritual and temporal instruction, and for salvation in the end. These persons do not depend upon themselves for salvation, but upon another of their poor, weak, fellow mortals. "I do not depend upon any inherent goodness of my own, say they, to introduce me into the kingdom of glory, but I depend upon you, brother Joseph, upon you, brother Brigham, upon you, brother Heber, or upon you, brother James; I believe your judgment is superior to mine, and consequently I let you judge for me; your spirit is better than mine, therefore you can do good for me; I will submit myself wholly to you, and place in you all my confidence for life and salvation; where you go I will go, and where you tarry there I will stay; expecting that you will introduce me through the gates into the heavenly Jerusalem....Now those men, or those women, who know no more about the power of God, and the influences of the Holy Spirit, than to be led entirely by another person, suspending their own understanding, and pinning their faith upon another's sleeve, will never be capable of entering into the celestial glory, to be crowned as they anticipate; they will never be capable of becoming Gods. "They cannot rule themselves, to say nothing of ruling others, but they must be dictated to in every trifle, like a child. They cannot control themselves in the least, but James, Peter, or somebody else must control them, They never can become Gods, nor be crowned as rulers with glory, immortality, and eternal lives. "They never can hold scepters of glory, majesty, and power in the celestial kingdom. Who will? Those who are valiant and inspired with the true independence of heaven, who will go forth boldly in the service of their God, leaving others to do as they please, determined to do right, though all mankind besides should take the opposite course." (Brigham Young, presented in the Salt Lake Tabernacle on February 20, 1853, Journal of Discourses, 1:312) Why do the Mormons insist that the Lord wouldn’t allow the leaders to lead them wrong when the evidence is there with their dealings with Mark Hofmann? The whole church was led to believe the church was founded in the occult. The Doctrine and Covenants states you repent of public sins publicly. Statements that the leaders wouldn’t allow them to be lead astray is contrary to the obvious evidence. The appearance of pentagrams on church buildings has served as a reminder that the church is as vulnerable as ever to being erroneously influenced and led in the same way as when they were influenced by the Hofmann forgeries that portrayed the church as being founded on the occult. Modern LDS people seem to be again led astray in the same manner as they were when Hofmann was influencing them, when they were undeniably lead astray, lock, stock, and barrel. No true Mormon could accept the Hofmann forgeries, and no true Mormon should now accept the introduction of symbols of the occult on church buildings. Many critics of the church have arrived at a judgment on the validity of the Mormon Religion after conversations with missionaries and representative church members. Their judgment is often based on the assumption that the Mormon they are talking to is an expert on their purported religious beliefs when in fact the Mormons they question are often extremely limited in their own testimony and knowledge of the true church (which should be a surprise to nobody, considering the only common bond is the use of the "follow the prophet" slogan). What should surprise some is the fact that those responsible for teaching erroneous information in the church today most often hold prestigious positions of leadership and authority church positions. "For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean. Isaiah, 28:8 Although there are exceptions to any generalization, e.g., although it is possible for LDS missionaries to carry forth the Gospel effectively and with the Spirit of The Lord, it is an undeniable aspect of today’s church that missionary work is burdened and restricted by the modern LDS "mind-set", that is, the previously described stumbling blocks that restrict church members' ability to reason, making it difficult for today’s missionaries to speak with any degree of certainty outside of a very limited scope of their religion. "Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine!" Isaiah, 28:1 A frequent, although false accusation made of the Mormon Church is that its members belong to a cult. But based on the trends in current LDS thought it is understandable to see they are viewed this way. Many of the membership who consider themselves to be intelligent often do not realize the answers they give to sincere and legitimate questions come across as no less than stone-walling tactics which give the impression these members do not really know what they claim to know, or sincerely believe the religion they claim to believe in. Although the church is growing with new converts, damage is done to the Mormon Faith when the lack of reason previously described handicaps conversion of intelligent thinkers. The Savior taught, "My sheep will know my voice.... a stranger they will not follow." Once in the church, new members find little opportunity to be able to expand in the truth of the gospel. Instead of spiritual nourishment, they are immediately expected to turn over their free-agency to the stupefying catch-phrase, "follow the prophet," yet are not spiritually nourished with substantial information to reconcile the many contradictions between the current and former church; they are left to the mercies of the abyss substituted for reason in the new church, in which the scriptures are redefined with convoluted and vague meanings, and church members pass around stories told in the third person of what a church authority is believed to have said when addressing a particular topic at a "fireside." This allows inconsistencies and confusion over church doctrine to be dismissed as hearsay when convenient, even as the church teachings drift in and out of worldly rather than spiritual teachings, such as the introduction and acceptance of occultism. "O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm." 2 Nephi 4:34 This current living prophet, however, has openly betrayed the Mormon religion as founded by Joseph Smith by dealing with Mark Hofmann and his forgeries, which portrayed the Mormon religion as being founded in the occult. He and the other present leaders seem to have an insatiable desire to use hundreds of thousands of church dollars to seek and procure negative anti-Mormon papers such as the Hofmann forgeries and the McLellin papers, which would then not be removed from public circulation but would be published, as Hofmann's "Salamander" forgery was, with the approval of church leaders to make revisions to the authentic version of church history. This is the same McLellin that became a bitter apostate in the early church and a sworn enemy to Joseph Smith. Although these sins have taken a more historical context, they have not been repented of, nor has the LDS Church attempted to redirect itself away from the new course of affiliating with the occult in spite of the frauds being exposed. The strange sell-outs of the true religion continue to mount with the recent promotions of the pentagram on the newly constructed Nauvoo Temple. Why does the reconstructed Nauvoo temple display pentagrams so prominently when no other temple does? The only "evidence" are William Weeks drawings that are not completely verified, turned over to the church in the late 1940's, after passing through the hands of many non-Mormons, and after over a supposed century. To this evidence the Church has staked the reputation of the true religion, but why? What could be going on in the modern LDS Church that has introduced the pentagram as an important church symbol? What sense does it make for the Mormons now to be putting the pentagram out as one of their symbols and making it out as a religious and good symbol when the world regards it as evil, when at one time the largest number of those that have previously proudly displayed it are the openly proud followers of Satanic cults? Why are the LDS now seeking a kindred identity with these kind of people? These are all among the many questions that remain unanswered, but cannot remain unasked. The pentagram never was considered a Mormon symbol until it turned up on a Mormon building a few years ago. A phone call placed to church spokesmen shortly after the completion of the Church Museum connected us to spokesman Don LeFevre and finally to (after a number of transfers) an LDS church official who provided the explanation that this was the version a BYU professor came up with trying to combine a collage of various symbols. There are those in the church who are starting to say it is on the temple - it most definitely isn’t and never has been, upon examinations and photos of the exterior of the building. What is the influence that now exists in the church to perpetrate this? The predominant evidence shows that influences promoting evil have gained a strong foothold in today’s LDS Church. Although Hofmann was exposed as a fraud, the spirit of his works have never been repented of. It doesn’t make any sense for the church to put themselves in this position; either Joseph Smith was a true prophet and the church is true -in which case his teachings should adhered to- or the modern versions of Hofmann forgeries and pentagrams that have most recently been promoted are true, which would therefore make the LDS Church evil - but both versions cannot be true. Mosiah 5:13 "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?" Joseph Smith said that when an evil reaches a certain point, it is an evil in itself not to resist it. There is a moral obligation for all honorable men to oppose the evil that has entered into the true church of God. The object of this article is merely to oppose this evil, not necessarily to oppose any individuals or leaders, but to oppose the evil being perpetuated regardless of its origin, and whether or not the spotlight shines on certain individuals are the unintended but nonetheless unavoidable consequences. It is not our purpose to oppose church leaders but only to expose the false doctrine that it is evident they are teaching. We invite all who have partaken of the evils described here, regardless of their status in the church, to repent and re-enlist on the side of the true religion established by God and restored through Joseph Smith. "And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall." 2 Nephi 29:28 The time is soon coming when church members will find themselves forced to admit and choose which version of the Mormon religion they follow, the original true religion, or the modern religion that embraces ties to the occult. The time is growing short for members of the LDS faith to awake to their awful situation and repent of these recent betrayals, and return to the true religion of the early church founded by Joseph Smith. Chapter 8 Salvation: What Is at Stake?
"And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have never heard." (3 Nephi, 21:21) A religious man once instructed his son to always remembering the following words while he lived his life: "It took trillions of years for you to earn your birthright and place in eternity, and it can all be lost in a moment." These words stayed with the son, who was the descendant of several significant religious leaders, and when he grew up, he taught his children to value this same wisdom about the precariousness of this temporal mortal existence, and of the principles of advancement in the spirit world and eternal heaven. Few people seem to comprehend the significance of their brief earthly life in the context of eternal existence. The concept of an eternal existence can be better understood by viewing this mortal life as a brief but vitally necessary and significant test in the eternal time-line. Although brief, the chance to live this life is a necessary proving of one's worthiness to be numbered with the Lord's sheep, or the "House of Israel." The man referred to above also taught his children that throughout history all true servants of the Lord, and anyone who has ever chosen to stand for truth and on the opposite side of the adversarial influence of Satan's powers, has found that choosing to serve the Lord has always carried with it a price (As in the words of George Q. Cannon): "...from the very beginning down through all the generations, even to our own day, it has been the case that truth has been unpopular. Hence the saying of the Apostle Paul: "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." He did not say that they might suffer, or that they perhaps might suffer, but that they shall suffer. It should be one of the consequences of living godly in Christ Jesus"...They were willing to endure all things; to have their names cast out as evil; to be persecuted..." What is at stake, that it would be of uttermost importance for a man to teach his loved ones to understand and have a knowledge of such principles? (3 Nephi, 21:20). "For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel. 21. "And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have never heard. 22. But if they will repent and hearken unto my words, and harden not their hearts, I will establish my church among them, and they shall come into the covenant and be numbered among this the remnant of Jacob(_Lehi's son) , unto whom I have given this land for their inheritance" What is at stake? It is clear we have a choice as outlined in the above scriptures, to repent and "(verse 6) baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine...", or to suffer the consequences of not repenting, as in the statement "...I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have never heard." Unless one has actually visited environments of severe poverty, hunger, disease, and oppression of certain third world countries, is difficult to comprehend the hardships of actually living in such a place, much less such conditions "as they had never heard." The prospect of "vengeance and fury, even as upon the heathen" occurring in any form in our own land should fill anyone with horror at such a prospect. This is among the judgments promised for those who do not repent and hearken unto the words of our Savior, Jesus Christ. When one contemplates the freedoms and privileges of living in America as compared to oppressive tyranny ridden foreign countries, one realizes how truly blessed we are to live in this greatest country, and how greatly the Lord's influence has blessed this country to allow such liberties of worship and thought. What a truly blessed position it is to be born an American citizen, to be born in this country, at this point in the world's history. What a blessing it is to be born an American citizen and have free access to the knowledge of God, and to have the chance of spreading this knowledge for the benefit of mankind. And what a tragedy it would be to waste these blessings and this position with a life not well lived, and to be among the many who suffer a fate worse than is known anywhere in the world today ("such as they have never heard") and be cut off in the time of the Lord's judgments for not repenting. What a tremendously wonderful opportunity the Lord has given the people of free countries to have his knowledge and his scriptures at their fingertips. When one reads these scriptures and realizes the significance of a series of great miracles in the forming of our country and freedoms, one must naturally acknowledge the Father's hand in the formation of our country. The timely sending of our greatest heroes nourished the rise of this greatest of all countries, with their contributions and sacrifices: 3 Nephi, 21,4: "For it is wisdom in the Father that they should be established in this land, and be set up as a free people by the power of the Father, that these things might come forth from them unto a remnant of your seed (the American Indians), that the covenant of the Father may be fulfilled which he hath covenanted with his people, O House of Israel." 3 Nephi 21,8: "And when that day shall come, it shall come to pass that kings shall shut their mouths; for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider. 9. "For in that day, for my sake shall the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it to them." At the beginning of the same chapter, 3 Nephi 21, the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is prophesied by Christ. "...when these things...shall be made known unto the Gentiles that they may know concerning this people who are a remnant of the house of Jacob and concerning this my people who shall be scattered by them... Therefore, when these works and the works which shall be wrought among you hereafter shall come forth from the Gentiles, unto your seed (the American Indians) which shall dwindle in unbelief because of iniquity; "For thus it behooveth the Father that it should come forth from the Gentiles, that he may show forth his power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know the true points of my doctrine, that they may be numbered among my people, O house of Israel (the American Indians). Sermon of George Q. Cannon: "It is not always _ neither has it been the case with the majority of mankind who have comprehended the truth _ the popular voice that is expressive of truth. On the contrary, from the very beginning down through all the generations, even to our own day, it has been the case that truth has been unpopular. Hence the saying of the Apostle Paul: "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." He did not say that they might suffer, or that they perhaps might suffer, but that they shall suffer. It should be one of the consequences of living godly in Christ Jesus. The Savior told His disciples the same thing. He led them to expect that they would be persecuted, that they would be hated of all men for His name's sake. He cited the attention of His disciples to the Prophets who had preceded them; they had been persecuted, they had been slain, and in like manner they might expect a similar fate, and we know full well that this was all fulfilled, that they did meet this fate; as He himself died a martyr to the truth, so His Apostles died in like manner, and the great body of his followers suffered persecution..." "...They were willing to endure all things; to have their names cast out as evil; to be persecuted; to be stripped of everything that they had. Paul says: "They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword, they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, etc." They suffered all manner of afflictions because of their love for the Gospel. But they lived in peace with themselves and with their God." The principle of persecution for those who serve the Lord makes it clear that those who have not encountered persecution and are enjoying the praise and rewards of the world can be presumed to be among those who have chosen to go the way of the world, which is the pathway of least resistance. Excerpts of Lehi's Dream (1 Nephi 8): 20. "And I also beheld a straight and narrow path, which came along by the rod of the iron, even to the tree by which I stood; and it also led by the head of the fountain, unto a large and spacious field, as if it had been a world. 21. And I saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree by which I stood." 23. "And it came to pass that there arose a mist of darkness; yea, even an exceeding great mist of darkness, insomuch that they who had commenced in the path did lose their way, that they wandered off and were lost." 26. "And I also cast my eyes round about, and beheld, on the other side of the river of water, a great and spacious building; and it stood as it were in the air, high above the earth. 27. "And it was filled with people, both old and young, both male and female, and their manner of dress was exceedingly fine; and they were in attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit. 28. "And after they had tasted of the fruit they were ashamed, because of those that were scoffing at them; and they fell away into forbidden paths and were lost." We will all be judged by the fruits of our efforts in this life. The fruits of some is to content themselves on finding and dwelling on the rotten fruit of others. For those that choose to live their life for their Savior; injustices against you will occur when you choose to serve the Lord and are a required price. The people of King Benjamin were a righteous and blessed people, as in his words: "And moreover, I shall give this people a name, that thereby they may be distinguished above all the people which the Lord God hath brought out of the land of Jerusalem; and this I do because they have been a diligent people in keeping the commandments of the Lord." (Mosiah 1:11) Yet he was commanded to address his people at length in the following manner: (Mosiah 2:25)"And now I ask, can ye say aught of yourselves? I answer you, Nay. ye cannot say that ye are even as much as the dust of the earth; yet ye were created of the dust of the earth; but behold, it belongeth to him who created you." Mosiah 3:23_25 "...I have spoken the words which the Lord God hath commanded me. "And thus saith the Lord: They shall stand as a bright testimony against this people, at the judgment day; whereof they shall be judged, every man according to his works, whether they be good, or whether they be evil. "And if they be evil they are consigned to an awful view of their own guilt and abominations, which does cause them to shrink from the presence of the Lord into a state of misery and endless torment, from whence they can no more return; therefore they have drunk damnation to their own souls." When what was at stake was made clear to the righteous people of King Benjamin they were overcome with fear: (4:1) "And now, it came to pass that when king Benjamin had made an end of speaking the words which had been delivered unto him by the angel of the Lord, that he cast his eyes round about on the multitude, and behold they had fallen to the earth, for the fear of the Lord had come upon them. "And they viewed themselves in their own carnal state, even less than the dust of the earth. And they all cried aloud with one voice, saying: O have mercy, and apply the atoning blood of Christ that we may receive forgiveness of our sins, and our hearts may be purified; for we believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who created heaven and earth, and all things; who shall come down among the children of men." (Mosiah 4:2) Similar reactions are recorded throughout the Book of Mormon, such as the conversion of King Lamoni: (Alma 18:41)"And he began to cry unto the Lord, saying: O Lord, have mercy; according to thy abundant mercy which thou hast had upon the people of Nephi, have upon me, and my people. "And now, when he had said this, he fell unto the earth, as if he were dead. (Chapter 19)" And it came to pass that after two days and two nights they were about to take his body and lay it in a sepulchre, which they had made for the purpose of burying their dead..." 6. "Now... Ammon...knew that King Lamoni was under the power of God... 8. "And he said unto the queen: He is not dead, but he sleepeth in God, and on the morrow he shall rise again; therefore bury him not." Conclusion Excerpts from Piece by Elder Hugh W. Nibley: "We might as well recognize the fact that whatever we say and do in righteousness is going to be misinterpreted. The only way we can make things easier for ourselves in the world is to go the way of the world. It would be hard to deny that the peace and prosperity of the Church in the past years has been largely the fruit of willingness to go the way the world goes." "Do we really believe the First Vision? Thousands of Latter Day Saints attest to it every Fast Sunday; but when the earliest, fullest, and best account of the First Vision, dictated by the Prophet at the age of 26 to Frederick G. Williams, was discovered and published in 1968 it caused not the slightest ripple of interest in the Church. It is enough, apparently, to know that God has spoken again from the heavens—never mind what he said.""Where all truth is encompassed in one great whole to raise one question is to raise many others, and any issue relevant to the gospel inevitably leads to a discussion of the whole thing." "Though some may find it hard to believe, I find no cause for boasting in my priesthood—nothing is easier than conferring it upon one, but that is only the beginning; for it to be a real power requires a degree of concentration, dedication, and self_discipline which few ever attain to, and for the rest priesthood is not a blessing but a terrible risk. The priesthood is not a badge of office to be worn as a feather in a cap.""The most useful lesson is the silence of heaven on this particular issue in the light of our own woeful ignorance. There is a connection between the two. Where the people do not seek for wisdom and knowledge, God will not give it to them, and so they remain in ignorance, and may not ask for help from above." "Nothing pleases God more than to have his children 'seek greater light and knowledge"_it was for that that Adam, Abraham, Enoch, Moses, and Joseph Smith were rewarded with the richest blessings. Nothing displeases him more than to have them "seek for power, and authority, and riches" (3 Nephi 6:15). Through the years the Latter_day Saints have consistently sought not for the former but for the latter. It is only right and proper that we should stew in our own juice for a while." "I sought for the blessings of the fathers . . . desiring also to be one who possessed greater knowledge, and to be a greater follower of righteousness, and to possess greater knowledge..."(Abraham 1:2) "A former president of the BYU pompously announced at a convention of educators that we at the BYU are not seeking for truth, because we have the truth! 1_his is where we stand today It is common at the BYU for students to protest against being taught anything they did not know before: "Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? . . . And because that I have spoken one word he need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be unto the end of man . . . (2 Nephi 29:8_9) "The fact is that the Latter_day Saints "will not search knowledge, nor understand great knowledge, when it is given unto them in plainness, even as plain as word can be" (2 Nephi 32:7). They simply are just not interested. How little we know about things. How little we want to know. The information is there, far more abundant than we have been willing to realize, if we will only reach out for it." Chapter 9
Prophecies For Our Day By Early Church Leaders
The restoration of the Gospel through Joseph Smith is beautiful story retold in his own words in the Pearl of Great Price (Joseph Smith, Chapter 2), setting a course for future generations to have a clear cut choice between knowledge of the true points of the gospel and serving the Savior, or to be among those described in the quote "darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the the minds of the people." At the conclusion of the last Pearl of Great Price chapter, Oliver Cowdery writes: "These were days never to be forgotten-- to sit under the sound of a voice directed by heaven, awakened the utmost gratitude in this bosom!....some thousands have stepped forward amid the frowns of bigots and the calumny of hypocrites, and embraced the Gospel of Christ....For the question might be asked, have men authority to administer in the name of Christ, who deny revelations, when His testimony is no less than the spirit of of prophecy, and His religion based, built and sustained by immediate revelations, in all ages of the world in all ages of the world when He has had a people on earth?" "Man may deceive his fellow men, deception may follow deception, and the children of the wicked one may have power to seduce the foolish and the untaught, till naught but fiction feeds the many, and the fruit of falsehood carries in it's current the giddy to the grave; but one touch with the finger of his love, yes, one ray of glory from the upper world, or one word from the mouth of the Savior, from the bosom of eternity, strikes it all into insignificance, and blots it forever from the mind." (Comments of Oliver Cowdery, Joseph Smith, 2) A great man wrote the above comments at the end of the Pearl of Great Price, a man who was one of the original three witnesses to the Book of Mormon, a man who helped translate the Book of Mormon and who stood next to the great prophet Joseph Smith in his calling; he received the same gift of faith and power as Joseph Smith (D&C 17:7). Yet tragically he fell from his position and was removed for what might be considered minor transgressions in today's Church With this in mind, the following prophecies pertain to the latter days: "After a while the Gentiles will gather to this place by the thousands, and Salt Lake will be classed among the wicked places of the world. A spirit of speculation and extravagance will take possession of the Saints, and the result will be financial bondage. "Persecution will be next, and all true Latter_day Saints will be tested to the limit. Many will apostatize, and others will stand still, not knowing what to do. 'Darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people'." "The judgments of God will be poured out upon the wicked to the extent that our elders from far and near will be called home. Or in other words, the gospel will be taken from the Gentiles and carried to the Jews." Heber C. Kimball Now is the time, for us as individuals, to repent: "And now, I am prepared to say by the authority of Jesus Christ, that not many years shall pass away before the United States shall present such a scene of bloodshed as has not a parallel in the history of our nation; pestilence, hail, famine, and earthquake will sweep the wicked of this generation from off the face of the land, to open and prepare the way for the return of the lost tribes of Israel from the north country. The people of the Lord, those who have complied with the requirements of the new covenant, have already commenced gathering together to Zion, which is in the state of Missouri; therefore I declare unto you the warning which the Lord has commanded me to declare unto this generation, remembering that the eyes of my Maker are upon me, and that to Him I am accountable for every word I say, wishing nothing worse to my fellow-men than their eternal salvation: therefore, "Fear God, and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgement is come." Repent ye, repent ye, and embrace the everlasting covenant, and flee to Zion, lest the everlasting scourge overtake you, for there are now those living upon the earth whose eyes shall not be closed in death until they see all these things, which I have spoken, fulfilled. Remember these things; call upon the Lord while He is near, and seek Him while He may be found..." Joseph Smith D.H.C 1:312-316 Now is the Time - Time Nor Tide Wait For No Man Alma, 34: "31. Yea, I would that ye would come forth and harden not your hearts any longer; for behold, now is the time and the day of your salvation; and therefore, if ye will repent and harden not your hearts, immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you. 32. For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors. 33. And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed. 34. Ye cannot say when ye are brought to that awful crisis, that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have the power to possess your body in that eternal world. 35. For behold, if ye have procrastinated the day of your repentance even until death, behold, ye have become subjected to the spirit of the devil, and he doth seal you his; therefore, the Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn from you, and hath no place in you, and the devil hath all power over you; and this is the final state of the wicked."
D&C 112: 23. Verily, verily, I say unto you, darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people, and all flesh has become corrupt before my face. 24. Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and, as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord. 25. And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord. 26. First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord. 30. For unto you, the Twelve, and those, the First Presidency, who are appointed with you to be your counselors and your leaders.... 33. Verily I say unto you, behold how great is your calling. Cleanse your hearts and your garments, lest the blood of this generation be required at your hands."
Before that day comes , however, the Saints will be put to a test that will try the integrity of the best of them. The pressure will become so great that the more righteous among them will cry unto the Lord day and night until deliverance comes. Then the Prophet Joseph and others will make their appearance and those who have remained faithful will be selected to return to Jackson County, Missouri and take part in the upbuilding of that beautiful city, the New Jerusalem." Heber C. Kimball A more complete account of the words of Heber C. Kimball: Prophetic Sayings of Heber C. Kimball to Sister Amanda H. Wilcox
This is part of What Sister Wilcox has to say: During the latter part of May, 1868, President Heber C. Kimball and I were standing in front of his place on North Main. After a few moments conversation he turned to me and said, "Now Sister Amanda, I am going to tell you something." Looking south, he observed, "What do you see?" I told him that I did not know any of the places on Main Street except Brother Wells', Bishop Hunter's, Walker Brothers' and the Tithing Office. He then remarked, "I will begin with Brother Wells' place. It will be torn down and a six_story building will be erected on that corner. All of the houses south of that place will removed to make room for buildings that will average from three to six stores high. "Now we will come back from Fourth South to the Council House corner. Here a large fireproof building will be erected with an addition to it on the west. Where the Tithing Office now stands will be constructed a building that will be a credit and honor to the inhabitants of this whole intermountain. The land around the Temple Block will be owned by the Saints and this will become a city of beautiful buildings. Next comes the Temple. What do you expect to see there?" I told him that I expected to see the Savior, Joseph, Hyrum and others. He said, "Have you seen the Temple picture?" I said that I had not. He then put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Now Look." "Oh, how white and beautiful!" I exclaimed. He then removed his hand and the vision was gone. He then asked me if I knew where the Prophets, Joseph and Hyrum were. I told him that I knew, and he said, "This must be kept a secret." He told me that the trials of the Saints would be hard to bear until the square of the Temple was reached. Before that time, however, our brethren would be imprisoned until the penitentiary shall be full, and some of them would be removed to other places. Mothers would weep for their husbands, and children would cry for their fathers. Some would die, and sorrow would fill the hearts of every Latter_day Saint. Continuing, he said, "When the Temple roof is on, it will be somewhat better, but when the building is completed, the evil one will be shut out. The prayers of the Saints will be heard, and the sick will will be taken there to be healed. The Spirit of God will rest upon his people and work for the dead will be continued night and day. You will attend the dedicatory services on the third day, and if you will come to this very spot, after the meeting is dismissed, you will hear a mighty voice cry out, 'All is well.' " I attended the services on the third day, and went to the designated spot, and heard the voice, as he said I would, repeated three times. He went on to say, "An army of elders will be sent to the four quarters of the earth to search out the righteous and warn the wicked of what is coming. All kinds of religions will be started and miracles performed that will deceive the very elect if such a thing were possible. Our sons and daughters must live pure lives so as to be prepared for what is coming. "After a while the Gentiles will gather to this place by the thousands, and Salt Lake will be classed among the wicked places of the world. A spirit of speculation and extravagance will take possession of the Saints, and the result will be financial bondage. "Persecution will be next, and all true Latter_day Saints will be tested to the limit. Many will apostatize, and others will stand still, not knowing what to do. 'Darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people'." "The judgments of God will be poured out upon the wicked to the extent that our elders from far and near will be called home. Or in other words, the gospel will be taken from the Gentiles and carried to the Jews. "The western boundaries of the state of Missouri will be swept so clean of its' inhabitants that as President Young tells us, 'that there will not be so much as a yellow dog to wag his tail'. Before that day comes , however, the Saints will be put to a test that will try the integrity of the best of them. The pressure will become so great that the more righteous among them will cry unto the Lord day and night until deliverance comes. Then the Prophet Joseph and others will make their appearance and those who have remained faithful will be selected to return to Jackson County, Missouri and take part in the upbuilding of that beautiful city, the New Jerusalem." "Now Sister Amanda," he continued, "a few words to you in relation to your children. Do you know who they are? They are Joseph and Ephraim combined. The evil one will make a great effort to darken their minds in relation to the gospel, but they will come through all right." Sister Wilcox closes her narrative with the following statement' "As soon as I reached home I made a record of what Brother Kimball had told me, as I knew that every word would come true. I did not see him again until next Sunday. After meeting he bade me good_bye, and that was the last time I ever saw him." Amanda H. Wilcox (Sister Amanda H. Wilcox, who relates the above sayings, was the daughter of Abraham Bastow Hillam and Hannah Helliwell, was born Feb. 10th, 1843 at Bradford, Yorkshire, England. She was baptized July 9th 1854 by Millen Atwood. Married to Walter Eli Wilcox May 9, 1860. Came to Utah in 1859 with ox team train. Had thirteen children, nine boys and four girls. Nine children were still living when this was published, all having remained true to the "Mormon" faith.
Chapter 10
"Like the days of Noah..."
(Moses 8:20)"And it came to pass that Noah called upon the children of men that they should repent; but they hearkened not unto his words. "And also, after that they had heard him, they came up before him saying; Behold, we are the sons of God; have we not taken unto ourselves the daughters of men? ...And our wives bear us children, and the same are mighty men, which are like the men of old, men of great renown. And they hearkened not unto the words of Noah..." We read in the scriptures that these last days would be like the days of Noah. What does this mean and exactly how does it pertain to the people of today? How would Noah be perceived if he were alive today? Would he be hailed and accepted as the great man he is? What would he say, what would he preach? Would he adopt one of the many "Christendom" lines of thought, e.g., preaching love and tolerance for the many differing views on today's definitions of right and wrong? Would he promote "inclusiveness" with the goal of allowing large numbers of those with various "progressive" religious and developing ethical ideologies into his circle? Would he adopt some of the approaches which today carry the label "intellectual"; e.g., would he place himself in the "mediator" position to promote love and harmony and togetherness between various factions of modern religious thought? Or would he preach repentance, as "like the days of Noah" would certainly mean there would be little difference between the people of today and Noah's time? With the exception of the last question, such questions are too ludicrous to contemplate. He certainly did not have the luxury or time to do anything but boldly proclaim the gospel, with the hopes of possibly bringing some to repentance. Noah was ordained and commanded to declare the Lord's Gospel to the children of men. Moses 8:27(Also Genesis 8:16) states "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord; for Noah was a just man, and perfect in his generation; and he walked with God, as did his three sons..." Noah was well aware of the impending flood and well aware of his responsibility to try to convince his fellow men to repent and be saved from certain destruction. He labored diligently and with great care to exhort the people to return to God; imagine the anguish he felt when some of his own descendents were affected by the trends of that time (verse 15). Verse 27 states "Noah was a just man." A just man would simply wish for a true justice to address the wrongs that needed attention. Yet this just man finally reached the point where "it repented Noah, and his heart was pained that the Lord had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at the heart."(Verse 25) (Moses 8:23) "And it came to pass that Noah continued his preaching unto the people, saying: Hearken, and give heed unto my words." (Verse 22) " And God saw that the wickedness of men had become great in the earth; and every man was lifted up in the imagination of the thoughts of his heart..." What was it that would make a just man, "perfect in his generation" repent that man was created on the earth? Why would a just man with a perfect sense of fairness and justice reach the conclusion that he fully realized would cause the Lord to (verse 26) "destroy man whom I have created...for it repenteth Noah that I have created them..." Why did the harsh realities of justice demand the lives of the near total inhabitants of a planet? Justice, as defined is "the administering of a deserved punishment or reward." What was it that would cause an entire generation of people on the earth to be consumed by a flood to serve justice? What would be the very great sins of a people that would require their very lives to meet the demands of justice? We have learned that the one sin which requires such a penalty is the "shedding of innocent blood." Could it be possible that an entire civilization or civilizations could be guilty of such crimes or consenting to them in some way, as in Noah's time? Do we each need to assess our own lives to make sure we are not partakers of such evils? Are we to fear God's judgements, such as pestilence, famine, wars between nations, earthquakes, floods, etc? We will leave the individual reader to search and decide these answers, and also to contemplate that only the judgements of God through the forces of nature can be unleashed to carry out such a sentence on mankind, according to His will, with the hope we each will be among those who have fully repented of our sins and are spared. The people of that time presumed that they were a very righteous and enlightened people (verse 21), certainly with no need to be called to repentance. Are there parallels between the people of Noah's time and the people of today? Would Noah have espoused current lines of modern "intellectual" thinking to deal with the issues of his time? Absolutely not, for he fully realized the seriousness and urgency of the situation facing that people, to address their grave situation under the guise of "intellectual" musings would have been folly. And so it has been with other situations and other noted prophets. (Alma Chapter 10:24) "And now it came to pass that the people were more angry with Amulek, and they called out, saying: This man doth revile against our laws which are just, and our wise lawyers whom we have selected." "But Amulek stretched forth his hand, and cried mightier unto them, saying: O ye wicked and perverse generation, why hath Satan got such great hold upon your hearts? Why will ye yield yourselves unto him that he may have power over you, to blind your eyes, that ye will not understand the words which are spoken, according to their truth? "For behold, have I testified against your law? Ye do not understand; ye say that I have spoken against your law; but I have not, but I have spoken in favor of your law, to your condemnation." Some great prophets, such as Amulek are on record as using the example of the people of Noah to call their people to repentance. (Alma 10:22)"Yea, and I say unto you that if it were not for the prayers of the righteous, who are now in the land, that ye would even now be visited with utter destruction; yet it would not be by flood, as were the people in the days of Noah, but it would be by famine, by pestilence, and the sword. "But it is by the prayers of the righteous that ye are spared; now therefore, if ye will cast out the righteous from among you then will not the Lord stay his hand; but in his fierce anger he will come out against you; then ye shall be smitten by famine, and by pestilence, and by the sword; and the time is soon at hand except ye repent." (Isaiah 66:5) "HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD, YE THAT TREMBLE AT HIS WORD; YOUR BRETHREN THAT HATED YOU, THAT CAST YOU OUT FOR MY NAME'S SAKE, said, Let the Lord be glorified, but HE SHALL APPEAR TO YOUR JOY, and they shall be ashamed" How would a man like Noah be received today? We conclude this chapter with wisdom from the Apocrypha, Chapter 5(excerpts): 1. Then shall the RIGHTEOUS MAN STAND IN GREAT BOLDNESS before the face of such as have afflicted him, and made no account of his labours. 2. When they see it, they shall be troubled with terrible fear, and shall be amazed at the strangeness of his salvation, so far beyond all that they looked for. 3. And they repenting and groaning for anguish of spirit shall say within themselves, this was he, whom we had sometimes in derision, and a proverb of reproach. 4. We fools accounted his life madness, and his end to be without honor. 5. How is HE numbered among the children of God, and his lot is among the saints! 6. Therefore have we erred from the way of truth, and the light of righteousness hath not shined unto us, and the sun of righteousness rose not upon us. 7. We wearied ourselves in the way of wickedness and destruction; yea, we have gone through deserts, where there lay no way, but as for the way of the Lord, we have not known it. 8. What hath pride profited us? Or what good hath riches with our vaunting brought us? 15.But the righteous live for evermore; their reward also is with the Lord, and the care of them is with the MOST HIGH.
Chapter 11
Questions to ask about the Mormon Religion (Are you being given the facts by those who profess to know?):
1. Who is the Book of Mormon most specifically written for? Although the expected answer given will be "everyone", the second line of the Title Page clearly mentions the Lamanites (American Indian People) before any other group for a reason, the writers of the Book of Mormon were naturally most concerned about their descendants of these days, as is natural for any parent to be concerned for their children’s future: "Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the House of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile." It is curiously specific in its intent, as the fathers of the American Indians pleaded with God on behalf of their people, their children of these last days, the American Indians. While it is natural to hope that righteous people will be saved whoever and wherever they are, the bond between parents and their children and their children’s children is naturally strongest. This is an important distinction made, as the people of Book of Mormon were naturally most concerned about their descendants and had a covenant with the Lord that their people would return to God in these last days; they would be the primary recipients of the blessings of the House of Israel on this continent, along with those few Gentiles who had sufficiently repented to be numbered among the House of Israel _ the American Indian People. "Much has been said and done of late by the general government in relation to the Indians (Lamanites) within the territorial limits of the United States. One of the most important points in the faith of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints, through the fullness of the everlasting Gospel, is the gathering of Israel, that happy time when Jacob shall go up to the house of the Lord, to worship Him in spirit and in truth, to live in holiness; when the Lord will restore His judges as at the first, and His counselors as at the beginning; when every man may sit under his own vine and fig tree, and there will be none to molest or make afraid; when He will turn to them a pure language and the earth will be filled with a sacred knowledge, as the waters cover the great deep; when it shall no longer be said, the Lord lives that brought up the children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt, but the Lord lives that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the North(The lost Ten Tribes), and from all the lands whither He has driven them. That day is one, all important to all men."" The Book of Mormon has made known who Israel is, upon this continent. And while we behold the government of the United States gathering the Indians and locating them upon lands to be their own, how sweet is to think that they may one day be gathered by the Gospel!" (from "Gathering of Israel", Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 92) 2. Which of the groups of people listed on the Title Page comprises the largest percentage of the current LDS church? Again, the title page specifically categorizes the people of the world into three categories, the Lamanites (American Indians), Jews, and Gentiles. Although Joseph Smith and others who established the church are members of the House of Israel, and the church has members of that lineage today, known as the descendants of Ephraim, the present LDS church is referred to in the scriptures as the Gentiles, as gentiles make up the primary membership of the church today. Joseph Smith also affirmed ths distinction in his dedicatory prayer (Doctrine and Covenants 109, verse 60) of the Kirtland Temple: ", who are identified with the Gentiles." This is a very important delineation necessary for interpreting the Book of Mormon prophecies such as 3 Nephi, Chapter 16. 3. Who is the "House of Israel" referring to in the Book of Mormon? As mentioned before, although there are various members of the House of Israel within the traditional make_up of the LDS Church, the term "House of Israel" as used in the context of the Book of Mormon refers to the descendants of the writers of the Book of Mormon, namely, the American Indians, referred to as "Lamanites" in the Book of Mormon. There are great blessings promised to the House of Israel in the Book of Mormon, meaning those Lamanites who have been and will be converted to the Mormon religion. 4. What role was given to present members of the LDS church in relation the the American Indians? There is some confusion abounding on the interpretation on that primary role the LDS Church plays in the latter days on this subject. 3 Nephi Chapter 21, pertains to these last days, verse 5 states "Therefore, when these works and the works which shall be wrought among you hereafter shall come forth from the Gentiles, unto your seed..." and verse 4 states "these things shall be might come forth from them unto a remnant of your seed"; (verse 6) For thus it behooveth the Father that it should come forth from the Gentiles, that he may show forth his power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine that they may be numbered among my people, O house of Israel (the American Indians)." The LDS Gentile people have been blessed so that they might assist in bringing these works to the American Indians, in hopes to be numbered with them when that covenant is fulfilled (verse 4). 5. (D & C Section 113:7_10) "...What is meant by the command in Isaiah, 52nd chapter, 1st verse, which saith: Put on thy strength, O Zion _ and what people had Isaiah reference to? "He had reference to those whom God should call in the last days, who should hold the power of the priesthood to bring again Zion, and the redemption of Israel; and to put on her strength is to put on the authority of the priesthood, which she, Zion, has a right to by lineage; also to return to that power which she had lost. "What are we to understand by Zion loosing herself from the bands of her neck; 2nd verse? "We are to understand that the scattered remnants (the house of Israel) are exhorted to return to the Lord from whence they have fallen; which if they do, the promise of the Lord is that he will speak to them, or give them revelation." "Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion." Chapter 12
The Choice Birthright of the American Indians
The Prophet Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and early Mormon Church leaders in public sermons, in plain bold words; explained that the American Indians were God's covenant people, of the blood of Israel __ which is a superior birthright to the gentiles; and that the Mormons were to do all they possible could for the Indians. An Apostle of the Mormon Church, Wilford Woodruff stated in 1855: "I want to know now, if the Mormons can really and truly realize our true position with regard to the Lamanites (the American Indians), or do you consider them inferior? Do you ever read the Book of Mormon? If you do, do you believe and realize the truth of its sayings and also what the Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith? These are the things that we have in our possession; we have them in the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the History of Joseph Smith. Do you read them? If you lay them to heart as the things of God, you will feel that it is necessary to do our duty to our red brethren. When the Priesthood was restored, I knew then that if it were not for the Israelites (The American Indians), the Gentiles might go to hell and be damned. The Lord would not take much pains with us anyhow, were it not for the promised seed (the American Indians). Instead of them being inferior to us in birthright, they are superior in birthright; and they stand first in many instances, with regard to the promises of God in particular." Brigham Young stated that what the Mormons did for the Indians determined whether the Mormon gentiles went up or down. Christ described the polluted condition of the gentiles of these latter days in 3rd Nephi, Chapter 16:10_12, and that when they would reject the fullness of his Gospel, he states that he would remember his covenant with the Indians and bring the knowledge of the fullness of his Gospel to the Indians and show to the Indians that the Gentiles would not have power over you. The Book of Mormon in Jacob Chapter 5; describes that the gentiles who are polluting the Lord's vineyard __ will be pruned out of the Lord's vineyard (the Mormon Church); and he will bring in the natural branches, the American Indians, to save the life still left in the roots of the Lord's vineyard (the Mormon religion). The Mormon Doctrine and Covenants Sec. 10:60_62; states that the Lord will bring to light to the American Indians the great works their forefathers did in the Book of Mormon and they will not deny the Mormon religion, but will build it up and bring to light the true points of God's doctrine in the Lord. D&C 14:9_10 quote "Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, who created the heavens and the earth, a light which cannot be hid in darkness: Wherefore, I must bring forth the fullness of my Gospel from the Gentiles unto the house of Israel" (the American Indians). The prophet Joseph Smith stated that if the Mormon Gentiles would not serve God; the Lord would pass them by, and get a people, and get a people who would (the American Indians), as God would have a people to serve him in these last days: But he feared that the Mormon Gentiles would seek to justify themselves from one step to another until they were clear down to hell. Brigham Young stated that when the Lord brought in the Indians to save the Mormon religion, "we" would be the servants and the Indians the masters. Mormon Doctrine and Covenants Section 124, verse 12 states the importance of finding the truth: "For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait of men, whereby, they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it_" The Indians can find the truth that they are God’s covenant people; they can find it by knowing the Book of Mormon; they can read of their promised great blessings in these last days. Time nor tide wait for no man, it is of the utmost importance that the Indians discover this during this time of crisis. According to the Book of Mormon parable of the vineyard, it is the Indians that God will have serve him to save the roots of the Mormon church, the big lofty branches which are all presently bringing forth bitter fruit are sapping the life from the roots of the tree until it is all but worthless. D&C Section 10:62 states the Indians will bring out the true points of God’s doctrine, the only true doctrine of God. "Yea, and I will also bring to light my gospel which was ministered unto them, and behold, they shall not deny that which you have received, but they shall build it up, and shall bring to light the true points of my doctrine, yea, and the only doctrine which is in me." Meaning the Indians will not deny the truth of what Joseph Smith taught, rather they will build it up. Ignorance is not bliss, the truth must be told concerning the promise of God to his covenant people, the American Indians. The Prophet Joseph Smith remarked: "I am a rough stone. The sound of the hammer and the chisel was never heard on me until the Lord took me in hand. I desire the learning and wisdom of heaven alone. I have not the least idea if Christ should come to the earth and preach such rough things as He preached to the Jews, but that this generation would reject him for being so rough." ‘He then took for his text the 37th verse of the 23rd chapter of Matthew’- " O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not." (The Purpose of the Gathering of Israel, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 307)
Chapter 13
The Return of the Prophet Joseph Smith _ "I come again to lead you forth"
The last address of Joseph the Prophet to the Nauvoo Legion, before leaving for the Carthage Jail where he was murdered: "You will be called the first Elders of the Church, and your missions will be to the nations of the earth. You will gather many people into the vastnesses of the Rocky Mountains as a center for the gathering of the people, and you will be faithful because you have been true; and many of those that come under your ministry, because of their much learning, will seek for high positions, and they will raise themselves in eminence above you, but you will walk in low places unnoticed and you will know all that transpires in their midst, and those that are my friends will be your friends. This I will promise you, that when I come again to lead you forth, for I will go to prepare a place for you, so that where I am you shall be with me." The following scriptures and prophecies, referring to the one mighty and strong, are intended to help give the reader an idea of what type of person Joseph Smith is, to consider the picture that has been created . (D&C Sec. 85, Verse 7) "And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth will utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God..." It is clear that this setting in order refers to the state of the LDS church in the last days. The 43rd section of the Doctrine and Covenants assures us that the keys to the church reside with the LDS Church leaders (Verses 2_7). Verse 4 states that the power to appoint the leader of the church will not be taken from the church, whether or not those leaders are faithful to their calling. Verse 7 states, "...he that is ordained of me shall come in at the gate and be ordained as I have told you before..." Joseph Smith foresaw that the time would come when many would be claiming the keys of priesthood authority, which is now. He stated he would give a sure key so you wouldn't be deceived of where the keys would be , that those keys would be where the main body of the church was; where the church records and the history of the church were kept is where the keys would be. This is important to note in a time when many break_off groups from the LDS Church are falsely claiming priesthood authority; the arrival of the one mighty and strong is promoted with erroneous pretense by many of those groups. The return of Joseph Smith is indisputable. The issues of where he will be, who he is, and when he will be here breeds more deceptions, more false conclusions, more false prophets, more erroneous assumptions than any foretold event in the last days, among those that identify themselves with the Mormon faith. The resulting confusion has produced such a clouded state of thinking and erroneous expectations, that it is likely the emergence of the one mighty and strong will be rejected by the majority of those who look for him. The following scripture reference provides a clear outline for those seeking to endure to the end and be saved: "But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God, who giveth liberally; and that which the Spirit testifies unto you even so I would that ye should do in all holiness of heart, walking uprightly before me, considering the end of your salvation, doing all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men; for some are of men, and others of the devils." (D&C 46:7) For those that would react to the preceding scripture nonchalantly or with ambivalence, or if you simply thought "I am not among those deceived, it is not a major concern for me", it is you for which it is intended the most. We, as Joseph Smith himself said he himself did, are all commanded to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, as in Mormon, 9:27: "O then despise not, and wonder not, but hearken unto the words of the Lord, and ask the Father in the name of Jesus for what things soever ye shall stand in need. Doubt not, but be believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your heart, and work out your salvation with fear and trembling before him." Mormon Doctrine and Covenants Section 124, verse 12 states the importance of finding the truth: "For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait of men, whereby, they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith p. 237) ADDRESS OF THE PROPHET TO THE RELIEF SOCIETY: President Joseph Smith read the 14th chapter of Ezekiel _ said the Lord had declared by the Prophet, that the people should each one stand for himself, and depend on no man or men in that state of corruption in the Jewish church _that righteous persons could only deliver their own souls _ applied it to the present state of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints _ said if the people departed from the Lord, they must fall _ that they were depending on the Prophet, hence were darkened in their minds, in consequence of neglecting the duties devolving on themselves, envious towards the innocent, while they afflict the virtuous with their shafts of envy." Only those with a strong testimony of the Savior, who are guided by the holy spirit will be able to stand. The following scriptures will clear up some of the confusion on the role that Joseph Smith plays in these last days. Many are looking for an appearance of a man to prove to them that he is the one mighty and strong spoken of in the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, which promises the one mighty and strong will be sent to set in order house of God. Prophecy of Heber C. Kimball: Before that day comes , however, the Saints will be put to a test that will try the integrity of the best of them. The pressure will become so great that the more righteous among them will cry unto the Lord day and night until deliverance comes. Then the Prophet Joseph and others will make their appearance and those who have remained faithful will be selected to return to Jackson County, Missouri and take part in the upbuilding of that beautiful city, the New Jerusalem." In the Endowment House Prophecy of 1867, Heber C. Kimball states Joseph Smith "will come in the days of the seventh president (of the Church), but will not take over until later." D&C 103:Verse 15: Behold, I say unto you, the redemption of Zion must needs come by power; 16. "Therefore, I will raise up unto my people a man, who shall lead them like as Moses led the children of Israel. "For ye are the children of Israel, and of the seed of Abraham, and must needs be led out of bondage by power, and with a stretched forth arm. "And as your fathers were led at first, even so shall the redemption of Zion be. Which people do these previous two verses refer to? Here the Lord is referring to those people who are to redeem Zion. Again, much confusion exists as to who these people are. In the dedicatory prayer (D&C Section 109:60) of the Kirtland Temple, the Prophet Joseph made the Gentile identification clear when he referred to "the revelations and commandments which thou (the Lord) hast given us who are identified with the Gentiles." 3rd Nephi, 21: 22_23 tells us it is primarily Lamanite people, along with those remaining Gentiles who have repented.: D&C 103, Verse 21: Verily, verily I say unto you, that my servant Baurak Ale (Joseph Smith Jun.) is the man to whom I likened the to whom the Lord of the vineyard spake in the parable which I have given you. " Verse 35: "Therefore as I said unto you, ask and ye shall receive; pray earnestly that peradventure my servant Baurak Ale (Joseph Smith Jun.) may go with you, and preside in the midst of my people, and organize my kingdom upon the consecrated land, and establish the children of Zion upon the laws and commandments which have been and which shall be given unto you. "All victory and glory is brought to pass unto you through your diligence, faithfulness, and prayers of faith." 2 Nephi, 3:6 "For Joseph truly testified, saying: A seer shall the Lord my God raise up, who shall be a choice seer unto the fruit of my loins. "Yea, Joseph truly said: Thus saith the Lord unto me: A choice seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins; and he shall be esteemed highly among the fruit of thy loins. And unto him will I give commandment that he will do a work for the fruit of thy loins, his brethren, which shall be of great worth unto them, even to the bringing of them to the knowledge of the covenants which I have made with thy fathers. "And I will give unto him a commandment that he shall do none other work, save the work which I shall command him. And I will make him great in mine eyes; for he shall do my work." This scripture clearly refers to a man who has to put his efforts towards the converting of the House of Israel Lamanite people. Here the specific commandment given to Joseph Smith is that when he returns he is given a commandment that he has a most specific duty to do a work for the Lamanites, and "he shall do none other work, save the work which I shall command him." For those looking to identify the man Joseph Smith, they can be assured the efforts and life's mission of Joseph Smith have been focused on the Lamanite people as well as the Gentiles. Verse 11: "But a seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins; and unto him will I give power to bring forth my word unto the seed of my loins_ and not to the bringing forth my word only, saith the Lord, but to the convincing them of my word, which shall have already gone forth among them. These are the promises given to Joseph of Egypt, that one day a man will be raised up from his descendants who will one day convince the House of Israel of the truthfulness of the Gospel. A chief calling of Joseph Smith is to convince the Lamanites of the Book of Mormon which has already gone forth among them. 3 Nephi, 20:43 "Behold, my servant shall deal prudently; he shall be exalted and extolled and be very high. (It is suggested that the reader research all possible meanings of the word "prudently" as defined in a scriptural sense. In the standard dictionary, "prudently" is defined by several synonymous adverbs: wisely, judiciously, discreetly and sagaciously, or, in a circumspect manner). Joseph Smith is a man with a work to complete with the Lamanites, and he will "deal prudently" as he performs this work. 3 Nephi, 20:44 "As many were astonished at thee _ his visage was so marred, more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men_ This describes a man that, when his identity becomes known, will cause many to be astonished; his appearance will confound expectations, a man so marred he will not be easily identified as Joseph Smith, but rather a humble and simple man subjected to the ailments of a mortal body. The need for this servant to be healed is obvious and promised in the next verse: 3 Nephi, 21:10 "But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil." 3 Nephi, 21:9 "For in that day, for my sake shall the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it." "Wherefore, I call upon the weak things of the world, those who are unlearned and despised, to thrash the nations by the power of my spirit; and their arm shall be my arm, and I will be their shield and their buckler; and I will gird up their loins, and they shall fight manfully for me; and their enemies shall be under their feet; and I will let fall the sword in their behalf, and by the fire of mine indignation will I preserve them." (D&C 35:12_14) Romans 11:25_27 "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. "And then all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob; "For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. Who shall be cast off? (Romans 11:1) "I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. "God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Know ye not what the scriptures saith of Elias? how he maketh complaint to God against Israel, saying, "Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. "But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. "Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. Verse 7: "What then? Israel hath not obtained that which they seek for: but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded." Verse 11: "I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid; but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy." Paul speaks of the parable of the vineyard earlier in this same chapter and warns the grafted in Gentiles to not boast against the natural branches, His covenant people: (Romans 11:13_24) "For I speak unto you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office. "If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them. "For if the casting away of them is is the reconciling of the world, what shall the restoring of them be, but life from the dead? "For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches. "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wast grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; "Boast not against the branches, for thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. "For if thou boast, thou wilt say, The branches were broken off, that we might be grafted in. "Well; because of unbelief they were were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear. "For if God spare not the natural branches, take heed lest he also not spare thee. "Behold, therefore the Goodness and severity of God; on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness; otherwise thou shall be cut off also." Isaiah, 11:1 "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots. (Verse 10) "And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand as an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious." D & C Section 113: "Who is the stem of Jesse, spoken of in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th verses of the 11th Chapter of Isaiah? Verily thus saith the Lord: It is Christ. "What is the rod spoken of in the first verse of the 11th Chapter of Isaiah, that should come of the Stem of Jesse? "Behold, thus saith the Lord: It is a servant in the hands of Christ, who is partly a descendent of Jesse as well as of Ephraim, or of the House of Joseph, on whom is laid much power. "What is the root of Jesse spoken of in the 10th verse of the 11th chapter? "Behold, thus saith the Lord, it is a descendant of Jesse, as well as of Joseph, unto whom rightly belongs the priesthood, and the keys of the kingdom, for an ensign, and for the gathering of my people in the last days." D & C Section 113, 7_10 "...What is meant by the command in Isaiah, 52nd chapter, 1st verse, which saith: Put on thy strength, O Zion _ and what people had Isaiah reference to? "He had reference to those whom God should call in the last days, who should hold the power of the priesthood to bring again Zion, and the redemption of Israel; and to put on her strength is to put on the authority of the priesthood, which she, Zion, has a right to by lineage; also to return to that power which she had lost. "What are we to understand by Zion loosing herself from the bands of her neck; 2nd verse? "We are to understand that the scattered remnants (the house of Israel) are exhorted to return to the Lord from whence they have fallen; which if they do, the promise of the Lord is that he will speak to them, or give them revelation." "Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion." 2 Nephi, 3:4_18 (Lehi to his son Joseph) "For behold, thou art the fruit of my loins, and I am a descendant of Joseph who was carried captive into Egypt. And great were the covenants of the Lord which he made unto Joseph. "Wherefore, Joseph truly saw our day. And he obtained a promise of the Lord, that out of the fruit of his loins the Lord God would rise up a righteous branch unto the house of Israel; not the Messiah, but a branch which was to be broken off, nevertheless, to be remembered in the covenants of the Lord that the Messiah should be made manifest unto them in the latter days, in the spirit of power, unto the bringing of them out of darkness unto light _ yea, out of hidden darkness and out of captivity unto freedom. "For Joseph truly testified, saying: A seer shall the Lord my God raise up, who shall be a choice seer unto the fruit of my loins. "Yea, Joseph truly said: Thus saith the Lord unto me: A choice seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins; and he shall be esteemed highly among the fruit of thy loins. And unto him will I give commandment that he will do a work for the fruit of thy loins, his brethren, which shall be of great worth unto them, even to the bringing of them to the knowledge of the covenants which I have made with thy fathers. "And I will give unto him a commandment that he shall do none other work, save the work which I shall command him. And I will make him great in mine eyes; for he shall do my work." "And he shall be great like unto Moses, whom I have said I would raise up unto you, to deliver my people, O house of Israel. "And Moses will I raise up, to deliver thy people out of the land of Egypt. "But a seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins; and unto him will I give power to bring forth my word unto the seed of my loins_ and not to the bringing forth my word only, saith the Lord, but to the convincing them of my word, which shall have already gone forth among them. "Wherefore, the fruit of thy loins shall write; and the fruit of the loins of Judah shall write; and that which is written by the fruit of thy loins, and also that which shall be written by the fruit of the loins of Judah, shall grow together, unto the confounding of false doctrines and laying down of contentions, and establishing peace among the fruit of thy loins, and bringing them to the knowledge of their fathers in the latter days, and also to the knowledge of my covenants, saith the Lord." Chapter 14 A Testimony of the Divine Origin of the Prophet Joseph Smith Our prophet was born on December 23, 1805. He was born to goodly parents Joseph Smith Senior, and Lucy Mack Smith. The Smiths were a noble family who through much sacrifice and heartache, helped to bring the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints into being. People like the Smith family have been maligned and slandered from the beginning, by both the foes of the L.D.S. and by the L.D.S. themselves in the last few years. The paganistic viewpoint that is held by most people today is that nobody could have been that good, honorable, decent and self-sacrificing. Today’s attitude is "what is in it for me?". It has long been known that a self centered pampered religious bigot cannot conceive of a true Christian Saint. It is beyond their ability to realize that a family such as the Joseph Smith family would be willing to give their all, including their own life’s blood for the sake of their religion. Which is exactly what they did. The first one to die was Joseph Smith Sr. who was 67 years old when he was arrested on false charges, was permitted to escape by an apostate constable, and then was hunted like a fugitive criminal, enduring terrible privations; he never recovered from the sickness brought on by exposure and hardship, dying shortly thereafter. Then a little more than two years later both Hyrum and Joseph Smith Jr. were brutally murdered by a mob in Carthage jail under the protection of the Governor of Illinois Thomas Ford who had guaranteed their safety (it is interesting to note that the Carthage Greys, a military division that was to protect them, didn’t suffer a single injury in their defense and although they fired (blanks) on the mob, not a single injury was sustained by any member of the mob). During this time, while fleeing from a mob their brother Samuel injured himself and died a few weeks later in agonizing pain. Thus we have four of the Smith family dying by the hand of mobs,. A terrible price to pay for your beliefs. Joseph Smith Jr. was just a boy of 14 years when he saw God the Father and the Son in a daylight vision. When inquiring as to which church to join, he was told to "join none of them, for they were all wrong"; "their creeds were an abomination in His sight; that those professors were all corrupt"; that " they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of Godliness, but they deny the power thereof." Just as soon as it became known that the boy Joseph had seen a vision, all Hell declared war on the Smith family! Within a short while the Angel Moroni came to show him the Ancient record of the Lamanite people (the so called American Indians), and as a young man when he finally obtained these Gold plates, all Hell declared war upon him with a renewed vigor. Why it was that great preachers and ecclesiastics came from all over the country to persecute and wreak havoc upon the Smith family, Joseph Smith Jr. in particular, is truly amazing! Why, if he was a misguided boy, did they not show him the way and extend to him the hand of a true Christian in friendship? Instead he was given hatred and scorn. His life was never the same again, constant threats on his life, musket balls shot at him from nowhere, vicious lies, slander, bullying by full grown men, beatings, and later on in his life mobs used hot tar and feathers that caused him severe burns. They tried to make him drink a vial of acid that they broke severely, cutting his lip and chipping a tooth. Hundreds of frivolous law suits were trumped up to drag him into court. Time after time his innocence was proven! Governor Boggs issued an extermination order against all Mormons in the State of Missouri. He made Joseph Smith spend months in putrid prisons even though he was innocent of any wrong at all. This is what the young Joseph Smith was soon to experience.
In the midst of all this turmoil including being driven from his home several times and constant threats upon his life, Joseph Smith at age 21 was a young man from a rural area, with only three years of formal education, and was able to translate (with the gift of the Urim and Thummin translators from God) THE BOOK OF MORMON , a book containing 522 pages, 300,000 words and 2,600 years of history. Written in many styles, with 54 chapters dealing with wars, 21 historical chapters, 55 chapters on visions and prophecies, all this was brought about in a little over two months time. A sacred book that agrees meticulously with the Bible, the first edition has stood on its own, with only a few grammatical corrections and with no changes to the text. This BOOK OF MORMON has stood the test of time, many scoffers, so called experts, religionists and scholars have over the past 173 years tried in vain to discredit the BOOK OF MORMON, but still it remains a true and correct record even to the minutest detail, examples including the exact age of Christ to the day, the seven hour time difference between Jerusalem and the Americas and the use of spring steel during the so called bronze age. Joseph Smith was an uncommon man, of sterling virtue, as was his family and the early leaders of the Church. He lived through a period of the most extreme hatred and persecution, endured imprisonment, hundreds of false trials with trumped up charges that all were proven false and finally giving his life for the principles that he established through the Power of God! After the Mormons were driven out of Illinois the mobs of Illinois and Missouri continued to rage, stealing cattle and killing off the drovers, murder, robbery and rape became a way of life in these areas, until after the Civil War when the Union sent in troops to destroy the gangs and bring law and order back to this ravaged area. The enemies of Joseph Smith have tried every 50 years or so to link the Spaulding manuscripts with the Book of Mormon, each time failing miserably, but still they persist. The Spaulding Manuscript a Proven Hoax! In the latter part of November 1832 there were various other annoyances, among which may be mentioned the strife which Dr. Hurlburt, with his lying stories, succeeded in arousing by lecturing in various places roundabout. This Dr. Hurlburt had been excommunicated from the Church for immoral conduct; he it was who originated the theory of connecting The Book of Mormon with the Spaulding story, a theory now (1893) recognized as false by the best authorities outside of the Church. And of course always declared to be false by the members of the church.President James H. Fairchild, in the "New York Observer" of February 5th, 1885, speaking of the discovery by Mr. Rice of the Spaulding Romance, says: "The theory of the origin of the Book of Mormon in the traditional manuscript of Solomon Spaulding will probably have to be relinquished........... Mr. Rice, myself and others compared it (the Spaulding manuscript) with the Book of Mormon, and could detect no resemblance between the two, in general or detail. There seems to be no name or incident common to the two........... Some other explanation of the origin of the Book Mormon must be found, if any explanation is required." The above article should have put the matter to rest, however a copy of the Spaulding manuscript was found in Hawaii in the 1940's which once again was shown that it had no resemblance whatsoever to the Book of Mormon. Then in the late 1980's a forger named Mark Hofmann forged a land Deed that tied Sidney Rigdon to Spaulding (Hofmann misspelled "Spalding" instead of Spaulding and also dated the document at 1822, - Spaulding died in 1816) and once again the plagiarism issue briefly reared its ugly head, until Mark Hofmann murdered two people with bombs; and in a court of law was subsequently found to also be a forger of historical documents and whose fear of discovery was the motive that drove him to brutally murder the two people. During Mark Hofmann’s career he forged the "Salamander letter"implying that the Prophet Joseph Smith was an ignorant superstitious hillbilly who believed in occult practices. Mark Hofmann later admitted getting his idea for this letter from a bitter enemy to the Church, 1834's E. D. Howe’s Mormonism Unveiled. All of Mark Hofmann’s forgeries were based on Anti-Mormon works, every one of his so called historical documents is full of slanderous lies designed to discredit Joseph Smith and the early Church leaders. He delighted in rewriting Church history, with sordid accusations of bitter anti-Mormon apostates and Mormon haters delicately interwoven into the fabric of his forgeries, designed to shake the testimonies of the pious current LDS Church members. The subject matter of Hofmann’s forgeries was everything from plagiarism, to witchcraft, to adultery, to false blessings, to portraying early Mormons as an incredibly ignorant and superstitious people, and all of this was made to order. Why? Because the LDS intelligencia and so called historians were swallowing the changed history hook line and sinker. The scholars at BYU where authenticating these forgeries for $20,000, and Dallin Oaks, a Church Apostle, was giving speeches explaining to us all what a salamander really was (an Angel of Fire?). What he neglected to say is what it really is, an occult symbol from witchcraft. One hundred and fifty five years of dignity was suddenly destroyed by accepting and giving credence to a bunch of poorly done forgeries! The Church leaders should have known, that while ignoring contradictory opinions of handwriting experts (who stated that they were forgeries), the documents also contained wrong dates, misspelled names, wrong locations of the principal players, similar handwriting on each document, lack of ink blotches, lack of scratched out words (it was common in writing then, as it is now, to change your mind), and an indication in the forgeries of meticulously writing, as in copying a draft of something. In addition, the Police department exposed the existence of clothes pin marks, ink runs, cracked ink, blue haze, solubility, excess staining. Combined with SAMD testing, this was all the proof necessary to prove that the documents in question were forged documents, and take the case to court for a conviction. SADLY NONE OF THE STATEMENTS MADE BY THE FIRST PRESIDENCY OF THE CHURCH HAVE EVER BEEN RETRACTED, AND NOT ONE OF THOSE INVOLVED HAVE ASKED FORGIVENESS OR REPENTED OF THIS EVIL DEED! THESE DISGUSTING SLANDEROUS LIES AGAINST JOSEPH SMITH’S CHARACTER ARE STILL WITH US TO THIS DAY!!!!! WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO ACCEPT SOMETHING SO SLANDEROUS AS THESE FORGERIES THAT INSINUATE ADULTERY, WITCHCRAFT, ERRONEOUS CONCEPTS, IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY, THE PLAGIARISM OF THE BOOK OF MORMON AND THE CONCEPT OF A SALAMANDER? WOULD A RATIONAL LEADER OF THE MORMON CHURCH WITH A TESTIMONY OF THE DIVINITY OF THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH PURCHASE THESE DOCUMENTS AND TRY TO HIDE THEM? LET ALONE VALIDATE THEM BY AUTHENTICATING THEM? THESE ARE SOME VERY SERIOUS QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK YOURSELF!! ALAS ONCE THESE FOOLISH MISTAKES WERE MADE THEY CAN NEVER BE TAKEN BACK. THE MORMON CHURCH IS IN DESPERATE NEED OF TRUE LEADERSHIP, WITH SO MANY ENEMIES WITHIN ALL TRYING TO EVOLVE THE TRUE MORMON RELIGION INTO A PANTHEISTIC WORLD CHURCH THAT PANDERS TO THE MASSES. Mark Hoffman has been praised as being one of the greatest forgers of all time, although this is mainly to cover up the stupidity of those whom he duped. He was however a good con-man and remarkable in his ability to pander to the Mormon history revisionists that so eagerly sought after the evil documents that he produced. Everything from the cramped handwriting style, to the subject matter, to the fact that he was making too many finds of a lifetime (where others had spent their entire life looking for such as these and failed), he was pulling out one startling and extremely controversial discovery (made to order forgery) after another. The odds of finding a single "rare document" such as these is approximately ten-thousand to one, let alone many more; this one fact should have easily given him away as the poor forger that he was. His techniques were all in books that he had obtained, including the use of old blank pages from antique books for the paper, as this was the one simple thing that fooled most of the supposed experts. Not only this but if Mark Hoffman would not have panicked and resorted to violence he would still in all probability be forging false documents to this day! As evidenced by the protection that was given to him by the Church authorities during the murder investigation. And as a final note, not only was Mark Hoffman a relatively unskilled forger, he was even worse at being a bomber. He was packing around live bombs that could have detonated with the smallest of bumps, no secondary arming devices, just a jiggle switch armed ready to go, drive across town with it on the seat next to you, which proved ultimately to be his undoing! This is an example of Mark Hoffman’s true intelligence. The real intelligence was with the Salt Lake City Police Detectives, and George Throckmorton (he was the one that discovered all of the scientific flaws of the forgeries) these men were they who exposed the entire web of deceit! Thanks be to all of these men and the sacrifices that they made to bring this entire concatenation into the cold hard light of day, against the wishes of the Church leaders who should have been 100% behind the investigation to vindicate the traditional Mormon doctrine. The old original Mormonism was once again restored in measure............but not for long. The Mormon Revisionists who so eagerly sought after Mark Hoffman’s forgeries, and who seemed silenced by the whole ordeal, have of late delighted in the use of pentagrams on the reconstructed Nauvoo Temple. Gleefully pointing out how an inverted pentagram was the symbol of Christ, and that it was an old Israelitish symbol, and that King Solomon had a ring with this symbol on it and that he captured demons with it and made them do his bidding. What a lot of nonsense!!!! The inverted pentagram is, was and always will be a symbol of evil! ISAIAH 5: 20-21 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight." Why did the Mormon Church install inverted pentagrams in the 4th floor circular windows, and interior frieze panels of a room in the reconstructed Nauvoo Temple? Was it to link Joseph Smith and the early Mormons with the Occult? What possible motive was behind this? What possible evidence do they have to support this desecration of a temple? A supposed single solitary preliminary sketch from the architect William Weeks, that had been passed down perhaps through tainted hands, and donated over a hundred years later? Of three existing Daguerreotypes not one of the windows in question is discernable as a pentagram, especially not the Cedar City Daguerreotype, until now. WE HAVE ANOTHER FORGER IN OUR MIDST!!! WHOEVER IT IS THAT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSERTING AN INVERTED PENTAGRAM THAT IS IN THE SO CALLED RESTORED HIGH DEFINITION CEDAR CITY DAGUERREOTYPE IMAGE ON THE CHURCH’S WEBSITE IS GUILTY OF TRYING TO REWRITE CHURCH HISTORY, AND DEFAME THE GOOD NAME OF JOSEPH SMITH AND THE EARLY MORMON CHURCH. This forgery is plainly visible in the far left fourth floor circular window when magnified approx. 2x. Or perhaps from the observable evidence, a sinister implication that is of the modern day leadership’s possible involvement in the Occult and witchcraft. This is a very frightening possibility with extremely serious consequences. DEUTERONOMY 18 : 10-14 " There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners, but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do." MICAH 5: 12 "And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers": The pentagram represents evil, it is the symbol of enchanters, witches, wizards, warlocks, and necromancers. It is not a symbol of righteousness nor has it ever been. It has been available to all of the followers of Satan from the beginning." In the Book of Mormon: HELAMAN 6: 25-26 " Now behold, it is these secret oaths and covenants which Alma commanded his son should not go forth into the world, lest they should be a means of bringing down the people unto destruction. Now behold those secret oaths and covenants did not come forth unto Gadianton from the records that were delivered unto Helaman; but behold, they were put into the heart of Gadianton by that same being that did entice our first parents to partake of the forbidden fruit..." From this, it is obvious that not only are the Oaths and Covenants of Satan readily available to those that wish to follow him, but it is also readily apparent that symbols, marks and secret signs have been among us from the beginning. Joseph Smith had nothing whatsoever to do with witchcraft, so called white witchcraft, sorcery, or anything like unto it. He never had any peep stones or other superstitious nonsense. Joseph Smith was a Prophet of the Lord and he conducted himself as such, with dignity, wisdom and the kind of knowledge that could only be obtained from God. If he had involved himself with anything regarding sorcery, or witchcraft even in the least degree, then he could not have been a prophet of God, he could not have held the priesthood, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could not be the true church of Christ, for you cannot serve two masters! The seriousness of this matter cannot be overemphasized, for if Joseph Smith the Prophet did practice so called white witchcraft then there is no way that he could have been a prophet of God, and the Mormon religion would also be wrong. Joseph Smith was a practicing Free Mason, as was most of the early leaders of the Church, and at his death he gave the Masonic distress signal only to be met with a volley of musket balls that tragically ended his life! Also it is interesting to note that nearly all of our great country’s noble founding fathers (except five) were practicing Free Masons. At the death of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young the new leader distanced himself and the others from the Masons. The Masons also separated themselves from the Mormons who were not allowed membership again until 1984. The Masons have come under a lot of scrutiny of late, but it is very clear that the early Masons were among the best and most noble of the people, men of sterling character, such as our founding fathers and many of our first patriots, who influenced our Constitution and established our Nation’s Ideals. There are a number of places in the Bible where God condemns any dealings with the Occult. It is important to note that the present church leaders dealt in depth in betraying the Mormon Religion by dealing with Mark Hofmann's forgeries, and are now promoting the inverted pentagrams on the reconstructed Nauvoo Temple as a Mormon Symbol. A true prophet of God, Heber C. Kimball, predicted a great test to befall the Mormon people in these last times. Unless a man knew for himself that Jesus is the Christ, he could not stand the test, and that no one would be able to live on borrowed light nor go to the leaders for answers, and that there would be an entire separation of the righteous from the wicked in the Church. The pressure would be so great that the righteous would pray night and day for deliverance. He also said that the church had a very close place to pass through but that it would come through. Chapter 15 Original LDS Church Leaders Strict Stand Against Abortion. "The Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which shall not be forgiven in the world nor out of the world, is in that ye commit murder wherein ye shed innocent blood, and assent unto my death, after ye have received my new and everlasting covenant, saith the Lord God; and he that abideth not this law can in nowise enter into my glory, but shall be damned, saith the Lord." D&C 132:27 There is a notable difference on the view of abortion between the present day leaders of the L.D.S. church, and the early church leaders who helped found the church in the first place. The present church leaders permit abortion on the "opinion of competent medical counsel," and "only after counseling with the bishop or branch president and after receiving divine confirmation through prayer." In contrast the early church leaders considered it to be the vilest kind of murder. George Q. Cannon stated in 1884 that "just as sure as it (abortion) is done, and people yield to it, so sure will they be damned, they will be damned with the deepest damnation; because it will be the damnation of shedding innocent blood, for which there is no forgiveness." In 1882, President John Taylor stated that "Already are we interfering with the laws of nature and stopping the functions of life, and have become the slayers of our own offspring...I tell you a humble servant of the living God, that unless these infamies are stopped, this nation will be overthrown... This is not only my saying, but it is the saying of those ancient prophets which they themselves profess to believe." President Taylor later said that "I want to warn our brethren and sisters against these infamies, and against permitting these filthy wretches (abortion advocates) to come into their houses...there are some of these people crawling around us like so many vipers, and insinuating their hellish, murderous practices into the families of some who call themselves Latter-day Saints. Woe ! to such saints. You cannot have a place among the Latter-day Saints, and I speak of it that the Presidents of Stakes and the bishops may be apprised of these things." The present leaders of the church also say that you must follow the leaders, and their counsels and policies will not lead you astray. If that is true, then which leaders counsels do you wish to follow? Either the present leaders are wrong, or the early church leaders were wrong. It is the present church leaders who have learned, and inherited the precepts that were revealed during the times of the early church leaders. No right ever appeared from a wrong. How could the present church leaders consider themselves to be right, if they themselves consider their very foundation to be faulty? If you accept the explanation that since times change, that "the times were simpler then," and so the leaders position must also change with the times; then do you also accept that taking an innocent life which the church originally considered to be an unforgivable sin, is now conveniently forgivable? Do you not realize that God's revelations and commandments are everlasting and not subject to change? The present leaders in the church have taken an about face from the earlier teachings, and the condition of the times has only taken a change for the worse. The present church leaders say "as far as has been revealed, the sin of abortion is one for which a person may repent and gain forgiveness." Do you know where in the Scriptures or anywhere else you can find this new revelation which supplants the old? Have you ever read it, or even heard of it? If you really think that the prophet's view today can be different than another prophet's view from years gone past, then how can the two prophets exist in eternity in the same discipline when they so fundamentally disagree? The present leaders have the keys of authority in the church, and what they say is the official position of the church. But each member in the church still needs to know for themselves the difference between right and wrong. Before the devil fell from grace he boasted he would save all souls, and not allow anyone to be led astray. Christ said he would give them their free agency, and allow them to choose for themselves. If you do decide that committing abortion is an unforgivable murder, then you should speak up against it; as President Taylor said "We must protest against foeticide, infanticide, and other abominable practices of Christendom being forced upon us, either in the shape of legislative enactment, judicial decision or any other adjunct of so-called civilization." Will God our Creator, who gave us life, and is the only one has the wisdom and knowledge to take it, justify you to kill an innocent life which has given no offense, for worldly conveniences? Latter Day Saints used to believe that God created all the spirits who ever lived, or who ever will live on this earth, before the world was created, and it is wrong for man to deny some of those spirits their just right to their lives on this earth, where they can be tested in their choice between good and evil. And how can man possibly say there are too many people in the world, and thereby justify their murders; when they should know that the number of people to dwell on the earth has been pre-determined. If you believe the early church leaders and never consent to an abortion, you will not be lost without hope for being wrong. On the other hand, if you believe the present church leaders and consent to an abortion, then you should remember the consequences if you are wrong. Taken from discourse by President John Taylor, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Provo, November 30, 1879, Journal of Discourses, Volume 20, page 354.I feel to proclaim against the vices of the age, whether in this nation or others; for we as a nation are fast descending as low as the most degenerate and corrupt nations of Europe, and are practicing infamies which have been the overthrow and ruin of many mighty cities, nations and empires, and which are now the loathsome, unnatural, disgusting, damning sins of Christendom. The standing law of God is, be fruitful and multiply; but these reformers are "swift to shed blood," even the blood of innocence; and with their pre-natal murders and other crimes, are slaying their thousands and tens of thousands with impunity, to say nothing of that other loathsome, disgusting, filthy institution of modern Christendom "the social evil" as well as other infamous practices. We must protest against foeticide, infanticide, and other abominable practices of Christendom being forced upon us, either in the shape of legislative enactment, judicial decision or any other adjunct of so-called civilization. We are American citizens and are not yet deprived of the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Taken from discourse by President John Taylor Delivered at the General Conference, April 9, 1882, Journal of Discourses, Volume 23, page 66.It has become unfashionable in the east for women to have large families. I have heard remarks like this: one lady was asked, How many children have you? One or two. Is that all? What do you take me for, do you think I am a cow? Why no, you are not a cow, for cows do not murder their offspring. What a terrible tale is here told! What a horrible state of affairs is here exhibited. And I am told that some of these iniquities are being introduced here. I tell you in the name of God, if you do we will be after you. I am told of Physicians who are acting as they do in the east - as the butchers of infants. Let us look after these things, you Bishops, and if you do find it out, bring them up. As God lives we will not permit such infamies in our midst; you will not commence your fashionable murders here. And I will say now, Wo to this nation and to the nations of Europe, or any people among any nation, that sanctions these things. Have you not read that no "murderer hath eternal life abiding in him?" What shall be of those unnatural monsters, the slayers of their own offspring? This revolting, unnatural, damnable vice may be fashionable, but God will require this crime at their hands. Wo to men and to women that are licentious and corrupt, depraved and debauched, and especially wo, tenfold wo, to the murderers of helpless innocence. I tell you this in the name of the Lord. If these things are not stopped, God will arise and shake the nations of the earth and root out their infamies. Taken from Discourse by President George Q. Cannon, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Provo, Nov 20, 1884, Journal of Discourses, Volume 26, page 14.If we were guilty of those crimes so fashionable in the world whereby the increase of families is prevented, I do not suppose their would be one word said about our system of marriage; I have no idea there would be. But the fact that we do raise children, the fact our houses and settlements are full of healthy offspring, is a standing protest against the crimes of the age; it is a standing protest against those abominable practices that are destroying the foundation of many communities within the confines of the United States, and they are determined - those who are guilty of these things - that we shall not exist. The loudest outcry against us, and the most devoted efforts against us, come from the region where these dreadful practices prevail, where women murder their offspring before they are born, are guilty of this pre-natal murder, among the people of the United States who think themselves the most enlightened. Twenty five years ago when I was laboring in the ministry in that region I visited one of the towns, and the President of the branch of the Saints there, (an old resident, whose ancestors were among the first settlers of the town) told me his wife was continually jeered at - and this was twenty five years ago - by her associates, because she bore children, and bore them regularly - that she did not take the means to prevent the increase of her family! If I had not known him I could scarcely have believed it, it was too horrid. I have learned since, however, that that is a common practice in that region. The feature of that society that impresses most vividly a traveler from Utah is the fewness of children in what are called the best families. And yet it is from there that the principle outcry is raised against us, and the determination expressed to break up our families and to destroy us. God has gathered a few people out from the nations of the earth, out of Babylon. But shall they partake of these influences? I say to you my sisters, you teach your daughters against this accursed practice, or they will go to hell, they will be damned, they will be murderers, and the blood of innocence will be found upon them. A man that would sanction such a thing in his family, or that would live with a woman guilty of such acts, shares in the crime of murder. I would no more perform the ordinance of laying on of hands on a woman who is guilty of that crime if I knew it, than I would put my hands on the head of a rattle snake. We must set our faces like flint against such acts. These dreadful practices are coming up like a tidal wave and washing against our walls; for there are women among us who secretly - so I am told, I know nothing about this personally, but I am told there are women among us who are instilling this murderous and accursed idea into the breasts of women and girls in our midst. Now just as sure as it is done, and people yield to it, so sure will they be damned, they will be damned with the deepest damnation; because it will be the damnation of shedding innocent blood, for which there is no forgiveness; and I would no more, as I say, administer to such women, baptize them, or perform any ordinance of the Gospel for them, than I would a reptile. They are outside the pale of salvation. They are in a position that nothing can be done for them. They cut themselves off by such acts from all hopes of salvation. Taken from discourse by President John Taylor, Delivered at the General Conference, April 9, 1882, Journal of Discourses, Volume 23, page 62.Already are we interfering with the laws of nature and stopping the functions of life, and have become the slayers of our own offspring, and employ human butchers in the shape of physicians to assist in this diabolical and murderous work. The sins of this nation, the licentiousness, the debauchery, the murders are entering into the ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth, and I tell you now, from the tops of these mountains, as a humble servant of the living God, that unless these infamies are stopped, this nation will be overthrown, and its glory, power, dominion and wealth will fade away like the dews of a summer morning. I also say to other nations of the earth, that unless they repent of their crimes, their iniquities and abominations, their thrones will be overturned, their kingdoms and governments overthrown, and their lands made desolate. This is not only my saying, but it is the saying of those ancient prophets which they themselves profess to believe; for God will speedily have a controversy with the nations of the earth....There are certain principles that belong to humanity outside of the Constitution, outside of the laws, outside of all the enactments and plans of man, among which is the right to live; God gave us the right and not man; no government gave it to us, and no government has a right to take it away from us. Taken from discourse by Apostle Erastus Snow, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Provo, May 31, 1885, Journal of Discourses, Volume 26, page 219.In modern Christendom - in these United States especially, and in staid New England more than perhaps any other portion of this American Continent is this commandment of God to multiply and replenish the earth nullified. The Latter-day Saints are looked upon with envy, with jealousy and reproach because they do not take the same view as they do, and their numerous families stand out in bold contrast with the New England families, where you will find as you go through the land one two, or at most three children in a family, and many families with none. In some instances this apparent sterility may have resulted from various abuses, but in most cases the result of wicked men and women to counteract and prevent the fulfilling of the great commandment of God to multiply and replenish the earth, and in many instances, foeticide, infanticide and child-murder are the result of this very general desire to avoid the responsibility of families. It has become a crying evil in the land. Some writers deeply deplore this crying evil, and represent it in its true light; while many other writers and speakers are either silent upon the subject or give their voice and influence in its favor. A few years ago, I remembered to have read a discourse of Brooklyn's great orator, Henry Ward Beecher, in which he took the ground that any considerable increase of the human species would be a positive evil, something to be deplored; and he elaborately attempted to portray the evils that would result from it, and the whole tendency of the discourse was to discourage the multiplication of human species. Others have followed in the same train of reasoning. They seem to have forgotten the commandment given to our first parents, and never to have comprehended the purposes of Jehovah. Those who adopt these views have seemed to imagine that there would be greater happiness in the gratification of fleshly lusts, and in pandering to pride and worldly pleasures, and the increase of wealth, than to obey the commandment of God. They have resolved to avoid raising large families. The last tour I took through New England, (which is my native country), about twelve years ago, I was more deeply impressed with this state of things than I have ever been before. When I was a boy, in Vermont, I knew not the ways of the world, and comprehended not what was going on, in our large cities and more populous parts of the country. I was born of honest parentage, who reverenced the principles of life and salvation, and I understood not what was going on around me, nor do I think those evils existed there to the same extent that they now do. But as I remarked, when I made my last tour through New England, I was more forcibly impressed with this state of society than ever before. I spoke of it to my aged aunt in Rhode Island. I said to her: "Aunt, when you were young, and when my mother was young, rearing large families, it was a source of joy and pleasure to rear offspring . Now as I go through the land, I see the efforts of the people are in an opposite direction." "Oh, yes," said she, "it is unpopular now, for people to have large families; it is considered vulgar, men and women now seek to avoid these responsibilities." This is a well known fact. The tendency of the age is to animalism, to the gratification of fleshly lusts and worldly pleasures. Well, the Latter-day saints have experienced in their own lives something nobler, and have learned to recognize the wisdom of Jehovah in that order of things which He enjoined upon our first parents. This is the marked difference between the unbelieving world and the Latter-day saints. I say the unbelieving world, because I regard this doctrine which I have referred to as a doctrine of devils and not the doctrine of Christ; that the tendency of it leads as I before remarked, to foeticide, infanticide, child murder, and to the gratification of fleshly lusts and worldly pleasures without fulfilling the great object and purposes of our Father, and the effect in the end would be the wasting away of the human species if it were generally adopted. It is high time that a voice from heaven should rebuke it. It is high time that the Lord, who wishes to raise up seed unto himself, should command his people and renew upon them the obligations placed upon our first parents. It is to the Latter day Saints that this mission has been committed, and the result is the multitude of school children that we find all over this territory. Over fifty thousand Sabbath school children in the territory of Utah - nearly one third of the entire population, as shown our statistics at our various conferences - are children under eight years of age. This is a startling fact to that class of the Christian world who are pursuing the opposite course. One of the Sabbath school superintendents of the city of New York, recently expressed himself very pointedly and plainly upon this subject in relation to the wealthy portion of the church going people of New York. In several thousand families attending the popular churches of New York, there could be mustered only about eighty Sabbath school children, and he attributed it to this prevailing desire for pleasure, wealth, and the shirking of the cares and responsibilities of the household, until the rearing of families was left almost entirely to the poor, to what is termed the vulgar people.......the chief warfare against the Latter-day saints at the present time is an endeavor to compel us to conform to their new state of things, or to their ideas of social sins and social duties. Taken from discourse by President John Taylor Delivered at American Fork, November 28, 1879 Journal of Discourses, Volume 21, page 116.Not long ago, I was called upon by some intelligent, or those who profess to be intelligent men, who asked me something about polygamy. "How is it with you," said I; "do you know that in this land of yours you are murdering hundreds of thousands of infants every year? Do you know that you have among you people who are considered the most fashionable and honorable that are murderers, who destroy the life that God has given before and after birth, and interfere with the laws of the almighty? Do you know that they are doing that?" "Yes, we believe they are doing it." "Do you know that you are wallowing in corruption and degradation, and that your social evils and other damnable corruptions that exist are spreading and permeating through all your society?" "Yes." "Well, you please go and attend to your own affairs. It certainly does not look well for you who hail from these sinks of infamy and degradation to preach morality to us. Please attend to your own affairs first and get them straightened out before you come to correct us." Taken from discourse by President John Taylor Delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Oct 6, 1884, Journal of discourses, Volume 25, page 315.President Cannon read as follows: Dr. Nathan Allen, of Lowell, has declared in a paper read before a late meeting of the American Social Sciences Association, that "nowhere in the history of the world was the practice of abortion so common as in this country; and he gave expression to the opinion that, in New England alone, many thousands of abortions are procured annually." Dr. Reamy, of the Ohio State Medical Society, says: "from a very large verbal and written correspondence in this and other states, together with personal investigation and facts accumulated that we have become a nation of murderers." The Rev. Dr. Eddy writes to the Christian advocate regarding one little village of 1,000 inhabitants: "Yet here, and elsewhere, where 15 percent of wives have the criminal hardihood to practice this black art, there is a still large and additional percent who endorse and defend it. * * Among married persons, so extensive has this practice become, that people of high repute not only commit this crime, but do not shun to speak boastingly among their intimates of the deed, and the means of accomplishing it." Dr. Allen further states: "Examining the number of deaths, we find that there are absolutely more deaths than births among the strictly American children, so that aside from immigration and births of children of foreign parentage, the population of Massachusetts is rapidly decreasing. The birth rate in the State of New York, shows the same fact, that American families do not increase at all, and inspection of the registration in other states shows the same remark applies to all." Bishop Coxe, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, of New York, in a pastoral letter to his people writes: "I have heretofore warned my flock against the blood-guiltiness of antenatal infanticide. If any doubts existed heretofore as to the propriety of my warnings on this subject, they must now disappear before the fact that the world itself is beginning to be horrified by the practical results of the sacrifice to Moloch, which defile our land. Again I warn you that they who do such things, cannot inherit eternal life. If there be a special damnation for those who shed innocent blood, what must be the portion of those who have no mercy upon their own flesh." Dr. Cowan, M.D., writing on what he styles "The Murder of the Unborn," says: "that this crime is not only wide-spread on this great continent, but is rapidly on the increase, we have the testimony of physicians, whose investigations have been thorough, and whose social standing and integrity cannot be questioned." President Taylor continuing said: These are the people that are coming here to reform us, and are so disgusted with our corruptions. Yet I am pleased to find that there are, once in a while, men, who have the courage to speak against these damning evils. Bishop Coxe, of the Episcopal Church, is one of these men, and I honor such men whenever I hear of them, and should be glad at all times to extend to them all courtesies possible. Dr. Allen and Dr. Reamy are inspired it seems, by the same detestation of these hellish, these fiendish, these outrageous acts. Yet from these people come our reformers, who are so horrified at the evils they see in Utah. But fortunately, the bed is too short, they cannot stretch themselves on it; and the covering is too narrow and too contracted, it will not cover them, and their evils and abominations crop out on every side, and they become their own accusers. It is their own statements that I have read to you this morning. I am sorry to know that these things are as they are; but these are facts, and we do not feel very much honored with the association of such people. We do feel honored always to associate with honorable men and women; but with the seducer, with harlots, with thieves, with murderers of the innocents, no! never! no never! We want no association with them. As it is stated here by one of these reverend gentlemen in the East, speaking of these things, no murderer hath eternal life in him, nor no murderesses have eternal life in them....I want to warn our brethren and sisters against these infamies, and against permitting these filthy wretches to come into their houses. They are too low, too debased, too corrupt; and I speak of it because I know what I am talking about; there are some of these people crawling around us like so many vipers, and insinuating their hellish, murderous practices into the families of some who call themselves Latter-day Saints. Woe! to such saints. You cannot have a place among the Latter-day Saints, and I speak of it that the Presidents of Stakes and the Bishops may be apprised of these things. And some of these people would try to pass by the Bishops, and then by the Presidents of Stakes, and then by the President of the Church, and crawl with all their slime and damnable hypocrisy into the Temples of the living God. They may pass by these, but they will have to pass by the angels and the Gods, before they get through, and they will never inherit the Kingdom of God. Hear it you sisters! Hear it you brethren! Hear it you Bishops, and you Presidents of Stakes! Watch well and know well what you are doing, when you sign recommends for doubtful characters to go into these holy places. We do not want them there. It is not their place, and you will have to account for your acts if you permit these things knowingly. It is necessary that you should be particular about these matters, for you will have to answer for your doings as I have for mine. We cannot, because of relationship, because somebody is a cousin, or an uncle, or an aunt, or a brother, or a sister, or a son or a daughter, or a father or a mother we cannot admit and will not admit them to any of these holy places unless they are worthy. President Taylor continued: (page 353) In pondering over the above sickening details...I note deliberately the weight of testimony furnished by a host of their most honorable and reliable men in the East, to whom I give all honor, who calmly and deliberately pronounce them "a nation of murderers," "the slayers of the innocent," the consumers of their own flesh. In connection with this terrible record we have in our prominent cities, flaunted before our eyes, their dens of infamy and crime, impudently and unblushingly paraded before us, and stuck under our very noses. In looking at these things I ask myself can human depravity descend any lower, and the humiliating answer comes, yes! yes!! yes!!! I have had these things read for more reasons than one. First to show the hypocrisy of those who come here to teach us morality, and who proscribe the acts of a pure and industrious people who dwell in these mountains. And for another purpose, to guard our brethren and sisters against the encroachments of such fiends in human form as those persons here referred to. We cannot have, and won' t have adulterers and adulteresses among us, much less will we have those who, by murder, stain their consciences and damn themselves forever. You sisters, guard yourselves against these infamies or you will sink yourselves down, down, down to pits of infamy and ruin, that you never dreamed of. I do not wonder that the Prophets have expressed themselves as strongly as they have in relation to the events that shall overtake the world. I remember that some 30 years ago, there was one of our brethren in an eastern city, I heard a report about his wife being engaged in something of that sort. I asked him if it were true. He said it was. I don’’t know when I felt such a loathing for a human being in my life as I felt toward her. I would sooner have touched a rattlesnake than touched her hand. And I feel so to-day. We cannot degrade ourselves with these fiendish practices. All are not guilty; for as I have frequently said there are thousands and millions of honorable men and women throughout the land. But these evils which exist in this and other nations are too terrible almost to be spoken of; yet it is requisite they should be presented before you Latter-day Saints, that you may remember the pit from whence you were dug, and the rock from whence you were hewn; that you may appreciate in some measure the blessings you enjoy, and your freedom from these infamies in this land of Zion. And I would say to you bishops - if you find adulterers and adulteresses in the Church, cut them off, they cannot be associated with the Latter-day Saints. Taken from discourse by Apostle Erastus Snow Delivered in the tabernacle, Salt Lake City, April 6, 1883, Journal of Discourses, Volume 24, page 74.When the time comes that God sees in the midst of His people an increase of the female element, and the wicked ready to devour that element and appropriate it not in the way to "multiply and replenish the earth," but for the gratification of fleshly lust, and will actually take and employ hellish means to prevent the increase of their species, and show that they are not only beneath the brute, but beneath the vegetable creation, by refusing to bear fruit, thereby placing themselves in the category of the trees that are dried up, fit only to be cast into the fire, he can take measures to counteract this evil. And I say before God, angels and men, that every man and woman who joins in unholy wedlock for the gratification of fleshly lust, and studiously plan to frustrate the command of God in the multiplication of their species, show that they are unworthy - what shall I say? - unworthy to be classed among the honorable of the earth. And we have reason to believe that many have done, and are to-day, in the great cities of Babylon, taking steps to destroy their own offspring, committing infanticide and foeticide, all of whom, and their aiders and abettors, are not ripening for the damnation of hell. And when God sees this damnable doctrine taught, and taught by such men as Mr. Henry Ward Beecher and other modern divines, falsely so called, who teach the world that it is a positive evil to multiply and increase so greatly in the land when such doctrine is taught by leading lights, and so readily accepted by the masses, the Lord says, the time has come for Him to take measures to counteract this great evil, by introducing laws in the midst of those who fear Him and live accordingly to the principles of life; men who are upright, honest and faithful, men who are willing to assume the responsibility; to take the daughters of Eve to wife and multiply and replenish the earth, for those men are unworthy of them. It is as Jesus said concerning the man who hid it in a napkin; he laid it carefully away, and by and by brought it out, saying here it is as I have received it, not having increased at all; in other words, we are just where we are when we started. Another one says I received two talents; and have increased to four, another says I received five talents, and now have ten: the master says to the one who hid his talent, who perhaps laid it carefully away and kept it nice, watching over it with the greatest care; or in other words, to him who did not multiply and increase, but on the contrary took pains to avoid doing so, "Take from him that which he seems to have and give to him that has ten; for he that has and improves upon that which he receives, shall receive more abundantly." Taken from discourse by Apostle Erastus Snow, Delivered in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall, February 26, 1882, Journal of Discourses, Volume 23, page 230.I am a native born American; I was reared in the State of Vermont. In my early days the doctrine taught to our first parents, to multiply and replenish the earth, was popular; but during the period of my life that has elapsed, it has been almost totally ignored by the social circles of New England. When I last visited the old homestead, an old aunt nearly ready to go into her grave, told me that it was irregular for people now-a-days to have large families. And it seems this is the prevailing sentiment of that region; for in traveling through New England it was rarely I saw a woman with more than two or three children. Any of the older families, those honored matrons of New England, who lived contemporary with my mother, thought it honorable to raise large families; but my old aunt who was one of the last of that stock, has, by giving way to allowing the influence of death, has imbibed false notions; and when she thus expressed herself to me I knew she was not speaking the honest sentiments of her heart. Today infanticide and foeticide are popular....yes, child murder, this damnable doctrine of devils has become popular throughout New England, and is fast spreading over the American Continent. And now it is the Irish woman, who believes in raising children, the foreign element that comes to the country that are considered the vulgar people; and were it not for this flood of foreign immigration the staid New England element would soon become extinct, and I say, in the name of Israel's God, the sooner the better unless they repent of their murders, their whoredoms and their abominations that ascend to the heavens and are a stench in the nostrils of the Almighty . Taken from writings by Elder B.H. Roberts, Outlines of Ecclesiastical History, Sixth Edition, Part 4, Section 7, page 390.Some time after Joseph’’s (of Egypt) death, there arose a king who knew him not, and observing that the Israelites were likely to become more numerous than the Egyptians - since they did not murder their offspring either before or at birth, as many among the Egyptians did - this monarch enslaved them and placed task masters over them, and by oppression and the destruction of their male offspring sought to prevent their increase. Finally the Lord raised up Moses and delivered them from bondage amid a splendid display of his almighty power, and eventually settled them in the land of Canaan, the land he had promised unto Abraham as an inheritance - where they became a mighty nation. Taken from discourse by Elder Moses Thatcher, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, April 7, 1883, Journal of Discourse, Volume 24, page 116.We were told yesterday by Elder Erastus Snow that men of great influence in the world were preaching the doctrine of human limitation, which leads to murder. And yet these very men will preach morality to you and me. While killing their own offspring and urging others to do it, they tell us that we shall not obey the laws of God pertaining to increase. I say we will. And upon natural principles, upon scientific principles. The boys and girls who live according to the law of the Lord will become the head not the foot. They will have stronger bodies, stronger minds, and by the force of the "survival of the fittest," will, eventually, under the direction of divine revelation, govern the affairs of the world. It has been so predicted; God has decreed it, who will prevent it? Let us therefore unite in turning our faces against the evil practices so prevalent in the world. Let us begin to understand and live according to the laws of nature, realizing that violations thereof bring penalties which sometimes are transmitted to the third or fourth generation. In the transmission of life God has devolved upon His creations the highest and most delicate functions, and which if abused, entail misery and often premature death. God has his glory in the perpetuation of life. With wonder and admiration we behold life everywhere. We see it struggling in the vegetable kingdom, and breathing in the animal creations. Cut down and trample under foot the noxious weed, and yet by the law that governs its increase, it struggles upwards, and unless utterly destroyed matures seed for new life, and thereby perpetuates itself. All nature responds to the eternal law of increase. Man, being prompted by him who rebelled in heaven, alone seeks to defeat life, and bring confusion and death. While he and his emissaries strive through the commission of horrid crimes, even murder, to limit human increase, let us as Saints sanctify body and soul being pure in heart and mind, a fit lineage through which noble spirits may possess tabernacles unto the glory of God the Father of spirits. Let fathers and mothers in Zion beget children, as Samuel the ancient prophet was begotten, and I tell you there is no power on earth or in hell that can stop the progress of this people, we will increase and spread abroad until Zion shall arise and shine, and the kingdom of God shall have supremacy and sway forever. Amen . Taken from discourse by Apostle Erastus Snow, delivered in the Quarterly Conference, Parowan, June 24th, 1883, Journal of Discourses, Volume 24, page 165.While the wicked are hardening their hearts in sin, and giving themselves up to whoredoms and lust, and seeking to prevent the increase of offspring among them, God is impressing upon us the heinousness of these crimes and showing us the beauty and glory of multiplying the families of Israel. When we visit these settlements of the Saints and attend the Quarterly Conferences throughout the land, what do we hear in the reports? We hear that an average of about thirty percent of the entire population are children under eight years of age, and another one-third between that and twenty, and scarcely one-third of the population are yet old enough to enter into the marriage relation. And what do we hear? Reports from the Relief Societies and the Improvement Associations and the Sunday school teachers and superintendents that are engaged in instructing them - and what do we hear? Why we hear that the spirit of the Gospel is in them, that faith is in them, and that they possess bright and intelligent minds that are reaching out after knowledge, and hearts that are grasping the things of God. It is this that causes the world to fear and tremble and this is the cause of the opposition waged against us. Taken from discourse by Harriet Cook Young, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, January 13, 1870, Women of Mormondom, Chapter 43, page 396.Here we are taught not to destroy our children, but to preserve them, for they, reared in the path of virtue and trained to righteousness, constitute our true glory. It is no wish to accuse our sisters who are not of our faith that we so speak; but we are dealing with facts as they exist. Wherever monogamy reigns, adultery, prostitution and foeticide, directly or indirectly, are its co-comittants. It is not enough to say that the virtuous and high-minded frown upon these evils. We believe they do. But frowning upon them does not cure them; it does not even check their rapid growth; either the remedy is too weak, or the disease is too strong. The women of Utah comprehend this; and they see, in the principle of plurality of wives, the only safeguard against adultery, prostitution, and the reckless waste of pre-natal life, practiced throughout the land. Taken from discourse by Elder Erastus Snow, Delivered at the General Conference, Salt Lake City, Oct. 8,1879, Journal of Discourses, Volume 20, page 374.I have felt the greatest concern for the rising generation among us; they are far more numerous than our foreign immigrants. Secretary Evarts and the Cabinet need have far less fear concerning our foreign immigrants than of those that are constantly coming from the spirit world. The enemies of Zion fear this doctrine of the Saints to fulfill the first great commandment given to Father Adam and Mother Eve, instead of adopting that abominable and soul destroying doctrine of devils, infanticide and foeticide, which is practiced to no little extent in the Christian world, which is an open violation to the laws of nature and the law of God to our first parents, to "multiply and replenish the earth." And the practice of this same doctrine is fast depopulating some of our older states; besides, it tends to encourage prostitution; and, strange as it may appear, a future day will yet reveal that among the foremost and prominent votaries of this doctrine of devils are those who fight against Zion and her institution of marriage, under the hypocritical cant as such men as Schuyler Colfax, in his utterance from the balcony of the Townsend House in this city, and Attorney-General Devens, in his argument in the Reynolds case, in effect, that the plural marriage of the Mormons cannot be tolerated, because the burning by widows upon the funeral pile of their husbands was wrong. There is about as much relevancy and consistency in the argument as there would be to say that the practices of the multitudes of families of this Christian land, who are destroying their own offspring and taking villainous compounds to induce barrenness and unfruitfulness, must be tolerated and encouraged, because the practices of the Latter-day saints are filling these mountains with a thrifty population. It is shown by our statistics that our children under the age of eight years are already nearly as numerous as the lay members of the Church. I feel that too much attention cannot be bestowed upon the rising generation. Taken from discourse by President Brigham Young, Delivered in Tooele City, August 17th, 1867, Journal of Discourses, Volume 12, page 120.To check the increase of our race has its advocates among the influential and powerful circles of society in our nation and in other nations. The same practice existed forty five years ago, and various devices were used by married persons to prevent the expenses and responsibilities of a family of children, which they must have incurred had they suffered natures laws to rule pre-eminent. That which was practiced then in fear and against a reproving conscience, is now boldly trumpeted abroad as one of the best means of ameliorating the miseries and sorrows of humanity. Infanticide is very prevalent in our nation. It is a crime which comes within the pervue of the law, and is therefore not so boldly practiced as is the other equally great crime, which no doubt, to a great extent, prevents the necessity of infanticide. The unnatural style of living, the extensive use of narcotics, the attempts to destroy and dry up the fountains of life, are fast destroying the American element of the nation; it is passing away before the increase of the more healthy, robust, honest, and less sinful class of the people which are pouring into the country daily from the Old World. The wife of the servant man is the mother of eight or ten healthy children, while the wife of his master is the mother of one or two poor, sickly children, devoid of vitality and constitution, and if daughters, unfit, in their turn, to be mothers, and the health and vitality which nature has denied them through the irregularities of their parents are not repaired in the least by their education. Taken from discourse by Apostle Erastus Snow, Delivered in the Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, March 9, 1884, Journal of Discourses, Volume 25, page 111.The Latter-day Saints do not imitate the examples of the Eastern cities and the old commonwealths of the Atlantic seaboard in destroying their offspring. They do not patronize the vendor of noxious, poisonous, destructive medicines to procure abortion, infanticide, child murder, and other wicked devices, whereby to check the multiplication of their species, in order to facilitate the gratification of fleshly lust. We are not disposed to imitate these examples, nor to drink in the pernicious doctrine once uttered in Plymouth Church by the noted Henry Ward Beecher - that it was a positive evil to increase families in the land beyond a limited extent, and the ability of the parents to properly educate and maintain them, sustaining the idea of small families; in effect, justifying the mothers - of New England, and their partners who sanction their efforts in destroying their own offspring, and in preventing the fecundity of the race. Fancy such a doctrine justified by the noted orator of the nineteenth century, and re-echoed by the smaller fry throughout the country! The Latter-day saints are taught to reverence the words of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, concerning the multiplication of their species, and are called as his children to multiply and replenish the earth. If the traveler who visits Utah, will deign to visit our congregations, our schools, and our Improvement Associations, he can view hosts of children growing up on every hand, all of whom are taught to read and write, and in the common branches of an English education beyond that which is found to exist in any other part of the land under similar circumstances. But notwithstanding all this, they say secretly among themselves, and in the national and state councils: "This will never do. A people multiplying and increasing like this will over-run the land." They say as Pharaoh did of old, "We must do something to stop this increase." Pharaoh devised means of secretly checking it, by charging his midwives, and making a decree, that every male child born in Israel should be put to death. We read that when Moses was born and his mother found him a goodly child she disregarded the decree of the king, and God over-ruled in her favor, in pursuance of her faith, and protected her movements, and Moses was spared and brought into the king' s house, and unwittingly educated under his tuition to become the future deliverer of Israel, and the lawgiver of nations. History but repeats itself. The efforts of the wicked to stop the growth and enlargement of the Latter-day Saints will as signally fail, and the failure will be on as natural principles as it was anciently in the days of Moses. For the Lord has decreed it. Taken from remarks by President Heber C. Kimball delivered in the Bowery, Salt Lake City, July 26, 1857 Journal of Discourses, Volume 5, page 91.The priests of the day in the whole world keep women, just the same as the gentlemen of the legislatures do. The great men of the earth keep from two to three, and perhaps half-a-dozen private women. They are not acknowledged openly, but are kept merely to gratify their lusts; and if they get in the family way, they call for the doctors, and also upon females who practice under the garb of mid-wives, to kill the children, and thus they are depopulating their own species. (Voice: "And their names shall come to an end.") Yes, because they shed innocent blood. I knew that before I received "Mormonism." I have known of lots of women calling for a doctor to destroy their children; and there are many women in this enlightened age and in the most popular towns and cities in the Union that take a course to get rid of their children. The whole nation is guilty of it. I am telling the truth. I won't call it infanticide. You know I am famous for calling things by their names. I have been taught it, and my wife was taught it in our young days, when she got into the family way, to send for a doctor and get rid of the child, so as to live with me to gratify lust. It is God’’s truth, and I know the person that taught it. This is depopulating the human species; and the curse of God will come upon that man, and upon that woman, and upon those cursed doctors. There is scarcely one of them that is free from the sin. It is just as common as it is for wheat to grow....I will tell you that some of the most noble spirits are waiting with the Father to this day to come forth through the right channel and the right kind of men and women. That is what has to be yet; for there are thousands and millions of spirits waiting to obtain bodies upon this earth. Taken from discourse by Elder Orson Pratt Delivered in the new Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, August 30, 1875 Journal of Discourses, Volume 18, page 152.Strangers if you want to know how fast we are multiplying, just go through our settlements, and look at the numerous children in our Sabbath school; you never heard of such an increase and multiplication, and the Lord foretold that it would be so. There is another very curious thing concerning this people who should come into the desert wilderness. Isaiah (Psalms 107:41-43) says - "He setteth the poor on high from affliction," Now, a great many of this people were very poor on arriving here; they had been robbed five times of all they had, and driven out. After having been thus plundered, we came here very poor; but the Lord "setteth the poor on high from affliction, and maketh him families like a flock." What a wonderful prophecy this is! A poor man to have not only a family like a flock, but even families. If you do not believe it strangers, go through our Territory, and see the large families, and in some cases you will find in the same vicinity six or eight different families, with their houses and farms, all belonging to one man, and he perhaps a poor man when he came here. "He setteth the poor on high from affliction, and maketh him families like a flock. The righteous shall see it and rejoice." What! The righteous see this and have joy in it? So says the prophecy. "But," says one, "I should have thought every one would have been disgusted with it." To think that a man should have a family or families like a flock, while the righteous see it and rejoice! Taken from discourse by President Brigham Young, Delivered in the Bowery, Salt Lake City, Sept. 21, 1856 Journal of Discourses, Volume 4, page 56.There are multitudes of pure and holy spirits waiting to take tabernacles, now what is our duty? To prepare tabernacles for them; to take a course that will not tend to drive those spirits into the families of the wicked, where they will be trained in wickedness, debauchery, and every species of crime. It is the duty of every righteous man and woman to prepare tabernacles for all the spirits they can. Taken from discourse by President John Taylor, Delivered in the 14th Ward, December 7, 1879 Journal of Discourses Volume 21, page 167.We know their crimes, we know their licentiousness, we know of the millions of murders that are perpetrated by mothers and fathers of children and they know it. Many of these murders are committed while the children are pre-natal; they kill them either before or after they are born, just as it happens. Discourse by Joseph F. Smith Delivered in the Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, October 29, 1882, Journal of Discourses, Volume 24, page 11.Who can fathom the depths, of crime and corruption which exist in all the great cities of the world? You may go to the rural districts throughout the United States, and gather therefrom the most virtuous of our country to the number that are gathered together as Latter-day Saints, and I will venture to say that there are half as many children murdered among them annually, either before or after birth, by their own mothers or fathers, as are born to Latter-day Saints in the same period. The Latter-day Saints are proverbial for not murdering their children. They have hosts of them, and they do not try to destroy them neither before nor after birth, but endeavor to rear them to manhood and womanhood, that they may teach them the principles of the Gospel of Christ - the highest code of morals known, that they may be able to bear off the kingdom of God upon the earth, and to regenerate the world.
Chapter 16 What Power Shall stay the Heavens?
O God, where art thou? And where is the pavilion that covereth thy hiding place? How long shall thy hand be stayed, and thine eye, yea thy pure eye, behold from the eternal heavens the wrongs of thy people and of thy servants, and thine ear penetrated with their cries?" D & C 121:1
Imagine a small structure built of the smallest and weakest twigs representing the works and powers of man. Imagine this tiny structure next to an enormous rapidly moving raging force, similar to a raging river, but imagine such a force having none of the scientific laws known to man such as gravity, restricting it in any way. Try to conceptualize a supreme intelligence behind this power, able to direct and control it in any way. Imagine that the power of that force has been harvested from the sum total of every accomplishment and sacrifice of every righteous person who has ever lived on the earth, and that great is the strength of each minuscule part of the whole. Also consider that it is only those works of goodness and righteousness that are valued in the heavens, and that any work of man lacking in the purpose and intent to build the work of the Lord is destined to be swept away into oblivion when it eventually meets the path of the powerful forces of heaven. Consider how civilization could possibly exist if the righteous contributions of those who have lived to serve the Lord were somehow erased from our history. Imagine that great is the value of a single righteous action, and that there is a certain relationship of blessings bestowed upon a righteous person to reward what has been harvested his contributions to further the work of the Lord; envision that the power of the heavens relating to the earth increases exponentially as the works of righteous people and the persecution they endure continue to add to it generation by generation. D&C 121:11: "And they who do charge thee with transgression, their hope shall be blasted, and their prospects shall melt away as the hoar frost melteth before the burning rays of the rising sun. "And also that God hath set his hand and seal to change the times and seasons, and to blind their minds, that they may not understand his marvelous workings; that he may prove them also and take them in their own craftiness; "Also because their hearts are corrupted, and the things which they are willing to bring upon others, and love to have others suffer, may come upon themselves to the very uttermost" Consider for a moment, if perhaps the Savior’s apostles and servants throughout the earth’s history were all on the earth at the same time as mortal beings, and visualize the Savior at their head. Then consider their immortal presence continuing in a measurable and tangible way yet more powerful, even after their normal mortal life expired, for any that cared to see and hear. Consider their words and works increasing in power and gaining an unstoppable momentum that grew with each time a righteous person in the world performed a righteous act or made a sacrifice with an eye single to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Consider the nearby presence and works of all truly righteous servants accompanying the power of God whenever and wherever it is present. Imagine this power. Try to comprehend how this power increases immeasurably when a truly righteous man suffers for the Lord’s sake or when those servants like Joseph Smith made the ultimate sacrifice of sealing their testimony with their own life’s blood and were martyred for the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ. While unjustly imprisoned in Missouri, the Prophet Joseph Smith gave the following prayer: D & C 121:1-6: "O God, where art thou? And where is the pavilion that covereth thy hiding place? How long shall thy hand be stayed, and thine eye, yea thy pure eye, behold from the eternal heavens the wrongs of thy people and of thy servants, and thine ear penetrated with their cries? Yea, O Lord, how long shall they suffer these wrongs and unlawful oppressions, before thine heart shall be softened toward them, and thy bowels be moved with compassion toward them? O Lord God Almighty, maker of heaven, earth, and seas, and of all things that in them are, and who controllest and subjectest the devil, and the dark and benighted dominion of Sheol - stretch forth thine hand...Remember thy suffering saints, O our God; and thy servants will rejoice in thy name forever." The answer was as follows: "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. "Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands. "Thou art not yet as Job; thy friends do not contend against thee, neither charge thee with transgression, as they did Job." It seems to be necessary that the Lord’s servants must suffer severe trials and persecution; it is only in this way that men are tested, both those who are chosen and the Lord’s servants, but no less importantly those who must be given the opportunity to accept or reject the Lord’s servants. The connection between the powers of heaven and the trials and suffering saints in their mortal life is undeniable, and there seems to be a price of that a true saint must pay to order allow the heavens to harvest the power necessary to continue the Lord’s work. In the words of George Q. Cannon: "...from the very beginning down through all the generations, even to our own day, it has been the case that truth has been unpopular. Hence the saying of the Apostle Paul: "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." He did not say that they might suffer, or that they perhaps might suffer, but that they shall suffer. It should be one of the consequences of living godly in Christ Jesus" Consider that most people that are the Lord’s chosen servants throughout history dating back to early in the Bible have not been recognized while they lived, because the world does not search to find them in the lowliest and least popular walks of life. Consider the life of Moses, who, when elevated and made powerful by his fellow men, had at his fingertips all of the worldly benefits that the works of men had to offer. Consider that Moses only fulfilled his destiny in performing the great work of the Lord only when he was stripped of his power and social standing, and cast out into the desert as a degraded and despised creature in the eyes of his fellow men. Consider that those servants who were chosen and anointed in the heavens were made aware before coming to this world that they would in fact pay a heavy price while serving the Lord on this world. Try to comprehend the price paid by early saints. Try to understand the price paid to obtain the liberties and freedom enjoyed by the people now living on this soil, the price paid was the blood and sacrifice of this country’s most heroic patriots. Consider the progress made by the early saints and patriots of this country; and consider that if these precious liberties and blessings are ever relinquished by those that lead the people, they can never be obtained again, except through that same price of blood and sacrifice that was paid by the early Americans. A human mind can barely conceptualize the power of the heavens compared to that power man can yield. Consider that when a righteous person lives his life to do the will of the Savior, with an eye single only His glory, that these efforts carry on the strength of that power that has been built up by all who have paid the price to serve Him from the creation of the earth. Consider that the works and words of the Lord’s prophets are permanent in their effect on the world, and that a truly righteous man that can summon these powers of heaven can be a tremendous instrument in the hands of God. Imagine such a power that is awaiting, even if there is only one righteous man in the world willing to be an instrument in the Lord’s hands. "The Lord went to a lot of work to set up and prune this vineyard." Chapter 17 MAY HIS STORY NEVER BE FORGOTTEN We, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, have consistently been reminded by our leaders that it is the duty of all church members to stand for truth and spread the gospel of our religion when the opportunity presents itself. It is with this in mind that the following points are made; it is a fervent prayer that Latter Day Saints will keep refreshed our rich history and heritage as the one true church of the Lord: "May this story never be forgotten, so we may never again take for granted the rich blessings we now enjoy as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." The story of the brutal murder of the prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum: "Joseph, seeing that there was no safety in the room, and no doubt thinking that it would save the lives of his brethren in the room if he could get out, turned calmly from the door, dropped his pistol on the floor, and sprang into the window when two balls pierced him from the door, and one entered his right breast from without, and he fell outward into the hands of his murderers..." from History of the Church 7:618"Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it. In the short space of twenty years, he has brought forth the Book of Mormon, which he translated by the gift and power of God, and has been the means of publishing it on two continents; has sent the fulness of the everlasting gospel, which it contained, to the four quarters of the earth; has brought forth the revelations and commandments which compose this book of Doctrine and Covenants, and many other wise documents and instructions for the benefit of the children of men; gathered many thousands of the Latter_day Saints, founded a great city, and left a fame and name that cannot be slain. He lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people; and like most of the Lord's anointed in ancient times, has sealed his mission and his works with his own blood; and so has his brother Hyrum. In life they were not divided, and in death they were not separated! "When Joseph went to Carthage to deliver himself up to the pretended requirements of the law, two or three days previous to his assassination, he said: "I am going like a lamb to the slaughter; but I am calm as a summer's morning; I have a conscience void of offense towards God, and towards all men. I SHALL DIE INNOCENT, AND IT SHALL YET BE SAID OF ME—HE WAS MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD."(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 135:3 _ 4)Several years before Joseph Smith’s martyrdom, U.S. President Martin Van Buren, after hearing the injustices of the Missouri persecutions, once (in 1839) said to Joseph Smith, "your cause is just, but I can do nothing for you." and "If I take up for you I shall lose(votes of) the whole state of Missouri." (HC 4:80)Does there still exist a respect and appreciation for the revered sacrifice of the Prophet Joseph Smith? Are we seekers of truth and justice or are we as President Van Buren was, seeking political gain without any use for higher causes of righteousness and justice in our lives when they cannot be used for our own self_preservation? Are we going to call those words of Joseph Smith’s story above a lie? Do we feel there is any value to this history worth preserving? Will this great prophet’s life story of heroism and self_sacrifice soon be so distorted beyond recognition that it will be lost permanently? Have we become so frightened by the prospect of truth in our lives and in our beliefs, that we are willing to betray the greatest prophet most responsible for the blessings we take for granted today? You may think not, but consider the following:"...God hath set his hand and seal to change the times and seasons, and to blind their minds, that they may not understand his marvelous workings; that he may prove them also and take them in their own craftiness; "Also because their hearts are corrupted, and the things which they are willing to bring upon others, and love to have others suffer, may come upon themselves to the very uttermost; "That they may be disappointed also, and their hopes may be cut off; " And not many years hence, that they and their posterity shall be swept from under heaven, saith God, that not one of them is left to stand by the wall. "Cursed are all those that shall lift up the heel against mine anointed, saith the Lord, and cry they have sinned when they have not sinned before me, saith the Lord, but have done that which was meet in mine eyes, and which I commanded them. "But those who cry transgression do it because they are the servants of sin, and are the children of disobedience themselves. "And those who swear falsely against my servants, that they might bring them into bondage and death—Wo unto them; because they have offended my little ones they shall be severed from the ordinances of mine house." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 121:12 _ 19) These words were spoken from the Lord to Joseph Smith, and we, as the collective members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, are guilty of the very offenses described above to be perpetrated against him, with most of us as approving and willing participants, and with nary a word of protest. It is a very serious offense carrying severe penalties to turn against God’s prophet, Joseph Smith. "Those who have accused Joseph Smith of transgression need to take heed of this scripture. The time is arriving when the light shines upon us in our church, and how great is our sorrow, how great is our shame. May the Lord bless this people to awake and repent while there is still time before God begins His judgements starting in His own house.It is tragic, but we, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, are guilty of falling under the condemnation this scripture warns about. We have been weak in our beliefs, we willingly reject the whisperings of the Holy Spirit to place our blind trust in the weak arm of flesh of mortal men (2 Nephi 28:31). (2 Nephi 28, Verse 24) "Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion! Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!"Yea, wo be unto him that hearken to the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost! "Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!"And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall."Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!" (Verse 31) "Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost." "We, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, are guilty of allowing an unprecedented attack on the character and integrity of this great man to not only prosper, but to succeed with our willing consent. Joseph Smith has come under heavy attack from this most recent generation of church members, led by church leaders themselves. Though the attack does not involve strictly all members of the church in a direct manner, the deafening silence of our membership in defense of Joseph Smith implies approval of all church members endorsing the attacks against him. "We in the church publicly associated ourselves and our church to the occult by publicly accepting an apostate named Mark Hofmann; we embraced his revisions and our new found occult identity until he was exposed as a murderer and a forger, and only then did we question those Hofmann revisions we were so eager to implement. We became as those scoffers the Bible predicted for this day; we have slandered and destroyed the credibility of those who have sought for truth to expose the apostasy rampant in our midst. We ignored the well documented evidence of our acceptance of these forgeries, and did not recant nor repent of awful transgressions revising history against the true gospel as well as the person of Joseph Smith. "Our present church membership has yielded completely to the spirit of occultism in our church, and have pursued the course laid out for us by the adversary, introducing symbols of occultism on certain church buildings. We now adorn our buildings such as the Church museum across from the Salt Lake Temple and the newly constructed Nauvoo Temple with symbols of devil worship, specifically the pentagram, known to many as the "witches star" and we have begun to proclaim it to be a historical Mormon symbol. We attempt to obscure and confuse the facts and proclaim the pentagram to be no different than our sacred temple stars, and we do this based on our shoddy research. We arrogantly defend symbols of occultism even while the Christian world raises their collective eyebrows at our people’s brazen new affiliations with the occult.Our stories that this occultism is rooted in the Mormon religion are simply bold_faced brazen lies based on nothing more than the deceptions contained within anti_mormon stories of those who hated Joseph Smith the most. We have slandered the good name of Joseph Smith, we have allowed our church history books to be rewritten based on shoddy research and the evil stories of those who hate our church or apostatized from it; we have brought shame upon the Mormon religion. We have betrayed him, we have betrayed all of those who sacrificed their blood as martyrs for God’s Holy Word, and we have betrayed our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.We have destroyed the respect the Mormon Church once attained throughout the world. We imagine that those truths for which Joseph Smith gave his life for, now take a different meaning today, that somehow he will approve of our distortions to the true Gospel and we will not be held accountable for our ignorance, on account of our efforts to conform to what the world wants from us. We have stood by idly and watched as God's Holy Church has become ravaged and corrupted; how can we possibly hide our shame on judgement day? How deep does the betrayal run and who will be left when that day comes that these traitors leave our church? "We proudly circulate the reports that members of God's Holy Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, are praying for divine confirmation to murder innocent unborn children. In what we consider to be a much more sophisticated approach, we no longer pray for life of the vulnerable and innocent who may sit on life’s precarious edge, but we now blaspheme the Lord by praying for the right to kill these unborn, as in some Satanic ritual, if they fit accepted "exceptions", which we know are countless.President John Taylor, speaking on abortion during general conference said: "We do feel honored always to associate with honorable men and women; but with the seducer, with harlots, with thieves, with murderers of the innocents, no! never! no never! We want no association with them. As it is stated here by one of these reverend gentlemen in the East, speaking of these things, no murderer hath eternal life in him, nor no murderesses have eternal life in them.... I want to warn our brethren and sisters against these infamies, and against permitting these filthy wretches to come into their houses. They are too low, too debased, too corrupt; and I speak of it because I know what I am talking about; there are some of these people crawling around us like so many vipers, and insinuating their hellish, murderous practices into the families of some who call themselves Latter_day Saints. Woe! to such saints. You cannot have a place among the Latter_day Saints, and I speak of it that the Presidents of Stakes and the Bishops may be apprised of these things. And some of these people would try to pass by the Bishops, and then by the Presidents of Stakes, and then by the President of the Church, and crawl with all their slime and damnable hypocrisy into the Temples of the living God. They may pass by these, but they will have to pass by the angels and the Gods, before they get through, and they will never inherit the Kingdom of God. Hear it you sisters! Hear it you brethren! Hear it you Bishops, and you Presidents of Stakes! Watch well and know well what you are doing, when you sign recommends for doubtful characters to go into these holy places. We do not want them there. It is not their place, and you will have to account for your acts if you permit these things knowingly. It is necessary that you should be particular about these matters, for you will have to answer for your doings as I have for mine. We cannot, because of relationship, because somebody is a cousin, or an uncle, or an aunt, or a brother, or a sister, or a son or a daughter, or a father or a mother we cannot admit and will not admit them to any of these holy places unless they are worthy." JD 25:316 "We, the current membership of the Mormon Church, willingly condone the murder of these innocent unborn children, and we righteously proclaim the right to do so _ what we call "exceptions" _ even while realizing that the "exceptions" are numerous and violate the conscience of all good men. How great is our failing in our mission to be a light to the world; we have joined the legions of scoffers in opposing those who question us on these evils! Our actions have been a disgrace, and we can only at this point repent of all of this and other evils and to pray for the just goodness of our Lord and Savior to be merciful unto us during the time of probation we have left." President Spencer W. Kimball stated "if there ever was a justifiable cause for abortion, it would be extremely rare indeed." "And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well _ and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell."(2 Nephi 28:21. President Benson stated it meant the Mormons in the above scripture "being led carefully down to Hell" and stressed to underline the word "carefully." The words of Isaiah, 3 verse 12, were never more true:"As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." President Joseph Fielding Smith once referred to this passage in Isaiah _ "Those that lead thee cause thee to err" _ as referring to the Mormons. Helaman 13:36_38 "O that we had repented in the day that the word of the Lord came unto us...and all things are become slippery, and we cannot hold them. "Behold, our iniquities are great. O Lord, canst thou not turn away thine anger from us? And this shall be your language in those days. But behold, your days of probation are past; ye have procrastinated the day of your salvation until it is everlastingly too late..." "We have distorted and convoluted the meaning of our plain and simple scriptures, allowing our religious instructors to apply vague and mysterious interpretations that confuse and demean the intellect abilities of our unsuspecting membership. We have stood by idly and failed the mission of our church, referred to in scriptures such as 3 Nephi 16: (Verse 4) "...through the fulness of the Gentiles (current LDS people), the remnant of their seed (the American Indians), who shall be scattered forth upon the face of the earth because of their unbelief, may be brought in, or may be brought to a knowledge of me, their Redeemer." Verse 7 "Behold, because of their (the Mormon people’s) belief in me, saith the Father, and because of the unbelief of you, O house of Israel, in the latter day shall the truth come unto the Gentiles(Mormon Church), that the fulness of these things shall be made known unto them."Verse 10 "And thus commandeth the Father that I should say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles(the Mormon Church) shall sin against my gospel, and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, and of secret abominations; and if they do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them. "And then will I remember my covenant which I made to my people(the American Indians), O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them." We may soon realize the gospel has been taken from the current Mormon church and built up among the American Indians as this scripture promises, and at that point we have nothing left but to pray and plead for the Lord to be merciful in our time of judgement. The Lord tells us it is time to find him while he can be found. It states in scriptures when this probationary time is over, it is too late. Should He be so merciful, our only hope is to be among those few Gentiles left in the church to be numbered with the Lamanites in building the New Jerusuleum, as in 3 Nephi 16:13 "But if the Gentiles will repent and return unto me, saith the Father, behold they shall be numbered among my people, O house of Israel." "We, who are identified with the Gentiles in the Book of Mormon (and D&C 109:60) must agree that it is a truly merciful God that will take the fulness of the gospel and bestow it upon the American Indians, as prophesied in 3 Nephi 16, for great is the sorrow of all true Saints that this Holy Church has been so polluted and corrupted, and we are no longer a worthy people. We can only hope that a more worthy people (those of American Indian descent) than we will be swiftly grafted in and blessed so that the true points of the Gospel of the one true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints may at last be brought to light." The time has come for us as Mormons to repent and awake to our awful situation. The time has come for true Mormons to stand in defense of their true prophet, Joseph Smith. Ours is a spiritual battle, not one of flesh and blood, to drive out the demons that have invaded our church through our prayers and lifting up our voices to be heard for the cause of truth. Chapter 18 ONE MUST STAND ALONE IF NECESSARY "The most cruel exile comes not from being forced to leave ones country, but from standing alone in defense of principle while yet surrounded by ones countrymen." (quote from Thomas Jefferson) All who believe in the true principles of Mormonism must in a sense leave ones Church and stand alone in the midst of ones churchmen, in defense of the Prophet Joseph Smith, against spurious attacks on the character and good name of our founder, by insinuating hellish inverted pentagrams into the history of our Church. A FOREIGN SYMBOL IN MORMONISM, .....THAT IS, .....UNTIL NOW! If the Mormon Church founding and Prophet was tainted by the occult, white witchcraft, practicing cunning men, peep stones, superstition, salamanders or anything like unto it, even to the least degree, as portrayed by the Mark Hofmann forgeries of late and all the other anti_Mormon literature that has ever been written against Joseph Smith from the beginning, since he saw his first vision. Then how could it possibly be the One True Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? The Prophet Joseph Smith conducted himself in a noble, honest and strictly uncompromising manner befitting the dignity of the office that he upheld, even to the point of his martyrdom wherein his own life’s blood was shed thus sealing his testimony.And yet the present leadership of the Mormon Church has embraced the occult symbols as if they were their own. WHY ARE THE PRESENT MORMON CHURCH LEADERS SO DETERMINED TO PUT THE INVERTED PENTAGRAM OUT AS A MORMON SYMBOL, SUCH AS THEY HAVE DONE ON THE RECONSTRUCTED NAUVOO TEMPLE WHEN ALL THE EVIDENCE PLAINLY PROVES THAT IT WAS NEVER USED ON THE ORIGINAL NAUVOO TEMPLE, NOR WAS IT USED ON THE KIRTLAND TEMPLE OR THE SALT LAKE TEMPLE. Even though many ignorant critics claim that there are inverted pentagrams on the Salt Lake Temple they are mistaken! Although the Temple Stars are five pointed they have a raised center point and are clearly not the evil symbol of the followers of Satan. President Gordon B. Hinkley recently authorized the use of inverted pentagrams on the Nauvoo Temple! Not just one, but well over a hundred! Not only did he authorize them but he insisted on placing them on and in the temple, according to several reports in spite of the concerns of some the men on the temple committee. Just as he ignored handwriting experts that declared that Mark Hofmann’s works were forgeries in the 1980's, almost 20 years ago.Deuteronomy 18:10_12 tells us that witchcraft, and mysticisms, and the occult are abominations to God and are not to be trifled with; " There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD" There are many more places in the Bible where God strongly condemns trifling with the occult. It is important to ask WHY IS PRESIDENT GORDON B. HINKLEY THE HEAD OF THE MORMON CHURCH PUTTING THE MOST WIDELY RECOGNIZED SYMBOL OF THE DEVIL ( THE INVERTED PENTAGRAM ) ON THE RECONSTRUCTED NAUVOO TEMPLE? Why did he so intently seek after the Hofmann forgeries, fund them, help validate them, give them credence, support Mark Hofmann, and be an apologist for the revised and completely ridiculous position that the forgeries caused in the Mormon Church? (Like defending a forgery of Mark Hofmann’s design, the white salamander as "an angel of fire") Thus, by insinuating the absurd claim that Joseph Smith was involved in the occult while forming the Mormon religion, and that he lied about the Angel Moroni being a white salamander lizard instead? Although these assertions were proven wrong in a court of law(Hofmann trial), the present day leaders to this day have not repented in public (as Church policy dictates)of these egregious errors. The membership should also know that they should repent for their sin in accepting these forgeries as the truth, for we will be judged by what we accept or reject. Each must know for themselves; one cannot be saved in ignorance.Why would anyone put such an evil symbol on a temple of God? This makes absolutely no sense at all. Based on what? A so called preliminary sketch by William Weeks obtained over a hundred years after the fact? Some later sketches by William Weeks directly contradict the so called preliminary sketch in that they show a five pointed star with lines radiating out from the center like a temple star, with twenty lines in it instead of the five that constitute a pentagram. By his actions President Gordon B. Hinkley has assumed full responsibility! So what are his motives? Why bring upon yourself the criticism of the known Christian world who generally regard the inverted pentagram as an evil symbol of the devil? Why give credence to the prejudicial claims of Mormons being nothing but a cult? Why validate the absurd claims that Joseph Smith was involved in necromancy and the occult? Is this fraud that is being thrust upon us the new symbol of Mormonism? Will the seminary students proudly wear inverted pentagram jewelry to go with their CTR rings? Why did President Gordon B. Hinkley inject these evil inverted pentagrams into the Mormon religion, and thus open the flood gate of derision, of ridicule, of contempt and make a mockery of the Mormon Religion? Did he do this through ignorance? Or perhaps a more sinister influence! In either case a true prophet of God cannot serve two masters! So then the question arises, why is President Gordon B. Hinkley so interested in promoting a symbol of the Devil? Why is he so intent on thrusting this evil symbol of Satan upon the Mormon religion as if it were a part of the legacy of the original teachings of Joseph Smith when it strains the imagination even to consider it? Daguerreotypes (old style photo’s) absolutely do not substantiate any inverted pentagrams in the fourth floor circular windows of the Nauvoo Temple (unless you are looking at the computer enhanced picture (forgery) of the Nauvoo Temple on the Church website), nor are there any inverted pentagrams on the Kirtland Temple, the Salt Lake Temple, the Logan Temple, Saint George Temple, or the Manti Temple! Temples that were built " following as closely as possible the pattern laid out by Joseph Smith" all had no inverted pentagrams!In the re_constructed Nauvoo Temple, in the Celestial room there are inverted pentagrams prominently displayed embroidered into the curtains! The assembly room has little inverted pentagrams all the way around the perimeter in the frieze molding. The exterior of the re_constructed Nauvoo Temple has inverted pentagrams prominently displayed in the forth floor circular windows. It is commonly known that an inverted pentagram above a door means that all who enter herein are under the power of Satan! So logically carried to the next step does this also mean that any sacred ordinance that is performed under an inverted pentagram is of the Devil? It is a very disconcerting thought that so many sacred ordinances performed in the reconstructed Nauvoo Temple are null and void, or possibly worse that they are sealed under Satan’s authority, in that they are completely surrounded by inverted pentagrams just as if they had drawn one on the floor and sat in the center of it to conjure up a demon!"When an evil reaches a certain point, it becomes an evil not to oppose it" (Quote from Joseph Smith.)
Chapter 19 A Testimony of the Divine Origin of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Our prophet was born on December 23, 1805. He was born to goodly parents Joseph Smith Senior, and Lucy Mack Smith. The Smiths were a noble family who through much sacrifice and heartache, helped to bring the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints into being. People like the Smith family have been maligned and slandered from the beginning, by both the foes of the L.D.S. and by the L.D.S. themselves in the last few years. The paganistic viewpoint that is held by most people today is that nobody could have been that good, honorable, decent and self_sacrificing. Today’s attitude is "what is in it for me?". It has long been known that a self centered pampered religious bigot cannot conceive of a true Christian Saint. It is beyond their ability to realize that a family such as the Joseph Smith family would be willing to give their all, including their own life’s blood for the sake of their religion. Which is exactly what they did. The first one to die was Joseph Smith Sr. who was 67 years old when he was arrested on false charges, was permitted to escape by an apostate constable, and then was hunted like a fugitive criminal, enduring terrible privations; he never recovered from the sickness brought on by exposure and hardship, dying shortly thereafter. Then a little more than two years later both Hyrum and Joseph Smith Jr. were brutally murdered by a mob in Carthage jail under the protection of the Governor of Illinois Thomas Ford who had guaranteed their safety (it is interesting to note that the Carthage Greys, a military division that was to protect them, didn’t suffer a single injury in their defense and although they fired (blanks) on the mob, not a single injury was sustained by any member of the mob). During this time, while fleeing from a mob their brother Samuel injured himself and died a few weeks later in agonizing pain. Thus we have four of the Smith family dying by the hand of mobs,. A terrible price to pay for your beliefs. Joseph Smith Jr. was just a boy of 14 years when he saw God the Father and the Son in a daylight vision. When inquiring as to which church to join, he was told to "join none of them, for they were all wrong"; "their creeds were an abomination in His sight; that those professors were all corrupt"; that " they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of Godliness, but they deny the power thereof." Just as soon as it became known that the boy Joseph had seen a vision, all Hell declared war on the Smith family! Within a short while the Angel Moroni came to show him the Ancient record of the Lamanite people (the so called American Indians), and as a young man when he finally obtained these Gold plates, all Hell declared war upon him with a renewed vigor. Why it was that great preachers and ecclesiastics came from all over the country to persecute and wreak havoc upon the Smith family, Joseph Smith Jr. in particular, is truly amazing! Why, if he was a misguided boy, did they not show him the way and extend to him the hand of a true Christian in friendship? Instead he was given hatred and scorn. His life was never the same again, constant threats on his life, musket balls shot at him from nowhere, vicious lies, slander, bullying by full grown men, beatings, and later on in his life mobs used hot tar and feathers that caused him severe burns. They tried to make him drink a vial of acid that they broke severely, cutting his lip and chipping a tooth. Hundreds of frivolous law suits were trumped up to drag him into court. Time after time his innocence was proven! Governor Boggs issued an extermination order against all Mormons in the State of Missouri. He made Joseph Smith spend months in putrid prisons even though he was innocent of any wrong at all. This is what the young Joseph Smith was soon to experience. In the midst of all this turmoil including being driven from his home several times and constant threats upon his life, Joseph Smith at age 21 was a young man from a rural area, with only three years of formal education, and was able to translate (with the gift of the Urim and Thummin translators from God) THE BOOK OF MORMON , a book containing 522 pages, 300,000 words and 2,600 years of history. Written in many styles, with 54 chapters dealing with wars, 21 historical chapters, 55 chapters on visions and prophecies, all this was brought about in a little over two months time. A sacred book that agrees meticulously with the Bible, the first edition has stood on its own, with only a few grammatical corrections and with no changes to the text. This BOOK OF MORMON has stood the test of time, many scoffers, so called experts, religionists and scholars have over the past 173 years tried in vain to discredit the BOOK OF MORMON, but still it remains a true and correct record even to the minutest detail, examples including the exact age of Christ to the day, the seven hour time difference between Jerusalem and the Americas and the use of spring steel during the so called bronze age. Joseph Smith was an uncommon man, of sterling virtue, as was his family and the early leaders of the Church. He lived through a period of the most extreme hatred and persecution, endured imprisonment, hundreds of false trials with trumped up charges that all were proven false and finally giving his life for the principles that he established through the Power of God! After the Mormons were driven out of Illinois the mobs of Illinois and Missouri continued to rage, stealing cattle and killing off the drovers, murder, robbery and rape became a way of life in these areas, until after the Civil War when the Union sent in troops to destroy the gangs and bring law and order back to this ravaged area. The enemies of Joseph Smith have tried every 50 years or so to link the Spaulding manuscripts with the Book of Mormon, each time failing miserably, but still they persist. The Spaulding Manuscript a Proven Hoax! In the latter part of November 1832 there were various other annoyances, among which may be mentioned the strife which Dr. Hurlburt, with his lying stories, succeeded in arousing by lecturing in various places roundabout. This Dr. Hurlburt had been excommunicated from the Church for immoral conduct; he it was who originated the theory of connecting The Book of Mormon with the Spaulding story, a theory now (1893) recognized as false by the best authorities outside of the Church. And of course always declared to be false by the members of the church. President James H. Fairchild, in the "New York Observer" of February 5th, 1885, speaking of the discovery by Mr. Rice of the Spaulding Romance, says: "The theory of the origin of the Book of Mormon in the traditional manuscript of Solomon Spaulding will probably have to be relinquished........... Mr. Rice, myself and others compared it (the Spaulding manuscript) with the Book of Mormon, and could detect no resemblance between the two, in general or detail. There seems to be no name or incident common to the two........... Some other explanation of the origin of the Book Mormon must be found, if any explanation is required." The above article should have put the matter to rest, however a copy of the Spaulding manuscript was found in Hawaii in the 1940's which once again was shown that it had no resemblance whatsoever to the Book of Mormon. Then in the late 1980's a forger named Mark Hofmann forged a land Deed that tied Sidney Rigdon to Spaulding (Hofmann misspelled "Spalding" instead of Spaulding and also dated the document at 1822, _ Spaulding died in 1816) and once again the plagiarism issue briefly reared its ugly head, until Mark Hofmann murdered two people with bombs; and in a court of law was subsequently found to also be a forger of historical documents and whose fear of discovery was the motive that drove him to brutally murder the two people. During Mark Hofmann’s career he forged the "Salamander letter"implying that the Prophet Joseph Smith was an ignorant superstitious hillbilly who believed in occult practices. Mark Hofmann later admitted getting his idea for this letter from a bitter enemy to the Church, 1834's E. D. Howe’s Mormonism Unveiled. All of Mark Hofmann’s forgeries were based on Anti_Mormon works, every one of his so called historical documents is full of slanderous lies designed to discredit Joseph Smith and the early Church leaders. He delighted in rewriting Church history, with sordid accusations of bitter anti_Mormon apostates and Mormon haters delicately interwoven into the fabric of his forgeries, designed to shake the testimonies of the pious current LDS Church members. The subject matter of Hofmann’s forgeries was everything from plagiarism, to witchcraft, to adultery, to false blessings, to portraying early Mormons as an incredibly ignorant and superstitious people, and all of this was made to order. Why? Because the LDS intelligencia and so called historians were swallowing the changed history hook line and sinker. The scholars at BYU where authenticating these forgeries for $20,000, and Dallin Oaks, a Church Apostle, was giving speeches explaining to us all what a salamander really was (an Angel of Fire?). What he neglected to say is what it really is, an occult symbol from witchcraft. One hundred and fifty five years of dignity was suddenly destroyed by accepting and giving credence to a bunch of poorly done forgeries! The Church leaders should have known, that while ignoring contradictory opinions of handwriting experts (who stated that they were forgeries), the documents also contained wrong dates, misspelled names, wrong locations of the principal players, similar handwriting on each document, lack of ink blotches, lack of scratched out words (it was common in writing then, as it is now, to change your mind), and an indication in the forgeries of meticulously writing, as in copying a draft of something. In addition, the Police department exposed the existence of clothes pin marks, ink runs, cracked ink, blue haze, solubility, excess staining. Combined with SAMD testing, this was all the proof necessary to prove that the documents in question were forged documents, and take the case to court for a conviction. SADLY NONE OF THE STATEMENTS MADE BY THE FIRST PRESIDENCY OF THE CHURCH HAVE EVER BEEN RETRACTED, AND NOT ONE OF THOSE INVOLVED HAVE ASKED FORGIVENESS OR REPENTED OF THIS EVIL DEED! THESE DISGUSTING SLANDEROUS LIES AGAINST JOSEPH SMITH’S CHARACTER ARE STILL WITH US TO THIS DAY!!!!! WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO ACCEPT SOMETHING SO SLANDEROUS AS THESE FORGERIES THAT INSINUATE ADULTERY, WITCHCRAFT, ERRONEOUS CONCEPTS, IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY, THE PLAGIARISM OF THE BOOK OF MORMON AND THE CONCEPT OF A SALAMANDER? WOULD A RATIONAL LEADER OF THE MORMON CHURCH WITH A TESTIMONY OF THE DIVINITY OF THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH PURCHASE THESE DOCUMENTS AND TRY TO HIDE THEM? LET ALONE VALIDATE THEM BY AUTHENTICATING THEM? THESE ARE SOME VERY SERIOUS QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK YOURSELF!! ALAS ONCE THESE FOOLISH MISTAKES WERE MADE THEY CAN NEVER BE TAKEN BACK. THE MORMON CHURCH IS IN DESPERATE NEED OF TRUE LEADERSHIP, WITH SO MANY ENEMIES WITHIN ALL TRYING TO EVOLVE THE TRUE MORMON RELIGION INTO A PANTHEISTIC WORLD CHURCH THAT PANDERS TO THE MASSES. Mark Hoffman has been praised as being one of the greatest forgers of all time, although this is mainly to cover up the stupidity of those whom he duped. He was however a good con_man and remarkable in his ability to pander to the Mormon history revisionists that so eagerly sought after the evil documents that he produced. Everything from the cramped handwriting style, to the subject matter, to the fact that he was making too many finds of a lifetime (where others had spent their entire life looking for such as these and failed), he was pulling out one startling and extremely controversial discovery (made to order forgery) after another. The odds of finding a single "rare document" such as these is approximately ten_thousand to one, let alone many more; this one fact should have easily given him away as the poor forger that he was. His techniques were all in books that he had obtained, including the use of old blank pages from antique books for the paper, as this was the one simple thing that fooled most of the supposed experts. Not only this but if Mark Hoffman would not have panicked and resorted to violence he would still in all probability be forging false documents to this day! As evidenced by the protection that was given to him by the Church authorities during the murder investigation. And as a final note, not only was Mark Hoffman a relatively unskilled forger, he was even worse at being a bomber. He was packing around live bombs that could have detonated with the smallest of bumps, no secondary arming devices, just a jiggle switch armed ready to go, drive across town with it on the seat next to you, which proved ultimately to be his undoing! This is an example of Mark Hoffman’s true intelligence. The real intelligence was with the Salt Lake City Police Detectives, and George Throckmorton (he was the one that discovered all of the scientific flaws of the forgeries) these men were they who exposed the entire web of deceit! Thanks be to all of these men and the sacrifices that they made to bring this entire concatenation into the cold hard light of day, against the wishes of the Church leaders who should have been 100% behind the investigation to vindicate the traditional Mormon doctrine. The old original Mormonism was once again restored in measure............but not for long. The Mormon Revisionists who so eagerly sought after Mark Hoffman’s forgeries, and who seemed silenced by the whole ordeal, have of late delighted in the use of pentagrams on the reconstructed Nauvoo Temple. Gleefully pointing out how an inverted pentagram was the symbol of Christ, and that it was an old Israelitish symbol, and that King Solomon had a ring with this symbol on it and that he captured demons with it and made them do his bidding. What a lot of nonsense!!!! The inverted pentagram is, was and always will be a symbol of evil! ISAIAH 5: 20_21 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight." Why did the Mormon Church install inverted pentagrams in the 4th floor circular windows, and interior frieze panels of a room in the reconstructed Nauvoo Temple? Was it to link Joseph Smith and the early Mormons with the Occult? What possible motive was behind this? What possible evidence do they have to support this desecration of a temple? A supposed single solitary preliminary sketch from the architect William Weeks, that had been passed down perhaps through tainted hands, and donated over a hundred years later? Of three existing Daguerreotypes not one of the windows in question is discernable as a pentagram, especially not the Cedar City Daguerreotype, until now. WE HAVE ANOTHER FORGER IN OUR MIDST!!! WHOEVER IT IS THAT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSERTING AN INVERTED PENTAGRAM THAT IS IN THE SO CALLED RESTORED HIGH DEFINITION CEDAR CITY DAGUERREOTYPE IMAGE ON THE CHURCH’S WEBSITE IS GUILTY OF TRYING TO REWRITE CHURCH HISTORY, AND DEFAME THE GOOD NAME OF JOSEPH SMITH AND THE EARLY MORMON CHURCH. This forgery is plainly visible in the far left fourth floor circular window when magnified approx. 2x. Or perhaps from the observable evidence, a sinister implication that is of the modern day leadership’s possible involvement in the Occult and witchcraft. This is a very frightening possibility with extremely serious consequences. DEUTERONOMY 18 : 10_14 " There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners, but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do." MICAH 5: 12 "And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers": The pentagram represents evil, it is the symbol of enchanters, witches, wizards, warlocks, and necromancers. It is not a symbol of righteousness nor has it ever been. It has been available to all of the followers of Satan from the beginning." In the Book of Mormon: HELAMAN 6: 25_26 " Now behold, it is these secret oaths and covenants which Alma commanded his son should not go forth into the world, lest they should be a means of bringing down the people unto destruction. Now behold those secret oaths and covenants did not come forth unto Gadianton from the records that were delivered unto Helaman; but behold, they were put into the heart of Gadianton by that same being that did entice our first parents to partake of the forbidden fruit..." From this, it is obvious that not only are the Oaths and Covenants of Satan readily available to those that wish to follow him, but it is also readily apparent that symbols, marks and secret signs have been among us from the beginning. Joseph Smith had nothing whatsoever to do with witchcraft, so called white witchcraft, sorcery, or anything like unto it. He never had any peep stones or other superstitious nonsense. Joseph Smith was a Prophet of the Lord and he conducted himself as such, with dignity, wisdom and the kind of knowledge that could only be obtained from God. If he had involved himself with anything regarding sorcery, or witchcraft even in the least degree, then he could not have been a prophet of God, he could not have held the priesthood, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could not be the true church of Christ, for you cannot serve two masters! The seriousness of this matter cannot be overemphasized, for if Joseph Smith the Prophet did practice so called white witchcraft then there is no way that he could have been a prophet of God, and the Mormon religion would also be wrong. Joseph Smith was a practicing Free Mason, as was most of the early leaders of the Church, and at his death he gave the Masonic distress signal only to be met with a volley of musket balls that tragically ended his life! Also it is interesting to note that nearly all of our great country’s noble founding fathers (except five) were practicing Free Masons. At the death of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young the new leader distanced himself and the others from the Masons. The Masons also separated themselves from the Mormons who were not allowed membership again until 1984. The Masons have come under a lot of scrutiny of late, but it is very clear that the early Masons were among the best and most noble of the people, men of sterling character, such as our founding fathers and many of our first patriots, who influenced our Constitution and established our Nation’s Ideals. There are a number of places in the Bible where God condemns any dealings with the Occult. It is important to note that the present church leaders dealt in depth in betraying the Mormon Religion by dealing with Mark Hofmann's forgeries, and are now promoting the inverted pentagrams on the reconstructed Nauvoo Temple as a Mormon Symbol. A true prophet of God, Heber C. Kimball, predicted a great test to befall the Mormon people in these last times. Unless a man knew for himself that Jesus is the Christ, he could not stand the test, and that no one would be able to live on borrowed light nor go to the leaders for answers, and that there would be an entire separation of the righteous from the wicked in the Church. The pressure would be so great that the righteous would pray night and day for deliverance. He also said that the church had a very close place to pass through but that it would come through. Chapter 20 Parley P. Pratt’s Address to the Indians Mormon Apostle Parley P. Pratt in an 1851 address to the American Indians said; "You are a branch of the house of Israel. You are descended from the Jews, or rather more generally, from the tribe of Joseph, which Joseph was a great prophet and ruler in Egypt.’ Early church leaders were anxious for the opportunity to convert the Indians, and stressed that the American Indians had to be converted before the foretold gathering of Israel.The last admonition of the Prophet Joseph Smith on June 23, 1844 "This day the Lord has shown to me that which was never shown to me before, that I have thousands of friends that never pretended friendship, while others have sought to crawl into my bosom because of my good feelings towards them, and now are the vipers and do seek my life; and if they shall take it they will pursue you; they will do it anyhow....I therefore will say unto you Saints and Elders of will yet be called upon to go forth and call upon the free men from Maine to gather themselves together to the Rocky Mountains; and the Redmen from the West and all people from the North and from the South and from the East, and go to the West, to establish themselves in the strongholds of their gathering places, and there you will gather the Redmen to their center from their scattered and dispersed situation, to become the strong arm of Jehovah." Other early church leaders preached on this same theme. Mormon apostle Orson Pratt stated "We [meaning the Mormons] have forgotten the forlorn condition of the sons of Joseph, the American Indians. We have forgotten the predictions of the Holy Prophets among their fathers, who so earnestly prayed to the Most High for themselves, and their children to the latest generation, Whose prayers have been recorded in eternity, and preserved in the archives of Heaven, to be answered upon the head of their posterity in the last days. We have forgotten these things and are dwelling at ease in Zion, and neglecting the great redemption of Israel [the Lamanites]. "We have learned something, we are in possession of knowledge concerning these sons of the forest. Shall we therefore dwell at ease and allow the Indians to remain in ignorance of the great truths that we are in possession of concerning them? If so, woe be to these people [meaning the Mormons], or any other people that are entrusted with the sacred things committed to our charge, and who do not use them, for the redemption of those that are unacquainted with this knowledge. How do you think their fathers would feel to see their descendants, without knowledge of God and their ancestors? And then turn and see a people in their midst in possession of the sacred records and prophecies of their fathers, and yet that people, so careless and so much at ease that they used scarcely any exertion to impart the heavenly knowledge to them [the Lamanites, informing them of their promise as the covenant people in the Book of Mormon]. "And if we do not accomplish this work of bringing this knowledge to the Israelites, we shall be accounted as salt that has lost its savor, and therefore is no longer good for anything but to be trodden under the feet of Israel, or our enemies. Who so will not extend the hand of mercy to help the Indians, will go down and lose their influence with God and all good men." Doctrine and Covenants, Section 10:62 quote: "Yea, and I will also bring to light my gospel which was ministered unto them, and, behold, they shall not deny that which you have received, but they shall build it up, and shall bring to light the true points of my doctrine (which is the Mormon religion), yea, and the only doctrine which is in me." Chapter 21 To Believe in the Book of Mormon If you truly believe in the Book of Mormon then you will realize the great part that the Lamanites are to play in the building of the New Jerusalem on this continent, and that it is only through the blessings extended through their fathers to them that any of us can be numbered with them in this great and glorious New City that will be built by them, and that this New Jerusalem will be the new capital of North and South America. If you truly believe in the Book of Mormon:
If you truly believe in the Book of Mormon:
If you truly believe in the Book of Mormon then you will know:
If you truly believe in the Book of Mormon:
If you truly believe in the Book of Mormon:
"And they said: Behold, we cannot understand the words which our father hath spoken concerning the natural branches of the olive_tree, and also concerning the Gentiles. "And I said unto them: Have ye inquired of the Lord? "And they said unto me: We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us."Behold, I said unto them: How is it that ye do not keep the commandments of the Lord? How is it that ye will perish, because of the hardness of your hearts? "Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said?—If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you. "Behold, I say unto you, that the house of Israel was compared unto an olive_tree, by the Spirit of the Lord which was in our father; and behold are we not broken off from the house of Israel, and are we not a branch of the house of Israel? "And now, the thing which our father meaneth concerning the grafting in of the natural branches through the fulness of the Gentiles, is, that in the latter days, when our seed shall have dwindled in unbelief, yea, for the space of many years, and many generations after the Messiah shall be manifested in body unto the children of men, then shall the fulness of the gospel of the Messiah come unto the Gentiles, and from the Gentiles unto the remnant of our seed— "And at that day shall the remnant of our seed(American Indians) know that they are of the house of Israel, and that they are the covenant people of the Lord; and then shall they know and come to the knowledge of their forefathers, and also to the knowledge of the gospel of their Redeemer, which was ministered unto their fathers by him; wherefore, they shall come to the knowledge of their Redeemer and the very points of his doctrine, that they may know how to come unto him and be saved. "And then at that day will they not rejoice and give praise unto their everlasting God, their rock and their salvation? Yea, at that day, will they not receive the strength and nourishment from the true vine? Yea, will they not come unto the true fold of God?16 Behold, I say unto you, Yea; they shall be remembered again among the house of Israel; they shall be grafted in, being a natural branch of the olive_tree, into the true olive_tree." (Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 15:7 _ 16) So stand ye in holy places and be not moved!
Chapter 22 Do Not Lightly Regard the Word of God Most people today feel miserable and depressed and they don’t know why. They search for happiness in the pursuit of wealth, and worldly possessions, and they cannot find it. They encumber themselves with their various religions and philosophies, hoping to find happiness and they cannot find it. They look to their fellow human beings for comfort, and guidance, and are disappointed, They wander from church to church, from one persuasion to another in pursuit of truth, and they cannot find it. They are often driven in their misery and boredom away from religion by the self_righteous, who come in the garments of their own holiness, and care nothing about the well being of the poor and meek of the earth. They do not know what to do to lighten their burdens, and their troubles, and feel at peace. Confusion reigns everywhere, and they don’t know how they can learn the truth. There is no place to go to raise their children in safety where they might not grow up corrupted by the popular culture pervading and attacking every fabric of decency in our once civil society.The words of God are considered to have no value and appear to be trampled under foot, and set at naught. They are considered something to be avoided, and those who believe them are ridiculed, and scoffed at. Good is made evil, and evil is made good. Witchcraft, and the occult are constantly promoted as something to be desired through every facet of society. It is snuck into nearly every religion, and every form of media; computers, music, trendy children’s books, movies and television. Only the wicked seem to be doing well. Only the light_minded, and the drunkards, appear to be happy. Is it really any wonder that growing children choose the way they now do? They see the exciting, carefree lifestyle on one hand, and the oppressive, self_righteous, holier than thou on the other, and eventually come to believe this is the choice they have to make. Far too often, God’s sheep are driven into sin by the self_righteous. It is truly written that when God calls His sheep from their dens of iniquity, the self_righteous will be shocked. Although God cannot tolerate sin in the slightest degree; His redeeming grace is full of mercy for those with broken hearts and contrite spirits, wishing to live obedient to His laws. "For though their sins be as scarlet, yet I will make them whiter than snow."It is truly said that God chastises those He loves. Often times He places His sheep in trying circumstances so that they can be meek and humble, and lowly of heart, so they might be more receptive to His word. He puts them through trials and tribulations to teach them wisdom, even though they cannot see His purpose in doing so. He blesses them in ways they cannot comprehend. Often, what people regard as punishments, are often blessings in disguise. "He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal." John 12:25. It is not possible to find happiness in wealth and material gain, for money is the root of all evil. It is not wisdom to encumber one’s self in vain religions, and philosophies and delusions. It is not profitable to follow the church of the Devil. It is not wisdom to trust in the arm of flesh, and to try to find guidance and comfort solely in one’s fellow human beings, and not to put their trust in God who created us all with His hands, and who loves us all with a greater love than any person on earth is capable of manifesting.God created us all that we might have endless joy, not that we might have endless misery, and punishment. God wishes each of us to receive an inheritance in the eternities, with a joy that exceeds all imagination of the heart, and all calculation of the mind. It is worth every effort to obtain. It is worth all the sacrifices of worldly pleasure. Today is a day where we "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die." For all those people who think this way, and think the Scriptures are of no worth; they should remember another people who thought this way in the days of Noah. It is written that they knew not until the flood came and swept them all away. They should remember that after they were destroyed they spent over two thousand years in spirit prison, until they despaired of ever being delivered, when Jesus Christ our Redeemer visited them in prison after He was put to death and resurrected. Shall God look upon our generation any less tolerable, than He did the children of the flood? We really must be sober in our thoughts. Can anyone imagine what it would be like to be locked in prison for two thousand years? Is this carefree, luxurious lifestyle, devoid of responsibility, which we all aspire to really worth the sacrifices we must make to achieve it? Is it worth it to ignore the poor, sick and afflicted in our quest for worldly riches? Is it really worth it to trample the Word of God under our feet, so we can live in the fleshly gratification of our sins? We will not always find joy in our sins. Is it really worth it to do all these things, and inherit that eternal misery and punishment? The Scriptures really are of great worth to those who sincerely give them a chance to work upon their minds. For the honest of heart that do, they will find them surprisingly more interesting, and joyful than anything they have pursued before. If they just allow the seed to be planted in their hearts, and water it and nourish it, they will find it will grow into a solid tree. "The meek shall surely inherit the earth. For it is the meek whom the Father loveth." Chapter 23 Why Have Ye Polluted the Church of God? "O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world?" (Book of Mormon, Mormon 8:38) " Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it." (Old Testament, Isaiah 5:13 _ 14) "For if ye will not abide in my covenant ye are not worthy of me. Therefore renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children; And again, the hearts of the Jews unto the prophets, and the prophets unto the Jews; lest I come and smite the whole earth with a curse, and all flesh be consumed before me." (Doctine and Covenants, 98:15) Those who wish to be numbered with the House of Israel need to speedily repent lest "ALL FLESH" be removed from existence. The words of the Lord are very clear on this matter, and He does not simply warn that this most terrible of all judgements be fulfilled, that is, not some people or some flesh be done away with, but His words are most specific: "all flesh be consumed before me." The direct commandment of the Lord that a righteous people serve Him and uphold His Gospel principles is a pre_requisite to receive His blessings. The many blessings in the scriptures promised to the righteous are always predicated on the repentance of the righteous and from that time henceforth they are to live the true gospel. Therefore, should there be only one righteous man alive in the world, it is enough to preserve the thread connecting heaven to the earth, for the time being. Should the ignorant mock the possibility of there being only one righteous man in the world being enough to preserve it, recall the story of Noah, or some of the other prophets we read about in the scriptures. It is the nature of men to become lifted up in the pride of their hearts and stray from the word of God so the can feel justified in succumbing to their own carnal natures. We have many scriptural examples of an entire people becoming corrupt and wicked and one lone prophet exhorting the people to repent. If one believes in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, it would be foolish to think this scenario can’t happen again. Should the time come where no inhabitants on the earth are worthy to be called God’s people, he will surely carry out his promise that all of the earth’s inhabitants will be done away with, for the words of God are not idle threats. There must be a connection between heaven to a righteous people, that is, a people willing to serve their God no matter what the consequences, or the world and its entire inhabitants are in jeopardy. "And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard wept, and said unto the servant: what could I have done more for my vineyard? Behold, I knew that all the fruit of the vineyard, save it were these, had become corrupted. And now these which have once brought forth good fruit have also become corrupted; and now all the trees of my vineyard are good for nothing save it be to be hewn down and cast into the fire." Jacob 5:41 It has been said in more than one scripture that the present conditions of the world would be so wicked that when the time arrives that mankind awakes to their awful situations, everyone will be so worried about their own salvation that they will not have time to worry about those of others. "THEN shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish."They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. "While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. "Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. "And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. "But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. "Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. "But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (New Testament, Matthew 25:1 _ 13) The Fulness of the Gospel Being Taken From the Gentiles and Given to the House of Israel "And thus commandeth the Father that I should say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles(this refers to those people currently in possession of the Gospel _ the current people of the LDS Church) shall sin against my gospel, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders (the most obvious example being that of abortion), and priestcrafts (one example being pentagrams on the reconstructed Nauvoo Temple), and whoredoms, and of secret abominations; and if they shall do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them."And then will I remember my covenant which I have made unto my people(the American Indians), O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them."And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel (the American Indians), that the Gentiles shall not have power over you; but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel. "But if the Gentiles will repent and return unto me, saith the Father, behold they shall be numbered among my people, O house of Israel (the American Indians)." (Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 16:10 _ 13) How Great is the Responsibility of Calling in the LDS Church "Now, I say unto you, and what I say unto you, I say unto all the Twelve: Arise and gird up your loins, take up your cross, follow me, and feed my sheep."Exalt not yourselves; rebel not against my servant Joseph; for verily I say unto you, I am with him, and my hand shall be over him; and the keys which I have given unto him, and also to youward, shall not be taken from him till I come."(Doctrine and Covenants, Section 112:14 _ 15) "Whosoever receiveth my word receiveth me, and whosoever receiveth me, receiveth those, the First Presidency, whom I have sent, whom I have made counselors for my name's sake unto you. "And again, I say unto you, that whosoever ye shall send in my name, by the voice of your brethren, the Twelve, duly recommended and authorized by you, shall have power to open the door of my kingdom unto any nation whithersoever ye shall send them— "Inasmuch as they shall humble themselves before me, and abide in my word, and hearken to the voice of my Spirit. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people, and all flesh (this prophetic choice of words is very significant _ refer to D&C 98:15, described on previous page of this newsletter) has become corrupt before my face. "Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord. "And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord;"First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord. "Therefore, see to it that ye trouble not yourselves concerning the affairs of my church in this place, saith the Lord."But purify your hearts before me; and then go ye into all the world, and preach my gospel unto every creature who has not received it; "And he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not, and is not baptized, shall be damned. "For unto you, the Twelve, and those, the First Presidency, who are appointed with you to be your counselors and your leaders, is the power of this priesthood given, for the last days and for the last time, in the which is the dispensation of the fulness of times. "Which power you hold, in connection with all those who have received a dispensation at any time from the beginning of the creation; "For verily I say unto you, the keys of the dispensation, which ye have received, have come down from the fathers, and last of all, being sent down from heaven unto you."Verily I say unto you, behold how great is your calling. Cleanse your hearts and your garments, lest the blood of this generation be required at your hands. "Be faithful until I come, for I come quickly; and my reward is with me to recompense every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega. Amen." (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 112:20 _ 34) Shall the youth of Zion falter? Early Mormon Hymn by Evan Stephens"Shall the youth of Zion falter in defending truth and right? While the enemy assaileth, Shall we shrink or shun the fight? No! True to the faith that our parents have cherished. True to the truth for which martyrs have perished. To God’s command, Soul, heart and hand, Faithful and true we will ever stand. "While we know the powers of darkness Seek to thwart the work of God, Shall the children of the promised cease to grasp the ‘iron rod’? No! True to the faith that our parents have cherished. True to the truth for which martyrs have perished. To God’s command, Soul, heart and hand, Faithful and true we will ever stand. "We will work out our salvation; We will cleave unto the truth; We will watch and pray and labor With the fervent zeal of youth. Yes! True to the faith that our parents have cherished. True to the truth for which martyrs have perished. To God’s command, Soul, heart and hand, Faithful and true we will ever stand. "We will strive to be found worthy Of the kingdom of our Lord, With faithful ones redeemed, Who have loved and kept his word. Yes! True to the faith that our parents have cherished. True to the truth for which martyrs have perished. To God’s command, Soul, heart and hand, Faithful and true we will ever stand." There are many points of scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants that point out that every member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints bears a solemn responsibility. It is a very somber thought to realize the sacred points of the Lord’s gospel are not to be taken lightly, and carry a high price of accountability. The Lord’s words promising judgements are very specific, and very strong."When men are called unto mine everlasting gospel, and covenant with an everlasting covenant, they are accounted as the salt of the earth and the savor of men; "They are called to be the savor of men; therefore, if that salt of the earth lose its savor, behold, it is thenceforth good for nothing only to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men. (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 101:39 _ 40)"For they were set to be a light unto the world, and to be the saviors of men; "And inasmuch as they are not the saviors of men, they are as salt that has lost its savor, and is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men. (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 103:9 _ 10)"Therefore, inasmuch as some of my servants have not kept the commandment, but have broken the covenant through covetousness, and with feigned words, I have cursed them with a very sore and grievous curse. "For I, the Lord, have decreed in my heart, that inasmuch as any man belonging to the order shall be found a transgressor, or, in other words, shall break the covenant with which ye are bound, he shall be cursed in his life, and shall be trodden down by whom I will; "For I, the Lord, am not to be mocked in these things—" (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 104:4 _ 6)"Treasure these things up in your hearts, and let the solemnities of eternity rest upon your minds. Be sober. Keep all mycommandments. Even so. Amen." (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 43:34 _ 35) "Nevertheless, there are those among you who have sinned exceedingly; yea, even all of you have sinned; but verily I say unto you, beware from henceforth, and refrain from sin, lest sore judgments fall upon your heads. "For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation. "Ye call upon my name for revelations, and I give them unto you; and inasmuch as ye keep not my sayings, which I give unto you, ye become transgressors; and justice and judgment are the penalty which is affixed unto my law."Therefore, what I say unto one I say unto all: Watch, for the adversary spreadeth his dominions, and darkness reigneth;"And the anger of God kindleth against the inhabitants of the earth; and none doeth good, for all have gone out of the way." (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 82:2 _ 6) "Wherefore, I call upon the weak things of the world, those who are unlearned and despised, to thrash the nations by the power of my spirit; and their arm shall be my arm, and I will be their shield and their buckler; and I will gird up their loins, and they shall fight manfully for me; and their enemies shall be under their feet; and I will let fall the sword in their behalf, and by the fire of mine indignation will I preserve them." (Doctrine and Covenants, 35:12_14)
Chapter 24 The Thread Connecting Heaven to Earth The Lord has made it clear there must be a righteous people serving him. If everyone realized how important it is to have an Earth, and to have a chance to have a body to live on the earth, they would not consider interfering with the efforts of the righteous to preserve it. Satan’s plan is to lead the earth’s inhabitants to damnation and eventual destruction and the earth along with it. There is no scripture or prophet that has guaranteed any people that they would always be righteous and never be destroyed. Should the occasion arise where righteousness becomes extinct on earth there is no guarantee the earth would be preserved at that point. We look for that great man named John, who must seal the true followers of Christ. The Lord’s servant John is sent to visit a young man, that same John of the Bible who now possesses wisdom incomprehensible to mortal men. Because this great man has far superior knowledge to that of worldly men, his communications seem to be mostly in parables, with deep meaning. For he is of the knowledge of heaven which far exceeds that of a world whose understanding has been shaped and influenced by the works of the devil. John spends a great deal of time instructing the young man, and showing him the effects of the works and true influence of Satan upon the world. The young man will be brought into the depths of humility during this time, and realizes there will be no worldly reward, for the works of the Lord seem strange to the wicked and the ignorant and will receive no praise. For a true servant of the Lord must be willing to endure the worst kind of evil directed at him, and few are strong enough to pay the price of persecution. And the young man will be prepared to be severely tested in his love for the Lord, and exercised in his strength in both mind and spirit. After a long period of strange and severe tests, and instruction which is strenuous and grievous for the young man to endure, John commands the young man to put out what he had received. He constructs an altar for the young man to pray and the young servant is instructed make a covenant that he would live honorably. The young man possesses great natural intelligence, yet due to his roots in poverty and a humble background, is not well versed in the arts of speaking and writing in the eloquent words and manner one would expect of an educated worldly statesman, for his formal education is limited to mostly grammar school. He is of simple words but unshakable faith in his Savior, and so he pays a visit to those who profess to be saints and leaders of God’s Holy church, and tells them what he had experienced, that he has seen the Savior, and been instructed by John the Revelator, and has been shown and experienced many things of God that cannot be explained, as well as the works and influence of the devil upon the church, the government and our world. He does so with a sincere and peaceful intent and hope that they will heed to the warnings and become aware of the evil in their midst. The message the young servant brings to those professing to be saints of God’s Holy Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is not flattering to them; on the contrary, it exposes many corruptions in their midst among church and government. So they are stirred up to hatred for the Lord’s young servant. And as John has shown him, the influence of the devil has made these men who profess to be the Saints in God’s Holy Church like the Jews of old, and so they seek to destroy this young servant of the Lord. Being members of what people consider to be a civilized society in which the constitutional law of the land is supposed to protect and defend the rights of individuals, they use a corrupt court and the false physician practices of the day to seize and subdue him. Having deprived him of his constitutional rights, they cause many physical injuries and inflict other gross injustices and unspeakable suffering and indignities upon him, and persecutions upon the servant’s family, and other violations of his constitutional rights, which will continually cry unto the Lord for justice for up to fifty years hence. It is truly written in the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 123, verse10, "Which dark and blackening deeds are enough to make hell itself shudder, and to stand aghast and pale, and the hands of the very devil to tremble with palsy." Through the infinite healing powers of the Lord’s mercy, the young servant does not succumb and perish from his injuries, as others would. Still strong in the spirit of God, he survives the attempts to destroy his life and reputation, but now with broken and aged body, having retained the effects of these injustices upon his person, character and health. Through the mercy of the Lord, he finds comfort in the truth of the Lord, and the evil works of slander and injustice they perpetuate against the Lord’s servant will form an undeniable record of the evil designs and works of Satan’s followers and disciples, for which true reparations and retribution for these wrongdoings can and will be only made by God himself. Judgement is nigh, and soon the fear of God will strike the hearts of the unrepentant. In Satan’s plan, many have handed down their secret plans and signs down to their children from generation to generation, and thus have his works flourished and grown throughout earth’s history and have become a tremendous and cunning force among the works of mankind. And when that John of the Bible, says to the young servant "what chance do you really have?", he means a such truly righteous man serving God has very little chance to have a prosperous life among these great works of evil. Yet, as John completes his record of what transpires among this people, great will be the record of that servant who has given all glory of his life’s efforts to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The servant is left only with his faith in the Savior and the day his Lord will come and heal him. The Lord speaks to his young servant: "Come and go with me ..., I am not coming back for you again." The young servant follows the command of the Lord and journeys without hesitation. Having been led to the desert, the Lord’s young servant receives a communication: "You have been chosen." Three different pinches on his shoulders indicate three separate agreements to his having been chosen. And God calls this young man into the desert, among the prayers of the Lamanites, for the power has been in need of strength. The young man feels a spiritual power from the Lamanites helping, represented by a good smell occasionally to strengthen him. On a cold desert night, the Lord’s young servant would be stranded without the protection and warmth provided by the Lord. The Lord speaks to the young servant, "Some people don’t belong on this earth..." The young man feels the Savior’s tears dropping on his face, The Savior sees that the young servant was suffering and knows what he would suffer later. The Savior had given much, and now it is up to the servant to give back. All of the sacrifices of the servants of God were necessary in continuing the earth’s existence. If the Lord’s servants are not successful in their calling, the earth would lose its place to another world in competition to this world, and go slowly down into darkness and eventual dissolution. At times, although they may not realize it, everyone works to preserve the world. For as the sun gives the earth nourishment, it must have something back, and the Sun’s rays must have power _ that power which is the power of God. And only through spiritual laws may the sun through God’s power gain harvest. And God’s power is connected to the earth, but only through the sufferings of the righteous and their works in His name, with an eye single to His glory alone. For throughout history the Lord has used His servants to bring His great works to fruition, and has built upon that accumulating power of all the deeds and sacrifices of all of the Lord’s Saints and martyrs. And so do the works of Satan need to harvest power by having the righteous to persecute, for there must be a righteous people on the earth for the wicked to be tested by, for Satan seals up those that are his when they knowingly sin against that which is good. The thread connecting the righteous to heaven, is a thread so thin in width, but soon to become as fine as a thread of silk. For the righteous are scarce, and someone must be in existence to test the scoffers, so that all may be left with no excuse when the Lord comes. And the servant learns and experiences much in the works of the Lord and the processes of creation, most of which is difficult to endure and requires tremendous mental strength from the Lord’s young servant. And the works of the Savior must have opposition from the devil, and man’s free agency must be tested. The sins of the world had passed through the Savior. He suffered taking on the sins of the world and throwing them off or the world would have been blighted. You must be tested to be chosen. The Lord prepares His servant, and allows the sun its harvest. On a cold October night after having journeyed far away from mortal men, is a man in the wilderness. He who has prayed for God’s work. He learns and experiences much about the importance and sacrifices of the righteous. For where much is given, much is expected. This young man must prevail in the struggle, with competition from another somewhere. For the Savior’s works must have opposition from the Devil in all things and in creation. That which enters on the right side must exit on the left. The servant endures the process, for he loves the Savior with all of his might, mind and spirit. A directive is given to the young servant: "He who loves their loved ones most, is the one who will prevail in the struggle." The Lord’s strength comes from the righteous, Holy Man, a righteous man, where can one be found? Be still young man, your mind must be strong, for it is you who must outlast the other. In this time of the sun’s harvest Our earth needs Heaven’s power, But first, the energy must be sent to the sun, And until you finish you cannot rest. There is a great work still yet to be done, The Lord our Savior’s presence above your head directing, Walk to the sun, blow into the sun. The young man says a prayer, one with a list of names that he has prayed over and over for weeks. His prayer includes the Indian Lamanites, the Jews, and all the house of Israel. Exhausted and yearning for rest, the young man hears the Lord’s voice, a man’s voice, sounding natural, "Now do you want to say your prayers?" The young man kneels and prays his same prayer again, and this time he feels his voice carried and recorded with heaven. The man must soon return to that world full of scoffers, of dishonesty and treachery, and fear. A place where her honorable men seek his destruction. See the shooting star, follow that star, change your course to follow its direction, and return to that world. And this man has the spirit of discernment, a witness unto this generation. A testator who must live in a world full of scoffers, in a world with many scoffers and scorners and much hatred, and hatred of the truth, a world with all manner of dishonesty and treachery, and fear. Our inhabitants have been corrupted, misled by the devil and in possession of only partial truths, for they have eaten up all of their beauty, and the voice of the truly righteous is no longer represented; it has truly been written, "all tables are full of vomit." Could there be one man who lives, who has kept his integrity in the face of the evil and the scorners, amidst their hatred and scorn and persecution, and all manner of cunning, evil and hypocrisy? The sheep have yearned for truth, but are fed only stones by their leaders, and their jealous ministers lead them only to confusion. Should such a man be identified; all of the people think a man of such great worth, for his enemies would be no match. For he could easily smite them low, and he would be recognized instantly as having great powers, but none of them understand the principles of righteousness, for the world must be given the opportunity to test their free agency. For as when the Savior was born humbly as a natural man, the scoffers were also tested and proven. He was not to test the wicked by great powers, but by speaking to them truth. For in truth is the greatest power, the essence of God. And thus there is no search for a man of great worth, one not exuding tremendous powers, but existing as a natural man. For in this time, the time "like the days of Noah", in defense of truth, there is nary a sound. When the Savior came, the scoffers tempted him, doubting that He was the Lord. He suffered what no man can suffer, even unto his death for the sins of mankind. When the Lord returns again, it will be a dreadful day for the unprepared and the wicked. All who have become members of the Mormon Faith have accepted a great responsibility in their calling as "Saints." They have agreed to bear the vessel of the Lord, not to seek after worldly praise for worldly and vain accomplishments, but to bring the message of the light of the Gospel no matter what the cost of self_sacrifice and persecution. They have agreed to live as in the saying of the Apostle Paul: "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." To be willing to risk everything to speak the knowledge of the Lord to the world, and to not trust in the weak flesh of mortal religious leaders, but to live a life of seeking and following the Holy Spirit and standing for truth above all else. Our time has been foretold to be "as in the Days of Noah": "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.36 ¶ But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42 ¶ Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. 45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. 48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; 49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; 50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, 51 And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (New Testament | Matthew 24:35 - 51) So it is with many who call themselves Christians and even Latter Day Saints. When presented with the truth in gospel and the opportunity to serve God, many become as the Jews of old. They do not hesitate to slander and persecute and destroy those who would choose the path of righteousness. In an address of the prophet Joseph Smith to the Relief Society he "read the 14th chapter of Ezekiel _said the Lord had declared by the Prophet, that the people should each stand for himself _that righteous persons could only deliver their own souls_ applied it to the present state of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints_ said if the people departed from the Lord, they must fall _ that they were depending on the prophet, hence were darkened in their minds, in consequence of neglecting the duties devolving upon themselves, envious towards the innocent, while they afflict the virtuous with their shafts of envy."(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 237) Ezra 3:61_62 is referred to in the Doctrine and Covenants section 85 in referring as to how certain events will take place, such as those who have apostatized and will be publicly put out of the high priesthood. As Heber C. Kimball predicted in the great test shown to him, "only those that know for themselves that Jesus is the Christ will be able to stand." Few people have retained the means to discern what truth is, because they don't realize what it means to have this testimony; if this were not the case then large numbers of Mormons would be quick to embrace the words of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and exhort the Indians to learn of the Book of Mormon. When the vineyard (Mormon Church) was corrupted in the parable, it was the grafting in of the natural branches that helped save the vineyard. It is foretold that the Lamanites must be grafted in to help save the church, and it has always been a duty of the LDS to put forth an effort to make this come to fruition. A common question has been asked about who will be gathered, and some indications are it may be not many; early church leaders have had visions about large numbers of Lamanites building the New Jerusalem, with very few Gentiles assisting them. " mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers,..." (Peter 3:3) Holy man, a HOLY MAN, WHERE CAN ONE BE FOUND? Where is that man who can give us truth and light, Is there such a man? One who can impart wisdom that may be of use to us for our guidance, One who can keep us from the darkness of ignorance, For the hope of all is that during this pending time of torment and tribulation Satan will not have staked his claim upon their souls, for soon there will be darkness, and at that time blessed will those be who have staked a claim in the works of God.
Wisdom from the Apocrypha, Chapter 5(excerpts):
1. Then shall the RIGHTEOUS MAN STAND IN GREAT BOLDNESS before the face of such as have afflicted him, and made no account of his labours. 2. When they see it, they shall be troubled with terrible fear, and shall be amazed at the strangeness of his salvation, so far beyond all that they looked for. 3. And they repenting and groaning for anguish of spirit shall say within themselves, this was he, whom we had sometimes in derision, and a proverb of reproach.4. We fools accounted his life madness, and his end to be without honor. 5. How is HE numbered among the children of God, and his lot is among the saints! 6. Therefore have we erred from the way of truth, and the light of righteousness hath not shined unto us, and the sun of righteousness rose not upon us. 7. We wearied ourselves in the way of wickedness and destruction; yea, we have gone through deserts, where there lay no way, but as for the way of the Lord, we have not known it. 8. What hath pride profited us? Or what good hath riches with our vaunting brought us? 15.But the righteous live for evermore; their reward also is with the Lord, and the care of them is with the MOST HIGH. "O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD" (Old Testament | Isaiah 2:5)The Indian children must be sought out and taught the Gospel of Jesus, for His coming is near: The pride of the American continents, The Lord has foreordained you to be this great people, The hope and strength of The House of Israel, A nation called to be at this time and place in history, The work is great and wondrous, it is truly foretold, And it can be no other people who will accomplish it, The Lord has placed a righteous yearning among you, This people upon whom this work hinges, And these Indian people are called to prayer, The Lord is calling to these True and Noble inheritors as with the Jew, Now is the time, time nor tide wait for no man, Learn the righteous principles, the true points of the Lord’s Doctrine, God speaks to His Indian children, it is truly prophesied, His Indian children will be brought close to their Heavenly Father. So that the Indian sons may be placed at the head of this righteous work. Oh Noble Lamanites (Peoples of American Indian Descent) Prophesies say that you would be a builder of a mighty nation yet to come. How can this be? Do you know who you are? Are you aware of the blessings that await you because of your fathers? Do you know that you are descended from the royal blood of Israel? Where is your strength? Is your strength in the mountains, deserts or the plain, or among the islands of the Pacific, or North and South America, or all of these combined? Are you united as one people? Have you been convinced of that which has already gone forth among you? Do you know that those who are not of your ancestry can only hope that they can be numbered among you and receive their blessings through your people? Can this all be true? Will this really happen? The Book of Mormon says it will! For if He who moved upon the mighty deep while organizing the whole Earth, or parted a sea, or razed a mountain with a single command has given His word, then yes, all of this and more will come to pass! And no power on Earth can stop it! Great judgements are soon to be poured out upon the inhabitants of this earth. Many tumultuous changes are about to take place. The peoples of Lamanite ancestry will be the main ones who will do the things that are prophesied. Oh noble Lamanite peoples, read the Book of Mormon! Understand the prophesies contained therein, and privately pray with sincere intent about the truth of that which has already gone forth among you. For the Lord God of the whole Earth is about to stretch forth his mighty arm that the inhabitants of the Earth will know that He is God. Soon there will be all of these great signs in heaven and on Earth: earthquakes, oceans flooding the coastal areas, mighty winds, and terrible storms, the sun turned black, the moon turned blood red, stars falling from the sky, wars, rumors of wars, and no place is safe. Many tribal prophecies have foretold similar happenings. Search them, and search the Book of Mormon, for in the beginning of the Book of Mormon, on the title page, it clearly states: "Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the House of Israel;" The Book of Mormon is your book; it contains your history and your destiny. Watch therefore, and be diligent, for the hour is nigh at hand. Chapter 25WHAT IS THE TRUE MESSAGE OF THE BOOK OF MORMON? Is the true message of the Book of Mormon overlooked by the present day Mormon people? The message is not just another testament of Christ, but far, far more, containing over 1000 years of the history of a great and mighty nation, of the people, their struggles, their wars, their destructions, and of the great blessings which await their descendants, the modern_day American Indians and those who are descended from them! The message of the Book of Mormon is very plain and simple, so that even a child can understand it. The true message contained in the Book of Mormon, is to tell the present day American Indians, and peoples of American Indian descent, about their forefathers, their hardships, their sacrifices, that they fasted and prayed to the Lord, about their children, and the Lord blessed them and covenanted with them, for their children the American Indians of this day. Every word was written by the American Indians fathers, about their history, their blessings, and their birthright, and the wonderful blessings that are in store for their children, the American Indians. The Mormon Church was organized on the sixth day of April 1830 It was so important to take the wonderful message of the Book of Mormon to the Lamanites (American Indians) that by September of 1830, just six months after the Church was formed, a revelation (Doctrine and Covenants section 30) calling four missionaries (on the first distant mission) to take the message of the Book of Mormon to the American Indians. These four Mormon elders left from Fayette, New York on their mission in the later part of October. They traveled about 2500 miles through a comparative wilderness, mostly on foot, in the worst season of the year, without purse or script, subsisting on frozen corn bread and raw pork, through the snow, without shelter or fire, visiting two of the Indian Nations, "whose interest became intense, the excitement spreading to the whole tribe." Being very successful among the Indians they were soon ordered out of the Indian country by the United States Army who called them peace disturbers. They returned to Ohio the following March of 1831. The original Mormon leaders stressed time and time again, to take the message to the American Indians. They also considered it their mission, knowing the promises of the Book of Mormon in relation to the blessings and promises of God, to the American Indians of this latter_day. Also the importance associated with numbering themselves with the American Indians who have a superior birthright, so that they might also partake of the blessings, and promises that God has given the sons and daughters of the Lamanites (the American Indians) and all those who are numbered with them. The Book of Mormon was written by the ancient prophets to their descendants, the American Indians. The title page of the book of Mormon plainly states "Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites __ Written to the Lamanites (the American Indians), who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile." Who are the Lamanites? Answer: They are the indigenous peoples of Ancient North and South America, and those who are descended from them, who originally came here from Israel.They are the children of Judah, and Manasseh. They include all of the full_blooded American Indians, all of the Mexicans that are descended from Indians, all of the South American Indians, and any people in North and South America who are descended from Indians(Lamanites). They have a superior birthright, and according to the Book of Mormon they will inherit this land, for in the Book of Mormon, this land is promised to them. Who are the Jews? Answer: They are the descendants of Judah the son of Jacob(Israel). Judah's children became the tribe of Judah(the Jews), one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Who are the Gentiles? Answer: According to Webster's; "Especially a Christian as distinguished from a Jew, they are mostly the people who emigrated to this land from Europe. Doctrine and Covenants 109 Vs. 60" Now These Words, O Lord, we have spoken before thee, concerning the revelations and commandments which thou hast given unto us, Who Are Identified with the Gentiles"! According to the Doctrine and Covenants, the early Mormon people considered themselves to be identified with the Gentiles. Throughout the Book of Mormon, it occasionally mentions the word Gentile or Gentiles. Far more frequently are phrases such as "my people who are of the remnant of Jacob", " my people who are of the house of Israel", "the covenant people of the Lord", "a remnant of the house of Israel", "remnant of our seed", "the fruit of thy loins", "my people", "house of Israel", "remnant of the house of Joseph", "our seed", "mine own people", and similar phrases throughout the Book of Mormon, which refers to the descendants of the indigenous peoples of America (the American Indians, or descendants of the American Indians(Lamanites)). The Gentiles are mainly listed as a people who must repent of their sins, in order to be numbered with the people of the Lord (The descendants of the American Indians). The book of Mormon was written to... the American Indians (Lamanites). The book of Mormon is all about the American Indians forefathers, their birthright, the promises that were made to their fathers in their behalf, and written about the covenants and blessings that are theirs, and theirs alone. That through these covenants and promises, the Gentiles if they repent, will be numbered among them, and partake of the same blessings and promises that were made to them. Let no one make the mistake that the Book of Mormon pertains to the Gentiles in the same way that it pertains to the descendants and children of the holy prophets who made covenants and received promises from the Lord for their children and descendants of this latter_day! We have learned from the title page of the Book Mormon that the American Indians are the first people listed for which it is intended: "written to the Lamanites (the American Indians), who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile." The prophet Joseph Smith affirmed that the title page is a "literal translation" and "not by any means a modern composition" of himself or any other recent man. From the onset of the early church he also spoke clearly on what the book of Mormon is:"The Book of Mormon is a record of the forefathers of our Western tribes of Indians; having been found through the ministration of an holy Angel, and translated into our own language by the gift and power of God, after having been hid up in the Earth for the last 1400 years, containing the word of God which was delivered unto them (the ancestors of the American Indians). By it we learn that our Western tribes of Indians are descendants from that Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and the land of America is a promised land unto them, and unto it all the tribes of Israel will come, with as many of the Gentiles as shall comply with the requisitions of the new covenant." (History of the church, vol. 1, p. 315) We are now living in that age when the Book of Mormon revelations and prophecies of Joseph Smith have and will come to pass. The fastest_growing areas of the Mormon Church are in those areas heavily populated by the descendants of the people of the Book of Mormon (American Indians). Recently released L. D. S. church statistics show approximately one_third of the LDS membership now resides in the countries of Mexico, Central America, and South America. Even modern experts who have studied and recognized rates of the rapid increase in Mormon church membership in Latin America have predicted that at some point in the early part of the 21st century the majority of the worldwide Mormon Church will be people of American Indian descent. It is evident that the Mormon Church has been established primarily for the descendants of Lehi (a Book of Mormon prophet). Chapter 26 How Basic Truths of the Bible Have Been Corrupted by Men From reading the Bible, we know that the scribes and pharisees were most offended by Jesus and His followers. They accused Jesus of being from the Devil. The Pharisees had their Bible as well, and they studied it thoroughly. They utterly refused to accept anything more added to the Scriptures, than what they already had. When Jesus told them He was the Son of God, they were offended and accused Him of speaking blasphemy. They refused to believe that He was the Son of God, because they knew he was the son of Mary, even as Christians today know He was the son of Mary. They didn't believe that Jesus Christ's followers believed in the God of the Old Testament. In contrast, other Christians believed that God is in the form of a man. They learned from the Bible that man was created in God's image. They learned that Adam walked and talked with God in the Garden of Eden. They knew from the Bible that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had talked with God face to face, as one man talks to another. They knew that Moses did the same. They knew directly from the Bible, that God is not a formless, everywhere present power, but that he is in the form of a man. They knew also from Jesus Christ's ministry on the earth, that He was a man, in the same form as them. They did not believe that the nature of God is a "great mystery." We have long been aware of the tremendous pagan influence in the corruption of the early Christian church, and in the founding of all the orthodox Christian Churches, but many are not aware of the extent which this pagan influence has infiltrated. Even the translations of the Scriptures themselves were corrupted by this influence. Not just the simple mistakes, and errors in doctrine, but deliberate attempts to corrupt them with pagan terminology. This flawed translation of the Bible is a curse of confusion laid upon the Gentiles for the past two thousand years, because they rejected the message that was initially preached to them by the Jews. The stubborn Gentiles did not desire to forsake their cherished pagan traditions in favor of the Gospel. They would rather kill the servants of God sent to them, and alter or destroy their message, rather than give up their own cherished opinions and traditions. "For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father." (Book of Mormon | Mosiah 3:19) If men do not have the willingness to forego all the world has to offer in worldly possessions and worldly praise and reputation to serve the Lord, they fall into the path of error, for these things are natural to the world, not the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Savior. Those who diligently and sincerely seek for truth can ask the Lord to guide them through prayer. In instances where sincerity is lacking regarding the matter of truth and praying for truth, it is truly written that: "Behold, I say unto you, that your reasoning is not sincere, for the thing you desire, determines the philosophy you embrace. And if you will search the depths of your heart, your self_deception will become manifest." First Message, 11:13. In the centuries after the crucifixion of Jesus and the deaths of His disciples, there was a great debate raging throughout Christendom concerning what was termed the Trinity. Some people believed that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost were all the same being _ that He was a formless "everywhere present" being, without "body, parts, or passions." They believed that the Godhead was a "great mystery," and that it was blasphemy to seek to understand God. When the Pagan Roman empire was "christianized" under the leadership of the emperor Constantine, all Christians who believed that the Father, and the Son were separate beings were forbidden to believe so any longer. The Roman Catholic Church was incorporated into the empire, Christians and Jews who did not subscribe to the official state religion were driven and killed, books were burned; and the great debate was settled not by reason and truth, but by the business end of a Roman sword. It was this murderous mentality that prospered among professed Christians since that time, and again manifested itself centuries later in early European colonization efforts of America, in which countless American Indians were massacred and/or "christianized" by early colonizers under the guise of what was considered acceptable practices of what at the time was considered to be "Christianity." "The moment you teach some of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God that are retained in the heavens, and are to be revealed to the children of men when they are prepared for them, they will be the first to stone you and put you to death. "It was this same principle that crucified the Lord Jesus Christ, and will cause the people to kill the prophets of this generation...." Quote by Joseph Smith (from Life of Heber C. Kimball by Orson F. Whitney) If you search the history of this subject you will find many slants and opinions to this subject, but you will find for sure that this early Christian controversy was real. Mormons believe in the Trinity like these early persecuted Christians did, that the Father and the Son are two separate beings, exactly as the Bible declares them to be. Mormons know from the Bible that before Stephen was martyred, he looked into heaven and saw God the Father sitting on His throne, and His Son Jesus Christ standing as a separate Being at His right hand. The mob that martyred Stephen knew that Jesus Christ was in the form of a man from His ministry on the earth. Likewise, His Father in Heaven was also in the form of a man. Stephen's testimony which he sealed with his own blood stands to the world forever, the truthfulness of the Fatherhood of God. Mormons do not believe in "great mysteries" like all the Christian churches do. We believe that the essential principles of the Gospel are plain and simple, so that a little child can understand them. Every Christian Church in the world today, whether it be orthodox or protestant, can trace it's roots directly to the beginnings of this early Roman Catholic Church, after the first council of Nicea, which used the opinions of men to define their belief on the Trinity and set the course for the beliefs of most Christian religions today. That is why they are all so opposed to the Mormon religion. It is their very traditions that causes them to be so offended by the Mormon faith. "O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm." (2 Nephi 4:34) Contrary to what these Christians will try to tell you, Mormons really do believe in the Bible. It is merely these Christians' various interpretations of the Bible, that Mormons don't believe in. Consider that those who ultimately reject truth of that which is referred to as Mormonism will be left with a void that will inevitably be filled with something else. What is it filled with? Everything else, with no exceptions is riddled with absurdities and mysteries, and impossibilities. Atheists must practice a strong faith in their religious dogma to overcome the impossibilities of their so_called scientific theories. If you ask a Christian why the Trinity contains a Father and a Son, they will tell you that no one knows why because it is a "great mystery." They will likely say that you shouldn't ask such questions because it is blasphemy to seek to understand God. If you ask them why they believe that infants who die without being baptized in their church will go to hell without ever committing a single sin they will tell you it is a "great mystery." Some of the Protestants will tell you that they don't even believe in baptism, in direct conflict with the teachings of the Bible. All of their thinking is clearly not sincere. In contrast, the Mormon religion has no great mysteries, no scientific impossibilities or absurdities. Everything is written in great plainness so concepts are not easily misunderstood, except by the willingly ignorant. If you ultimately cast away Mormon beliefs before serious and sincere examination, you may as well get rid of all the light bulbs in your house, and live by candle light. There is no known fact, no unalterable proven scientific law which conflicts in any way with anything written in any of the LDS scriptures, though it conflicts with the personal opinions and beliefs of almost everyone alive, including most Mormons. It is all in complete harmony with all known truths. This can be said with total confidence, and no one has ever been successful in proving otherwise. President John Taylor once said that no man can contend with the principles that Joseph Smith taught. We live in that time of many false prophets and false interpretations. Put your trust in God. Don't let the opinions of men influence you in your decision on who to believe. There is a test to refute all false teachings and false prophets and that is to sincerely pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit. A false prophet will set himself up for recognition and is one who does not give all glory to the Lord, Jesus Christ. The Lord’s servants do not work to bring glory to themselves, but to the Savior Jesus Christ. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." James 1:5_8 A prayer for true knowledge must be with a sincere heart and the meekness of a child, for there are circumstances of insincere prayers when the Lord cannot answer. To pray for a confirmation of a belief based on the teachings and traditions of men will lead to error: To cling to the false assumptions devised by men can pave the way to be led by the adversary. Once again: "Behold, I say unto you, that your reasoning is not sincere, for the thing you desire determines the philosophy you embrace. And if you will search the depths of your heart, your self_deception will become manifest. Multitudes there are who will to be deceived, that they may resist the Word of God, and yet avoid self_condemnation; and also that they may not see in the judgments of nature, the condemnation of a wicked people; as it was with my people of old, who slew the prophets that prophesied evil upon the House of Israel." First Message, 11:13_14. Whether or not you choose to believe in various orthodox Christian views, what you accept to be the truth should stand on it's own merits and guided by careful prayer and scriptural study. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit for correction of erroneous principles, for all Christian interpretations and conclusions find conflict with each other and are often based on pagan influences. Do not rely on the opinions of arms of flesh who try so hard to influence you and tell you what your beliefs are, for all who follow after the opinions and traditions of men are in error. The Lord commands that men find Him while there is yet still time for Him to be found: "Yea, I would that ye would come forth and harden not your hearts any longer; for behold, now is the time and the day of your salvation; and therefore, if ye will repent and harden not your hearts, immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you. For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors. And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed. Ye cannot say, when ye are brought to that awful crisis, that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world. For behold, if ye have procrastinated the day of your repentance even until death, behold, ye have become subjected to the spirit of the devil, and he doth seal you his; therefore, the Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn from you, and hath no place in you, and the devil hath all power over you; and this is the final state of the wicked." (Book of Mormon | Alma 34:31 _ 35) Chapter 27 THE POWER OF THE LORD IS NOW AMONG THE AMERICAN INDIAN PEOPLE Be it declared among all American Indian People of the American Continents: The Power of the Lord is now among this people and great will be the blessings of those who purify themselves to serve the Lord. Be it known that the Lord has taken his power from the Gentiles and given it to the American Indians. Great are the blessings and great is the responsibility now upon the American Indians to be the light of the world. Be it known that the Lord favors His covenant people, the American Indians, as are the Jews favored by the covenant with their ancestors. Be it known that the Lord has chosen this people, and many prophets past have foresaw this time of today when the American Indians would be a light unto the world and are destined to become the greatest and most blessed people in the world at this time. Be it declared to all people of American Indian descent that it is expedient to search out the Lord and the truths of His one and only true Gospel, and be it known that the Indians are to follow the enticings of the Holy Spirit and no longer allow the teachings of men to be of hindrance in coming to a knowledge of all truth. Be it declared that the Lord Jesus Christ will soon make His appearance to His people, the American Indians, and it is expedient for the American Indian People to walk in the ways of the Lord. The time of the blessings of the Gentiles is past, and the hopes of the Gentile Peoples is to repent of their sins so that they may hope to be numbered with the covenant people of the Lord, the American Indians. Be it known that the present people of the LDS Church have rejected the fulness of the gospel and are now without testimony of the true gospel, being as they are unrepentant. Our brethren the American Indians are exhorted to put on this mantle of power formerly in possession of the Gentiles, so that there will be a righteous people in the world serving the Lord. "And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel." (3 Nephi 16:10) The Lord has set up an organization for the House of Israel American Indians to be restored to their former positions of power, that is, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. For although now in the possession and apparent control of corrupted men, it has been established by the Lord to provide His people a gathering place, and no group of men can prevent the Lord from setting His house in order when the time comes. The place for the Saints of the Lord to gather is this church. The Lord will hold those responsible who seek to hinder His work of grafting the Lamanite House of Israel into His Church, whether they be in the church or not. Seek not to destroy the messengers, for all men are as the dust of the ground in the eyes of the Lord. In Chapter four of the book of Mosiah, it discusses after the people had awakened to a sense of their awful situation and fell to the earth in great fear, being made aware of their own carnal state, and that they were less than the dust of the earth. It is the meek whom the Father loves, not the proud. The power which formerly has rested with the Gentiles has been taken from them and given to the American Indian People. God’s power is now with the Indians and the only hope of the Gentiles is to repent so that they can be numbered with the American Indians. The Gentiles have fulfilled Book of Mormon Prophecies, and are now, "as salt that has lost its savor." "...but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men." (New Testament | Matthew 5:13) We are now seeing the people of the current LDS Church undergoing a paganization of their beliefs much like what happened to the Christian beliefs approximately 2000 years ago. The capacity of discernment and reasoning has been lifted from the current LDS people and the survival of the Mormon Church now hinges upon the grafting in of the true people and heirs to God’s blessings, the American Indians. The next great work of the Lord will be among this people, the American Indians. The work of the Lord no longer relies upon those Gentiles currently in control of the LDS Church; the power and future works of the Lord is now upon the shoulders of those American Indians who, in this time, are to be grafting in to the Mormon Church to become the spiritual strength of the church and partake of the Lord’s blessings. According to the teachings of Jesus Christ throughout the Book of Mormon, it is His will that the American Indian people now be grafted into His True Church to save it from being cast out and withering away. For it is with this people that the Power of the Lord now resides, and there needs to be a righteous people raised up when the Lord soon returns, for He will have a people serve Him that are not corrupted. You must enter in through the gate the Lord has established, the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the American Indians must be grafted in by large numbers. It is the will of the Lord that the American Indians be now gathered, and pray among themselves for the truthfulness of the Gospel; for the power of the Lord is now among this people. The teachings of the traditions of men can be overcome by a sincere faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is God’s will that the House of Israel become a great people as has been covenanted as a promise to their ancestors. The false teachings of men and of false prophets can be proven and overcome by a reliance in the Holy Spirit to manifest truth to the people of the House of Israel, the American Indians, and all who preach must acknowledge that all glory in the work of the Lord belongs to the Lord and Him alone. We are living in that day when, as in the words of the Book of Isaiah 60:22, "A little one will become as a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time," and accordingly, the Lord’s words on this matter are clear: He will raise up a pure and righteous people to serve Him and bring out the true points of His doctrine. "Behold, thou art my people. Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem..." (Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 8:16) "Wherefore gird up your loins lest ye be found among the wicked. Lift up your voices and spare not." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 43: 19) "And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed. Ye cannot say, when ye are brought to that awful crisis, that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world. For behold, if ye have procrastinated the day of your repentance even until death, behold, ye have become subjected to the spirit of the devil, and he doth seal you his; therefore, the Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn from you, and hath no place in you, and the devil hath all power over you; and this is the final state of the wicked." (Book of Mormon | Alma 34:33 _ 35) The power and destiny of a great people is now at hand; if they will pray for guidance of the Holy spirit with sincere purpose of heart, they will find the overwhelming love of the Savior and power of the Holy Spirit as their guide. The American Indian People are called upon to be a light unto the world, for it is in their heritage that the Lord covenanted with their ancestors to bless their descendants and raise up a pure people from them at this time, and bestow upon them all of the blessings and responsibility that comes with it. Be it one today or a thousand, and a small one growing into a strong nation, the Lord’s Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will have the natural branches of Israel grafted into it to strengthen it, and the strength of the American Indian people will save it from being altogether lost. The fountain of knowledge of the truth of God is now in the hands of the American Indian People, and no other people in the world are destined to come in such great numbers to such a great knowledge of truth and blessings of the Lord at this time ."So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen." (New Testament | Matthew 20:16) The American Indians Will Bring Out the True Points of the Gospel "...I had other sheep, and that they were a branch of the house of Jacob(American Indians); And I will bring to light their marvelous works, which they did in my name; Yea, and I will also bring to light my gospel which was ministered unto them, and, behold, they shall not deny that which you have received, but they shall build it up, and shall bring to light the true points of my doctrine, yea, and the only doctrine which is in me. And this I do that I may establish my gospel, that there may not be so much contention; yea, Satan doth stir up the hearts of the people to contention concerning the points of my doctrine; and in these things they do err, for they do wrest the scriptures and do not understand them. Therefore, I will unfold unto them this great mystery; For, behold, I will gather them as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, if they will not harden their hearts; Yea, if they will come, they may, and partake of the waters of life freely. Behold, this is my doctrine—whosoever repenteth and cometh unto me, the same is my church. (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 10:60 _ 67) "What is meant by the command in Isaiah, 52d chapter, 1st verse, which saith: Put on thy strength, O Zion—and what people had Isaiah reference to? " He had reference to those whom God should call in the last days, who should hold the power of priesthood to bring again Zion, and the redemption of Israel; and to put on her strength is to put on the authority of the priesthood, which she, Zion, has a right to by lineage; also to return to that power which she had lost. "What are we to understand by Zion loosing herself from the bands of her neck; 2d verse? We are to understand that the scattered remnants are exhorted to return to the Lord from whence they have fallen; which if they do, the promise of the Lord is that he will speak to them, or give them revelation." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 113:7 _ 10) Chapter 29 A Prophecy Fulfilled In the year 1845, the leaders of the Mormon Church issued a proclamation to the world, including the gathering of American Indians to become "one nation in this glorious land." The church in recent years has promoted other teachings (i.e., the "Proclamation on Family") that are no longer distinguishable from other significant religious faiths and no longer address these highly significant points of Mormon doctrine. They were given the responsibility to gather the American Indians with the hopes they could be numbered among that people when the Savior returned. There is little evidence that this belief still exists in current Mormon thought. The words of the Lord are clear: At that day when the Gentiles be guilty of all manner of abominations and then reject the fulness of the gospel, it will be taken from them and given to the American Indians(3 Nephi 16:10). That great church now inhabited by the Gentile people is now adrift in its direction, and can only be strengthened by the grafting in of the natural branches of the House of Israel _ the American Indians. The comments from the president of the Mormon Church were of tremendous significance, for they rejected scriptures and doctrine taught by Mormon Church Founders to be the fulness of the Gospel, and even modern LDS Church leaders such as Bruce McConkie have taught that is a church belief that this principle will once again be lived again by the church when the law of the land no longer forbids it. Some church officials have even attempted to backtrack from these recent remarks, yet they are unmistakably clear, uttered by Church President Gordon B. Hinckley and heard by millions of listeners on Sept. 8, 1998, in response to a question by his interviewer: "You condemn it?" "I condemn it, yes, as a practice, because I think it is not doctrinal. It is not legal." With these words spoken by the LDS Church President on Sept. 8, 1998, we see the literal fulfilling of the prophecy in 3 Nephi 16:10, when the Mormon Gentiles "shall reject the fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them." With this statement, Hinckley summarily dismissed and betrayed the testimonies and meaning of the lives of many martyred Mormon Saints who established the Mormon religion, from which modern LDS people now reap the benefits, and condemned a basic principle of his Church’s heritage, which was paid for with the blood of many early Mormons, many of whom chose to pay a tremendous price of sacrifice rather than reject their God. For this was the principle more than any other which caused the early Saints to endure tremendous persecution and be slain at the hands of the mobocrats; a principle paid for with the blood of many Saints of the early Mormon church. It was this principle of polygamy that proved the worthiness of early Saints; it also proved the murderous hearts of some of the early American settlers _ of whom many were professed Christians _ who joined the bloodthirsty mobs which attacked and maimed and murdered the Mormons, and drove them from their homes in every state they lived, until they finally had to escape to the Rocky Mountains for safety. With this official statement by an LDS Church president, it also made official the revoking of the blessings upon the Gentile Mormon people and signaled the taking of the fulness of the gospel from them and the power of the Lord transferring this power and blessings upon the American Indian people. The blessings of the world now hinge upon the light of the American Indian people. "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory." 1 Nephi 14:14 "And I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall forsake all evil and cleave unto all good, that ye shall live by every word which proceedeth forth out of the mouth of God. For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 98:11 _ 12) "And the nations of the earth shall honor her, and shall say: Surely Zion is the city of our God, and surely Zion cannot fall, neither be moved out of her place, for God is there, and the hand of the Lord is there; "And he hath sworn by the power of his might to be her salvation and her high tower. Therefore, verily, thus saith the Lord, let Zion rejoice, for this is Zion—THE PURE IN HEART; therefore, let Zion rejoice, while all the wicked shall mourn." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 97:19 _ 21) It will primarily be American Indians that will build up the temple in Missouri, assisted by those present LDS Church Gentile members who have repented. 3 Nephi 21 clearly defines the role of the present church members in the the building of the new Jerusalem. (verse 22) "But if they will repent and hearken unto my words, and not harden their hearts, I will establish my church among them, and they shall come in unto the covenant and be numbered among this the remnant of Jacob (American Indians), unto I have given this land for their inheritance;" Also, the Doctrine and Covenants gives another reference clarifying who is is referred to as "Gentiles" in the American Indians’ history (Book of Mormon) and who is referred to as the House of Israel (Jews and Lamanite/American Indians): "...concerning the revelations and commandments which thou hast given us, who are identified with the Gentiles.", as Joseph Smith explained, where it is plainly spelled out the church members are basically defined as the House of Israel/American Indians/Jews and the "Gentiles" _ the current non_Lamanite members who were in early times the American settlers of European stock and today are "identified with the Gentiles" as referred to in Joseph Smith's dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple. (D&C 109:60) And thus the Holy Spirit has directed it be spoken: The time for the fulness of the Gospel has come to be taken from the Gentiles and given to the Lamanites. It has been written and now it is to be fulfilled: "And thus commandeth the Father that I should say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles shall sin against my gospel, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, and of secret abominations; and if they shall do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them. "And then will I remember my covenant which I have made unto my people, O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them. "And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you; but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel." (Book of Mormon | 3 Nephi 16:10 _ 12) Chapter 30 Covering Their Tracks It states in 3 Nephi, 16 that if the Gentiles reject the fulness of the Gospel it will be taken from them and given to the House of Israel. Modern LDS church representatives have taken upon themselves to add the word "nation" or "nations" in their teaching of the definition they would like to assign to the term "Gentiles." By adding this single word, the complete meaning of this scripture passage is changed, and it can then be taught that the "Gentiles" refers to complete non_believing peoples in nations such as the United States, and the House of Israel would then refer to the current LDS Church members. This is an erroneous interpretation that has been concocted to make the teaching of this scripture more palatable to current members of the LDS church, for instead of a stern warning as intended for the Latter_Day Saints, they have chosen to believe a reverse interpretation of removing total accountability from the current LDS people and unconditionally assigning upon themselves the blessings of the House of Israel. Does this refer to someone other than the LDS Church being the Gentiles? The passage does not refer to the "Gentiles who reject the Gospel." The words are very specific: At that day when the Gentiles "shall reject the fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them." The passage does not say that those who reject the Gospel before examining it and understanding it are to have it taken away, for how can something be taken away that was never in possession? To be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter_Day Saints carries a tremendous responsibility and level of accountability that non_members do not carry. As only Church members have had the fulness of the Gospel taught to them and are the only people in a position to understand it well enough reject it (you cannot be guilty of rejecting the fulness of something if you have not been in a position to have learned about and understand the complexities of its whole) _ this can only refer to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter_Day Saints. "Now, I say unto you, and what I say unto you, I say unto all the Twelve: Arise and gird up your loins, take up your cross, follow me, and feed my sheep. Exalt not yourselves; rebel not against my servant Joseph; for verily I say unto you, I am with him..." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 112:14 _ 15) That organization which the Lord has established to prepare a place and to organize His people of these days, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter_day Saints, although believed to be in a state of rapid growth, has also been rapidly losing members to inactivity and many cases apostasy, for there has been little offered to "feed my sheep." Many falsehoods taught as official church doctrine has left the majority of members of the LDS Church with weakened and hollow testimonies of the true Gospel, leading to unprecedented rates of inactivity and church dropout. If you question most LDS church members, you will find that they know little about their own religion other than that which they have been told to them will be their religious beliefs by their fellow church members. "Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst." (Old Testament | Isaiah 5:13) For although the church is now guided by corrupted men (as documented in previous issues of this publication), prophecies have foretold this organization of the LDS Church would at some point become primarily in the possession of the American Indians, the Lord’s covenant people of the House of Israel. Those in and out of the LDS Church who seek to prevent the Lord’s People from being gathered into the Lord’s church will be held accountable before the Lord; and those holding positions of influence within and out of the LDS Church and any governments of the American continents who seek to hinder the Lord’s work and discredit the Gospel will be held accountable before the Lord. "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Old Testament | Isaiah 5:20) And although the followers of Satan are now seeking to pollute all facets of the LDS Church, such as introducing satanic symbols on certain LDS Church buildings such as the Nauvoo Temple, and have been supported in their works controlling the LDS church by the current church membership, the church still belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. He will come to set His House in order as He drove money changers out of His temple in Biblical Times: "...and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables" (New Testament | John 2:13 _ 15) For the Power of the Lord is now with those American Indians who pray in all sincerity of heart whether these things be true, and it will become manifest to them that the power of God is now with them to do His works, for that power has been taken from the Gentiles. For this Church was established to stand as an ensign to the world that will not be thrown down. "And liars and hypocrites shall be proved by them, and they who are not apostles and prophets shall be known." (D&C 65:35) The teachings of the scriptures of the Mormon Church should be evaluated by studying and praying on the literal words of the Lord, not those actions and interpretations of Gentiles that seek to occupy His church and transform it into a pagan religion according to their own desires. "...the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment. For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean. "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little..." (Old Testament | Isaiah 28:7 _ 10) Chapter 31 The Keys of the Gospel Joseph Smith foresaw that the time would come when many groups would be claiming the keys of priesthood authority, which is now. He stated he would give a sure key so you wouldn't be deceived of where the keys would be, that those keys would be where the main body of the church was; where the church records and the history of the church were kept is where the keys would be. This is important to note in a time when many break_off groups from the LDS Church are falsely claiming priesthood authority; and the arrival of the one mighty and strong is promoted with erroneous pretense by many of those groups. But verily, verily, I say unto you, that none else shall be appointed unto this gift except it be through him; "for if it be taken from him, he shall not have power except to appoint another in his stead." D&C 43:4 The 43rd Section of the Doctrine and Covenants explains that when the Leaders of the LDS Church fail to use the power of their calling properly, they have lost their power, and their positions have no more power, except to confer their keys upon another in their stead. They have retained the keys of authority, but the power of the church in those keys lies dormant, and the only power the leaders now hold is to choose who to confer the keys upon next. The keys of the LDS Church now lie dormant, and we are witnessing the effects of a church spiritually adrift, without spiritual direction. Would the American Indians not take this opportunity and fail to answer the call of saving the true religion, the world will lose the concept of what is truth and soon fall into complete darkness. All people of this time have the opportunity to witness conspiring forces throughout the world attempt to portray truth in a different slant, and the threat of evil taking over the definitions of truth has never been stronger. At no time in history has the battle to define what is believed to be "truth" been such a factor in the survival in the nations of the world. In scriptures the American Indians are prophesied to search out and come to a full knowledge of the truth and bring out the true points of the Lord’s Doctrine.
Chapter 32 Condemnation Upon the LDS People Has Never Been Lifted In the year 1832, just two years after the time when the LDS Church was established, a scourge and condemnation was placed upon the current LDS people for their disobedience to the Lord. This curse and pending judgement has never been lifted: "And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received— Which vanity and unbelief have brought the whole church under condemnation. And this condemnation resteth upon the children of Zion, even all. And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments which I have given them, not only to say, but to do according to that which I have written— That they may bring forth fruit meet for their Father's kingdom; otherwise there remaineth a scourge and judgment to be poured out upon the children of Zion. For shall the children of the kingdom pollute my holy land? Verily, I say unto you, Nay." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 84:54 _ 59) The church was not even three years old when in January, 1833, it became necessary for the Nauvoo High Council to issue a solemn epistle of warning from the Prophet Joseph to the wayward Saints, regarding their poor attitude toward the restored gospel, and of the great danger of the Church losing its promises: "There is one clause in Brother Joseph’s letter which you may not understand; that is this: If the people in Zion did not repent, the Lord will seek another place, and ANOTHER PEOPLE.’ Zion is the place where the temple will be built, and the people gathered, but all the people upon that Holy Land being under condemnation, the Lord will cut them off, if they repent not, and bring ANOTHER RACE upon it that will serve Him. The Lord will seek another place to bring forth and prepare His word to go forth to the nations." History of the Church, 1:320 "Wherefore, go to, and call servants, that we may labor diligently with our might in the vineyard, that we may prepare the way, that I may bring forth again the natural fruit, which natural fruit is good and the most precious above all other fruit. "Wherefore, let us go to and labor with our might this last time, for behold the end draweth nigh, and this is for the last time that I shall prune my vineyard. Graft in the branches; begin at the last that they may be first, and that the first may be last, and dig about the trees, both old and young, the first and the last; and the last and the first, that all may be nourished once again for the last time. Wherefore, dig about them, and prune them, and dung them once more, for the last time, for the end draweth nigh. And if it be so that these last grafts shall grow, and bring forth the natural fruit, then shall ye prepare the way for them, that they may grow. "And as they begin to grow ye shall clear away the branches which bring forth bitter fruit, according to the strength of the good and the size thereof; and ye shall not clear away the bad thereof all at once, lest the roots thereof should be too strong for the graft, and the graft thereof shall perish, and I lose the trees of my vineyard. For it grieveth me that I should lose the trees of my vineyard; wherefore ye shall clear away the bad according as the good shall grow, that the root and the top may be equal in strength, until the good shall overcome the bad, and the bad be hewn down and cast into the fire, that they cumber not the ground of my vineyard; and thus will I sweep away the bad out of my vineyard. "And the branches of the natural tree will I graft in again into the natural tree; And the branches of the natural tree will I graft into the natural branches of the tree; and thus will I bring them together again, that they shall bring forth the natural fruit, and they shall be one. And the bad shall be cast away, yea, even out of all the land of my vineyard; for behold, only this once will I prune my vineyard. "And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent his servant; and the servant went and did as the Lord had commanded him, and brought other servants; and they were few. And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them: Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish my vineyard; for the end is nigh at hand..." (Book of Mormon | Jacob 5:61 _ 71) Joseph Smith had so much concern about there being so little time left in which to prune the Lord’s vineyard, that he made every effort to prune the vineyard while he lived, to the extent of ex_communicating those leaders and apostles who taught a different doctrine than he taught. "Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my nation; for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light for the people. My righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth, and mine arm shall judge the people. The isles shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they trust. Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment; and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner. But my salvation shall be forever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished. Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart I have written my law, fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings. For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool. But my righteousness shall be forever, and my salvation from generation to generation. Awake, awake! Put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake as in the ancient days. Art thou not he that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon? Art thou not he who hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over? Therefore, the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy and holiness shall be upon their heads; and they shall obtain gladness and joy; sorrow and mourning shall flee away. I am he; yea, I am he that comforteth you. Behold, who art thou, that thou shouldst be afraid of man, who shall die, and of the son of man, who shall be made like unto grass?" (Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 8:1 _ 12)(9/03)
The Cry From the Dust Collection The Mighty Eagle The greatest of them all, Once Soared high above the rest, Unyielding to the arrows, Shot into her breast, Staggering and bleeding, The searing pain now deadened, While infection takes hold, This beautiful bird now hobbles, Her serious wounds life threatening, Those that sought her death, Whose hands are enemies of peace, The demands of justice seek the identities, Of those who injured her most severely, After a search turned up naught, To find her strongest enemy, Evil’s cunning stealth finds reward, Not from enemies afar, But from the protection of her wing, A closer look at her wounds, Reveals the swift invasions of maggots, Bringing the worst of diseases, Concocted by shrewd men, Who have called her wounds their home, Demanding loyalty and protection, From her soul’s reputation so noble, They nourish themselves off her bleeding wounds, Saying this has always been her way, That she has always embraced the ideals of all, To welcome and protect all in her wings of freedom, Even maggots, disease and pestilance, All maggots may demand equal treatment, And the leaches acting as her physicians, Seek to give her treatment, By sucking out the goodness and life, Many teach the bird will be strengthened, While there is a profit yet to be made, By selling the feathers that make her fly, Her greatness starts to succumb, Many claim the kinship and inheritance, Of her patriot heritage, Her image now tattered, They set her beautiful colors to flame, Those she has worn so proudly, The guardians of truth long ago abandoned for hire, Replaced with wasps eager to sting, Her wounds now countless, The inhabitants new guardians, Now lead an attack on her whole being, Far off vultures begin to circle, Her vital organs now infected, Where is the patriotism, Where is the aid, All tables are full of vomit, Now left to the mercies of God, She needs a miracle, Can she still be administered to, Can her wounds be cleansed, How strong is the spirit of the patriot?
From the Dust Shall They Cry From the dust comes a cry, From the dust comes a sound, Why did innocents have to die, Cries the voice, wanting to be found.
The cry is the spirit of the patriot, No foe's resolve is greater, Valiant for America, This spirit lives forever.
The cry of the spirits of our ancestors, The patriots know their voice, When our flag was sacred , Our liberties were choice.
The price for their vision of paradise, The lives of these men most valiant, For their nation the highest sacrifice, With God their reward shines radiant.
And they shall cry from the dust, They cry unto the Lord for justice, Hoping we will redeem their trust, And assert those liberties bounteous.
Like wildfire the message spreads, Across the land is carried, The spirit of the patriot sings, From graves where they are buried.
A call rolls forward across the land, Now is the time the patriot awakes, A call for the patriots to step forward and stand, With our return to God, the enemy quakes.
The patriots heed the call to arms, that call roars through the land, Our ancestors voices beckon them, Their choice blood still in our sand.
His veins run blue, his wounds bleed red, towards America a clean white conscience, A patriots spirit is never dead, likewise his oath of allegiance.
Within the giant is a powerful force, citizens well regulated, his slumber over, our patriot roars, the evil is ill fated.
Many heed the call; the spirit inspires, Its voice sings through the land, enveloping us like wildfire, striking fear in the secret band.
A military of enormous size, It's urgent need unplanned, yet valiantly will it organize, to defeat the evil band.
Its strength depends on not one man, we're unified for a nation, led by a living document, our beloved constitution.
A patriot lives by our nation's rules, fierce when provoked to defend, Yet mindful of our principles, only the true enemy will he rend.
Protect the innocent where you trod, we ask the patriots far and near, Our noble forces both home and abroad, unite to their duty clear.
The evil wants silence, it is too late, They'll have no harbor in our country, who better to defend us, to trust our fate? our flesh and blood well-armed yankee!
We despair in those times that the evil seems strong, We yearn for a peace that comes later, With a return to God we can’t go wrong, For the power of the Lord is the greater.
And they echo from the ground these cries, The Lord will not always continue to suffer, To hear from those who have paid the price, And as the Lord liveth, he will remember.*
The Constitution
That divinely inspired document, Which guarantees our protection, To honorable men it was sent, For to live under God in this Nation.
Defining the values of America, Words built on a foundation of stone, Causing so many to come here, Among all rulers it stands alone.
Its strength depends on not one man, We're unified for a nation, We follow this living document, Our beloved constitution.
"In finding our mission of the moment, Assured of the rightness of our cause",** We honor that most precious document, which guarantees our rights, in laws.
We honor those words divinely inspired, The cornerstone of our nation, The vision our founding fathers sired, Long live our constitution!
The President's Speech What are the words of patriotism? How can it be expressed, Promoting liberty and freedom, A patriot knows it best.
We hear the words of our president, The speech addressing our grief, We are vulnerable at the moment, yet his words provide relief.
"Great harms have been done to us, We have suffered great loss",** We’ll pursue the Lord’s justice, Beyond this, we will not cross.
"Even grief recedes with time and grace", Aided by a light that’s greater, "Memories of a voice or face", "In our hearts they’re carried forever".
"Some wonder of our future, Will it be darkness and fear", "A country awakened to danger", Need cling to liberties dear.
May the Lord grant us wisdom, To one nation under God, Never forget those words of freedom, And our heroes we’ll always laud.
"The state of our union... it is strong" The dreams of the patriots will live on, "the course is not known, yet its outcome is certain" against the forces of unreason.
"This will be an age of liberty", Here and across the world, A heritage preserved that makes us free, "And keeps our flag unfurled."***
"The advance of human freedom, great achievement of our time", As in victories past, and those to come, Hold on, dear freedom sublime!
"In finding our mission of the moment, Assured of the rightness of our cause", We honor that most precious document, which guarantees our rights, in laws.
In Summation These cries from the dust, oh how they echo, From patriot spirits with motives pure, Brave when oppressed by freedom's foe, At great cost they did endure.
To find the truth, one shall not mock, embrace it whole and nothing less, He that builds upon the rock, receives the truth with gladness.
"Let us cast off the works of darkness, Let us put on the armour of light",*** Time to stand tall for America, Time for true Americans to do right.
* A few scripture phrases were incorporated (See Book of Ether) **Quotations in poem "The President's Speech" are directly attributable to actual comments from speech. ***Reference to lyrics of "America" ****Romans 13-12
How could ye so easily have departed from the ways of Lord
O ye sons and daughters, ye fathers and mothers, ye husbands and wives,G randfathers and grandmothers, why have ye for naught sold yourselves.O why are ye lifted up in the pride of your hearts above all of the other people.D o ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness so remarkable.B ut because you sought the worlds praise, a misery which never dies is thy destiny.L est the blood of this generation soil thy garments more, awaken to thy calamity.E very life begins at conception, our early Mormon Prophets told us so emphatically.S atan delights in the death of every unborn babe, the flower of our humanity.S ent from heaven, but only to be brutally murdered before they can be born.T ens of thousands ripped from their mothers wombs by church authorities sanction.H undreds of thousands more, slough off and die, by the evil birth control pill.E very single cell baby can be born, all they need is a womb for nine months to fulfill.M ake certain that you never use the pill, or one baby in twenty you will kill.T is ignorance not so bliss, to go on amiss, by erring mothers their daughters they instill.O nly abstinence prevents the union of conception with absolute reliability tried.R eturn to early church teachings, lest when you die you find many tender souls deprived.E nmity to thee they will feel, for ending their little lives so callously.P iously ravening wolves do pose, as church authorities whose counsels from hells reply.E nigma it is to understand, why one could pray for divine guidance to murder innocence.N ever no never shed innocent blood, or to our Lord's crucifixion thou would consent.T hen strive for perfection as a latter-day saint, do what is right let consequence follow.
TO THE LAMANITES once a mighty people soon again to become a mighty nation
G reat indeed was thy glorious past, beautiful cities dotted this vast land.O nly a faint whisper remains of thy glory, yet thy story here will stand. Defiantly ancient ruins attest to thy greatness, upon plates recorded.B y angels protected, lo these many centuries they have not eroded.L et the Book of Mormon, the book of thy fathers, be thy guiding light.E nvied and sold, in sorrow and dejection thou hast wandered in the night.S end a prophet to earth, heaven declared, he will bring forth their book.S on of Mormon, Moroni from heaven did come, for unto thee they had not forsook.T he son of Joseph, Joseph Smith but a lad, a prophet to be his destiny.H e translated the plates, and now the Lamanites have their history.E ven so Joseph paid the price, scarred by beatings, and eventually martyred.E very State in the Union was represented by the mob that they harbored.L eft all alone without their guiding light, lost was the prophet Joseph Smith.A fter this, from their warm homes in winter, the Mormon people were driven forth.M any graves marked the tear stained trail, that led them to their sanctuary.A way, Valley high near a dead sea, their purpose was to bring the gospel unto thee.N ow Lo these many decades past, the noble Mormon pioneers are but a memory.I nstead we have a people so at ease in zion, to babylon have they all bent the knee.T o impart to thee the sacred things given them by god, was their solemn duty.E rring in vision, stumbling in judgment, the drunkards of ephraim no longer are free.N ow their covenant with death shall be disannulled, and they must repent.A nd their agreement with hell shall not stand, and to be with thee, they must repent.T hen shall they who are not penitent be trodden down by the overflowing scourge.I srael, from tribes of Judah and Joseph Art thou Lamanite's descended, take courage.O nly now thou shalt stand in manly dignity, to accept thy blessings from god's throne.N orth and South America shall once again be a mighty nation forever under god as one.
W hat has become of the great, noble and valiant Mormon pioneer?H aving great intelligence, without equal their sermons we revere.Y et a legacy of books and diaries detail their hardships and sacrifices to instill.H ere by the shores of the other dead sea, a righteous people gather as was His will.A nd through blood sweat and tears they established Zion a great legacy.V alued beyond price this sublime gift they gave to their children unselfishly.E njoyed and cherished at first it seemed, now taken for granted by powers that be.T o know for yourselves an earlier motto, now it is, your leaders cannot go astray.H earing of dark councils to murder, your innocent unborn babies is what we all see.E njoying the fruits of laborers past they glut themselves in an unholy way.Y et through all of this there is but a whisper, perhaps some may still be sincere.F ear grips the rest, to conform they do their best, in judgment they do err.A ura of respect they once commanded, only contempt as the world now gloats.L ook for a great seive to come forth and separate the sheep from the goats.L ike an evil pentagram which now adorns the windows of the nauvoo temple.E njoying their sins, lyings, mischiefs, hypocrisy, murders, and whoredoms but a sample.N ow like a whirlwind gods judgments shall come, upon his own house shall they begin.Many a Grand and Glorious Scene
T iny twinkler in the firmament of the North sky, but wait, tis no star, but a planet in guise of a star .H ow we wonder at this little twinkler, soon this fragment of our own Earth will be descending from afar.E ons ago twas borne away to distant space, home of ten lost tribes of Israel, through these many centuries.S oon this sphere will reunite, restoring in part, the more glorious size of our former Earth of antiquities.E ach and every scientist with the great and wise and learned of this Earth will say to such a concept as this.C an not happen, impossible, ridiculous, such a collision means the death of all this worlds life, they would hiss.O nly he who created this Earth, and removed this sphere, can bring it back again, and gently roll it together.N ow we see why tumultuous great earthquakes as the Bible says, are to rend this land in the hereafter.D efiantly water will flow uphill, and men's legs will fail them, they will fall to the ground in wonder and fear.C ongruently, great will be the destructions that fall upon this earth, and yet to those who survive this give ear.O h what can this be that we hear?The noise of a great and mighty camp, requisite with valiant epithets.M any a grand and glorious scene will break forth, a highway from the deep will be cast up by their prophets.I ndomitable upon this highway, tens of millions of the lost ten tribes of Israel, will steadily march from the North.N o power on earth can stop them, for the power of our Lord is with them, for He is the God of Sabaoth.G allantly, their mighty men shall come, one shall stand against a thousand, and two against ten thousand.I mbued with courage through priesthood power, their enemies shall become a prey wherever they turn their hand.S trange His act, and strange His work, that wise men may hear and know that which they have never considered.N ow it shall come to pass that Kings shall shut their mouths; for that which they had not been told shall they see.It shall be said that a man shall declare it unto them, and there shall be among them those who will not believe it. Gone shall be the tenets of men, who can stand? Only those that know for themselves that Jesus is the Christ. H ere shall a remnant of the house of Jacob, go forth among them who shall be many, for their hoofs shall be brass,A nd their horns shall be iron.The sons of Jacob shall bring to light, the true points of Gods Doctrine at last.T hen the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a Holy City.H undreds of thousands of Lamanites will converge, Zions camp comes up from South to build a Temple of great beauty.A nd those Gentiles who have repented and numbered themselves with the Lamanites will assist them as fortold.N otwithstanding the ancient ones who are yet alive, a great Temple will be built for their eyes to behold.D ay of prophesy shall surely come, nations shall tremble because of her, and shall fear because of her terrible ones.The Hope of Israel Thy first parents came from Israel unto this promised land Holy and precious this birthright given to our Saviors hand Earnestly thy ancient fathers prayed for a covenant unto thee Heavenly hosts shed tears of joy as thy fathers see Observing these last days in prophecy knowing of its fulfillment Praying, pouring out their whole sole to obtain this covenant Ever praying for their children with many long struggling’s suffered Over many generations thy fathers prayed for the promise desired Forever God will honor this covenant he made with them In tender feelings only a father can know for their children Sought for the salvation of these their descendants in solace Right thou art to regard thy birthright as beyond all price All blessings to this land come through thy holy lineage Even though these blessings are sure, still thy enemies rage Look to the record of thy fathers in the Book of Mormon
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True Mormons called on to lift their voices against latest works of Mormon apostates in the church. The biggest threat to the Mormon religion is not from former Mormons or anti- Mormons, but those in positions of influence.
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