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Questions to Ask Concerning the Mormon Religion

May His Story Never Be Forgotten

Word of the Lord

Apostasy Rages in Current LDS Church

Update: Apostasy in the Modern Mormon Church

One Must Stand Alone if Necessary

A Response to Mormon History Revisionists

Doctine and Covenants, Section 10

Patriotic Poetry: The Cry From the Dust Poetry Collection

Nephite observatory

Parley P. Pratt's Address to the American Indians


The Return of the Prophet Joseph Smith

A Testimony of the Divine Origin of the Prophet Joseph Smith

Like the Days of Noah

Pentagram and the Modern LDS Church

Preaching the Gospel in Many Lands

Teachings of Joseph Smith

The Prophet Mormon's Warnings to Those Who Spurn the Words and Works of the Lord

Gentiles must repent

D&C - 113th section, Scattered Remnants Exhorted to Return

Prophecy held in Abeyance

The Importance of Finding the Truth

Recent Developments

Alma 32, 4-8

Gathering of Israel

The Three Nephites

Walker Lake Photo

The Savior Visits the Indians

Translated Beings Laboring Among the Indians

Blessings on the Righteous in America

Prophetic Sayings of Heber C. Kimball

What is at Stake?

Why the Current LDS People Have Lost Their Capacity to Reason

New Books: The Mormon Religion is Still True

What Did Early Church Leaders Have to Say on the American Indians?

What is the True message of the Book of Mormon?



A Tribute to Veterans




An Apostle of the Mormon Church, Wilford Woodruff stated in 1855: "I want to know now, if the Mormons can really and truly realize our true position with regard to the Lamanites (the American Indians), or do you consider them inferior? Do you ever read the Book of Mormon? If you do, do you believe and realize the truth of its sayings and also what the Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith? These are the things that we have in our possession; we have them in the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the History of Joseph Smith. Do you read them? If you lay them to heart as the things of God, you will feel that it is necessary to do our duty to our red brethren. When the Priesthood was restored, I knew then that if it were not for the Israelites (The American Indians), the Gentiles might go to hell and be damned. The Lord would not take much pains with us anyhow, were it not for the promised seed (the American Indians). Instead of them being inferior to us in birthright, they are superior in birthright; and they stand first in many instances, with regard to the promises of God in particular."

How amazing this statement truly is! Wilford Woodruff had the true knowledge and realization of what an important role that the native sons and daughters of America will play in the future of our country, but not only our country but North and South America as well. For he clearly understood that this people, the American Indians or Lamanites as the Book of Mormon calls them, are Israelites, and that they are the Covenant people of the Lord. This precious people are the people who are to inherit this land through the promises obtained from the Lord to their ancient fathers who suffered, fasted and prayed for many days in humility and sincerity to gain these blessings for their children, the American Indians of these latter days.

Wilford Woodruff, a prophet and leader of the Mormon Church made this remark, that the Lord would not take much pains with us (the LDS Gentiles) anyhow if it were not for the Israelites (American Indians). The Mormon Church of today seems to have forgotten and taken for granted the blessings that they have enjoyed and benefitted from as a result of the Book of Mormon, and the fact that the American Indian Israelites are here, and through them these blessings emanate. Indeed, the entire Mormon Church is dependant on the American Indian Israelites for without them the Mormon Church would have never been founded and would not exist! Because without the Book of Mormon (the ancient history of the American Indians) there would be no Church!

If only we could see into the future, we would understand that we must repent of our pride and our sins that we might be numbered with the American Indian Israelites. We would see that through them we might share with and partake of the great and glorious blessings and miraculous events that will soon unfold before our very eyes. We would understand that we might be blessed to be with and assist the American Indian Israelites in the building of their City of New Jerusalem. And when kings shall see it their knees shall smite together and they will exclaim "let us not go up against her to battle for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible and we will not stand." It would surpass the understanding of most of today’s Gentile people to comprehend what a glorious thing it would be to be a citizen of this magnificent peaceful city of refuge and safety! Throughout all of the ages the ancient prophets longed to be in our era to partake of the blessings and events that soon are to transpire in our midst.

What value is placed on salvation? Is the salvation of your immortal soul worth thousands of dollars? Perhaps it is worth millions, or billions, or even your own life, or is it beyond price? What need have you for wealth if you die without your soul being saved in the kingdom of God? And so it is with the gold plates that the Book of Mormon was translated from, they are worth the salvation of many souls, therefore all of the gold in the wedge of Ophir would not be enough to purchase these plates. They are without value as we know it on earth, for their value is eternal. Just as the words that are contained in the Book of Mormon are priceless, all of the descendants of the Book of Mormon peoples (the American Indians of these days) whose royal birthright entitles them to these promises is also beyond the price of all of the world’s wealth. For without this people the prophecies in the Book of Mormon cannot come to pass and all that has transpired to this point would be in vain!

Recently a new attack has been made against the Book of Mormon. Enemies have launched an all out assault using vague DNA studies which are lacking in the fundamental basics of provable science in which they contend that the American Indians are not Israelites, "so therefore the Book of Mormon cannot be true" because it says that they are. The theories put forth by "DNA Research" would not only discredit the Book of Mormon if true, but would also discredit the Bible and many differing religions from cultures around the world.

The geneticists conducting the DNA research do not believe in the Bible. In order for their theories to work, they cannot accept that every person in the world has a common father in Noah, just over four thousand years ago. A similar belief of a catastrophic flood that occurred during the days of Noah is shared by various "Flood legends" in well over 130 historically unrelated cultures around the world, and the story of this great flood has somehow survived to be passed down through the centuries in each culture, generation by generation.

In order for DNA theories to work, they must lay claim to accurately tracing the genetic markers of people back thousands of years. They must also disprove the account in Genesis, because the Book of Mormon records that Lehi left Jerusalem 2600 years ago, and the Bible records Noah lived 4000 years ago. If the Bible was true, it would not be possible for the world to "unrelate" itself by geneticists standards in the approximately 1500 years between Noah and Lehi, and then according to geneticists standards maintain a common relation or heritage for each generation for the past 2600 years. In order for the DNA experts’ theory to work, the Bible must be thrown out the window along side the Book of Mormon, and the history of the World must be thrown back tens of thousands of years, in order for the world to "unrelate" itself to the point that would fit the geneticist theories. The DNA research is interestingly cited most often by Christian groups as evidence against the Book of Mormon, in spite of the fact that Bible believing Christians claim to believe that the flood of Noah’s time destroyed all but the DNA of one man and his family approximately 4000 years ago.

If left alone these arguments would fall by the wayside as poor science (this topic was discussed in more detail in this publication last month). It is curious as to what desperate lengths Bible-believing Christians will go to damage the credibility of the Book of Mormon, even when it invalidates their own religious beliefs. These spurious attacks are insulting to the knowledgeable science community because they have so little to work with to form this absurd partisan agenda. Most often, the chief proponents of this DNA theory claim to be Bible-believing Christians. Curiously, it always seems to be the Mormon religion that is most often singled out to be attacked out of all of the religions in the world, and some individuals and groups have dedicated their entire lives and resources to discredit the Mormon religion, in spite of the fact the Mormon Church currently only represents a small fraction of the world’s inhabitants. The individuals claiming they are acting only on their Christian faith in trying to affect the beliefs of Mormons often show little Christian concern for the people of other differing religions. Why?

The forces of Satan have singled out this one church, the Mormon Church, from all other religions in the world to launch the full brunt of evil against it for only one reason. The Mormon religion, the religion of the ancestors of the American Indian Israelites, is the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ and the plain and simple truth of Joseph Smith and the Mormon religion has never been confounded, nor has Joseph Smith and the Mormon Church ever been discredited through honest means. The devil pays little heed to those religions and creeds that are already under his power of delusion. As long as there is but a spark of truth among Mormons, Satan will direct the full force of his evil to extinguish it, and until then he will not relent. The thread of truth connecting Heaven to Earth in the Mormon religion is the only barrier preventing the world’s inhabitants from being subdued by the powers of wickedness. The tenuous position of truth in the world today is a fulfillment of the following Biblical prophecy and Satan will only be allowed to accomplish his designs if the truth in the Mormon religion is completely destroyed. This is why the forces of evil are unrelenting in their attacks on the innocent character of Joseph Smith and the Mormon religion.

"And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (New Testament | 2 Thessalonians 2:8 - 12)

While the modern Mormon Church authorities have made many statements supposedly in defense of the Book of Mormon in these matters, it is evident that the current LDS Church leaders have no intention of putting forth a strong defense against anti-Mormon slander, despite the overwhelming facts on the side of the true Mormon religion. The cunning hypocrisy of the devil is using this feeble "defense" put forward by the current LDS Church to cause more actual damage to the Mormon Religion than what the original slander against the religion set out to do. The present Mormon leaders, under the cunningness of the hypocrisy of the devil, make statements like they are defending the Mormon religion, but their sinister efforts are obviously intended to discredit the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. It says in the scriptures that hypocrites are the worst of all sinners. When the Mormon religion is attacked, the leaders adhere to their pattern of at first acting like they are defending the Mormon religion, but their intent soon becomes evident in their efforts to discredit Joseph Smith and destroy the true Mormon religion, while they pretend to defend it. So now a far more terrible and sinister attack is being made against the Book of Mormon!

All Good men are called upon to speak out for truth, to demand that true religious teachings be restored, and to defend the Mormon religion from the evil slander that has invaded it. And who are these who would attack the Mormon religion, are they enemies from without? No, they are from the so called learned and intellectual stony heart within the church, which stinketh with the detestable odor of apostates and traitors to the Book of Mormon. Wherein they falsely contend that only the enemies of the church say that the Book of Mormon is all inclusive of the entire western hemisphere (a view that was clearly understood by Latter-day saints just a few short years ago). And that now through their great wisdom they realize that the geographical area of the Book of Mormon’s scope was only a few hundred miles long by a couple of hundred miles wide, and that there "were already inhabitants in the land." So now it is a matter of some of the American Indians have "some" of the blood of Israel in their veins. Efforts are now underway to change the standard belief that American Indians are all of the blood of Israel.

It is becoming a simple matter among scholars of the modern Mormon Church to search for exceptions to the covenant status of the American Indian so that if these exceptions can be supported, the rule of covenant status of the American Indian can be completely changed. So by dodging a pebble thrown at them they dive into the fire. Or is it more pernicious and evil than this wherein they are jealous of the birthright of the American Indians and wish to put themselves in eminence above the rest of the people? In either case it is a grave mistake on their behalf.

The prophecies contained in the Book of Mormon shall all be fulfilled and no power on earth can stop it. Man might with his puny arm try to stop the flow of a mighty river than to stop what is destined to come to pass.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness..." Exodus, 20:16

"Thou shalt not lie..." Doctrine and Covenants, 42:21

Most would think the scriptural commandments to not lie or bear false witness are agreed upon by all who consider themselves to be of the Christian Faith, especially Mormons, and most of the religions in the World. Most would associate their religious beliefs with truth, for after all, most scriptures and religious writings from religions around the world have reference to truth in words or context. Nearly all religions having a basis in convincing their followers that they seek after the truth, therefore most people who consider themselves religious feel they are on a pathway to truth, so to speak, and do not wish to be classified among the liars..

For Mormon Leaders to pretend they are teaching a form of the Mormon Religion that even slightly resembles that true religion taught by Joseph Smith is a deception of monumental proportions, for the Gospel has never been established on lies, half truths, or "parallel interpretations" which are devised by crafty and deceitful men to complicate, distort and change the true and simple meaning of the Holy Scriptures of God. Joseph Smith and the original church leaders were men of outstanding character and integrity, and would not have tolerated leaders such as those currently leading the Mormon Church who dabble in fraudulent documents and place Satanic symbols such as the pentagram on church buildings. Even most small children in a typical school are knowledgeable enough to be able to recognize the pentagram as an evil symbol of the devil- whose place is to be shunned by those who seek after good - and they will be able to tell you so if you ask them, for they are aware that this is a sign of evil to be avoided.

Mark Hofmann’s forgeries exposed the fact that the current leaders of the church no longer had the prophetic abilities to detect a fraudulent criminal, something that Joseph Smith would be able to quickly recognize. He also exposed the fact that the church leaders no longer held to the traditional view of Mormonism, and that what they now believed was diametrically opposed to the original doctrine. However the era did not begin here, it began much farther back. For instance the issue of abortion was already quietly decided way back in the 60's and possibly even in the 50's. Mark Hofmann was only the catalyst; he merely provided what they were clamoring for, and that it was a way to discredit the early leaders and by so doing would make themselves feel superior and not inferior as they had in the past, by portraying the leaders as country bumpkins fumbling through their daily chores, with superstitious nonsense and bad grammar. This was already the opinion of the current leaders of the church, that for instance, was reflected in the Sunstone Symposiums of that time. And they with their college degrees, professorships, lawyers, and others were from the supposed higher class of people. Mark Hofmann did not convince anyone of anything other than what was already in their hearts, and that was apostasy from the original to what they are fashioning as the modern Mormon Church.

Most Christian religions at least agree that living the ten commandments are a basic necessity of any soul being saved. The Lord has never granted an exception to the important commandment to be honest, both in words and in character. The Gospel of the Savior Jesus Christ has never been established on any principle except that principle of truth, and to preach otherwise is to preach a doctrine of damnation. Joseph Smith taught a plain and simple concept: that the people of the western tribes of Indians were the descendants of the Israelite people of the Book of Mormon. Whether or not conditions are exactly the same since that time Joseph Smith taught the Mormon Religion, it does not detract from the promises of the Book of Mormon, that is, that the American Indian lineage is the lineage of the House of Israel and it was their ancestors who lived the history contained in the Book of Mormon.

Satan's cunning plan to destroy truth and the Lord’s Church is likened to a frog. If you drop a frog in boiling water he will quickly jump out so that he will suffer no harm. If you put a frog in water and gradually bring it to a boil he will succumb before he senses the danger and die. So it is the same with the church, degree by degree the heat climbs until it is too late.

The Mormons have as one of their central beliefs that in the Spirit World there are three kingdoms, in varying degrees of glory. The least of the three, the Telestial kingdom, differs in glory from the greatest, the Celestial, as the light of the stars differs from the light of the sun. This is the lesser kingdom of heaven that is reserved for "...liars, and sorcerers..." among other unrepentant sinners - "...adulterers, and whoremongers, ..." ,"and whosoever loves and maketh a lie..."

It is a prerequisite for any soul who wishes to escape this endless torment described in the scriptures to tell the truth and gain a testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ based on knowledge of truth and true things. There is an urgent need for a return to honesty and truth in the world today and it is the humble prayer behind this message, that ALL GOOD MEN need be called upon to BRING TO LIGHT the causes of HONESTY and TRUTH, and ASSIST in demanding TRUTH BE DEFENDED and RESTORED TO THE WORLD, so that THE TRUE POINTS OF THE LORD’S DOCTRINE can be brought to the forefront.

The Savior said in the Bible that these last days would be the most wicked in the history of the world:

"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) (New Testament | Matthew 24:14 - 15)

"... And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. (New Testament | Matthew 24:20 - 22)

It has been foretold that the last days would be as the one man who sorrowed that he alone had not bowed the knee to the wickedness which had overtaken the people: "And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away." (Old Testament | 1 Kings 19:14)

The Lord answered and told him: "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him." (Old Testament | 1 Kings 19:18)

"But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (New Testament | Matthew 24:37 - 39)

Mormon scholars of today seek to use modern tests of modern data to find and exploit evidence that American Indians are not descended from the House of Israel people described in the Book of Mormon, putting themselves in a position of directly contradicting a man they superfluously claim they believe was a prophet, Joseph Smith. While this type of reasoning may seem incredulous, Mormons readily accept the mental gymnastics demanded of them of their modern leaders and scholars, even if fitting in what is referred to as "a better interpretation" discredits the foundation of their religion and bears false witness against early saints and church founder Joseph Smith. Key figures within the LDS Church hierarchy have launched an all out campaign of slander against early Saints of the Mormon Church, who taught that the American Indian Israelites were the true covenant people of the Lord.

The following quote is taken from an article put out by an official LDS Church apologetic organization entitled "Who Are the Children of Lehi?" (Journal of Mormon Studies, Vol. 12, no. 1, 2003, by Jeffrey Meldrum and Trent Stephens) - an article which has been found directly linked to the official LDS Church internet website as of February, 2004. This is representative of what modern day LDS Scholars are now teaching about American Indians, that they are not the House of Israel race living upon this land that is clearly spoken of in the Book of Mormon:

(Quote from Stephens and Meldrum):"A superficial consideration of the Book of Mormon account has led to misconceptions about its scope and context. A tradition apparently has persisted in the Latter-day Saint community, from the time the Book of Mormon first appeared in print in the 19th century, that all Native Americans are Lehi’s direct descendants. This assumption seems to be have been held by many early members of the LDS Church and is still held by most today."..."Although the idea that Native Americans are exclusively descended from the remnant of the ‘Lamanites’ is not required by the scriptures, in the face of modern scientific research it has caused some to question the authenticity of the Book of Mormon."

Remarkably, the above writer is basically saying Joseph Smith was in error and was not teaching Latter-day Saints the truth, as well as those saints who were loyal to him also did not correctly interpret the Book of Mormon; that the ancestors of the Lamanite House of Israel people were basically not praying for the American Indian Tribes of today, for the Lamanite race would all become dissipated and absorbed into other Gentile races of the world. More audacious is the fact that the authors of these words would claim to believe in the religion established by God through Joseph Smith, yet place themselves in eminence above the knowledge of Joseph Smith, talking from the position of having the authority to make corrections to what Joseph Smith taught. Amazingly, this type of alteration to the Mormon religion seems readily accepted by LDS Mormons at large, as there seems to be no serious desire among the Mormon people to truly defend the Mormon religion. The paper goes on to pontificate on "DNA research conclusions," although any legitimate discussion on DNA history must begin and conclude with the statement(see last month’s newsletter) "There is not enough data available to make a conclusive finding."

The referenced quote above stands as a stark contrast to Joseph Smith’s words: "The Book of Mormon is a record of the forefathers of our western tribes of Indians; having been found through the ministration of an holy angel, and translated into our own language by the gift and power of God, after having been hid up in the earth for the last fourteen hundred years, containing the word of God which was delivered unto them (the ancestors of the American Indians). By it we learn that our western tribes of Indians are descendants from that Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and the land of America is a promised land unto them, and unto it all the tribes of Israel will come, with as many of the Gentiles as shall comply with the requisitions of the new covenant." (History of the Church, volume 1, page 315)

Joseph Smith refused to renounce his beliefs such as this one which he knew to be true, even though he knew much of the Christian world was not ready to tolerate the wisdom he contributed, which has since helped the world gain a better understanding of scriptural interpretation and knowledge of God, even though it would result in his martyrdom. This knowledge of the price Joseph Smith paid for the true Gospel has helped to strengthen the testimony of any true Latter-day Saint ever since, and an intense campaign of slander continues even today, rooted in the lies of those people who sought to kill and discredit Joseph Smith, for the knowledge of God’s truth Joseph Smith stood for strikes fear into the hearts of every evil person the world over. Even after nearly two centuries from the time Joseph Smith was alive, evil men plot to destroy the character of the innocent Joseph Smith, for even though he was innocent of all the slander and evil accusations while he lived, his message of the pure knowledge of God is mankind’s only hope to defeat the wickedness threatening to overtake and destroy all that is good in the world today. Now along comes Scholars in the Mormon Church to contradict and repudiate the words of Joseph Smith.

WILL THE CURRENT LEADERS AND SCHOLARS OF THE LDS CHURCH SUCCEED IN THEIR EFFORTS TO ELIMINATE THE ISRAELITE AMERICAN INDIAN AS HEIRS TO THE BLESSINGS PROMISED IN THE BOOK OF MORMON? American Indians of today are the ones who would be the heirs to the promised blessings as the covenant people of the House of Israel. The Book of Mormon foretells that the American Indian Israelites will bring out "the true points" of the Lord’s doctrine. Most of the Christian world seems to be aligned with the current LDS leaders efforts to dilute and destroy the Mormon religion. Because most of the world operates in a different realm of lowered ethical standards when it comes to factual examination of the Mormon religion and its history, and nearly all in positions of real influence seem to nod approvingly when false witness is born against Joseph Smith, it seems that there is no organization existing on the world today that is strong enough to safeguard the concept of truth from being destroyed, for as far as it is known, there are no ethical standards of responsible journalistic reporting in the world when it comes to the life and teachings of Joseph Smith. Most are more comfortable having an innocent man’s character assassinated, when it allows them the excuse to reject the possibility that Joseph Smith was a righteous and true prophet of God. Were the world to decide to give the teachings of Joseph Smith a fair an accurate examination, many would have to come face to face with their own need for repentance. All who choose to understand the Mormon religion as taught by Joseph Smith may find themselves facing the possibility of feeling outcast, much the same way as it was when the true saints of the Gospel established by the Savior Jesus Christ in Jerusalem were all killed or eliminated to allow evil men to set the course for what is called the Christianity today.

By operating outside of the realms of honesty and truth, current apologists for the LDS Church have been trying to establish that they are exempt from being constrained to operate within the reasonable boundaries demanded by the rational mind. By writing off the covenant American Indian Israelites, they hope that the knowledge of Israelite ancestry can then be done away with in current Mormon teachings. The difficult undeniable issue for them remains that the Book of Mormon was written for a different purpose than what modern LDS leaders use it for, it is in fact the book containing promises of the American Indian Forefathers for their descendants, written primarily for their descendant Israelite American Indian children of today, and the prophecies involving current Mormons are those words which give warning to the Gentiles in possession of the fulness of the Gospel (the Mormon Church) that they need to repent to be numbered with the covenant American Indian Israelites:

"And thus commandeth the Father that I should say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles shall sin against my gospel, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, and of secret abominations; and if they shall do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them. And then will I remember my covenant which I have made unto my people, O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them. And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you; but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel. But if the Gentiles will repent and return unto me, saith the Father, behold they shall be numbered among my people, O house of Israel." (Book of Mormon | 3 Nephi 16:10 - 13)

The Gentile people currently in possession of the Mormon Church are not receptive to the belief of covenant promises of the Lord through His ancient covenant people, His American Indian children of today. A fulfillment of these blessings means the promised blessings of the LDS Gentiles have been transferred to believing American Indian Israelites and whatever few Gentiles sufficiently repent may dwell with them, and the current LDS can no longer reap the benefit of the spoils of the sacrifices of so many of the Lord’s Saints over many centuries, to establish His Gospel for the American Native Israelite Children of today.

"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:" 2 Thessalonians 2:11

To follow today’s Mormon leaders you MUST reject the teachings of Joseph Smith. To say otherwise is dishonest. To claim that you are loyal to the current LDS Church leaders and you are at the same time loyal to the teachings of Joseph Smith of today is blatantly dishonest, for the teachings are in contradiction to each other. Again, in Joseph Smith’s words: "The Book of Mormon is a record of the forefathers of our western tribes of Indians...."

-Reaffirmed by the Title page: "Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile"

Early leaders of the Mormon Church all taught that the Mormon Gentiles must convert the American Indian Lamanites if they were to have a chance:

"The meaning of it is this__the Lord God made a promise to the forefathers of the Indians, about six hundred years before Christ, that all this continent should be given to them and to their children after them for an everlasting inheritance; and he made a promise also by the mouth of Nephi, one of the first colonists who came from Jerusalem, some twenty_four hundred years ago, that, when the Gentiles in the latter days should come forth upon the face of this land and receive the records of the descendants of those ancient colonists, they should be numbered with the remnants of Jacob in the inheritance of the land." Quote by Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourse, 17:300

"...What I wish to call your special attention to now, so far as these sayings are concerned, is this__the Latter_day Saints in these mountains never can have the privilege of going back to Jackson County and building that city which is to be called the New Jerusalem, upon the spot that was appointed by revelation through the Prophet Joseph, until quite a large portion of the remnants of Joseph(American Indian Israelites) go back with us. Now then, here is a work for us, and we have no need to pray the Father to return us to Jackson County until that work is done. We can pray to the Father, in the name of Jesus, to convert these Indian tribes around us, and bring them to a knowledge of the truth, that they may fulfill the things contained in the Book of Mormon."..." Now, a great many, without reading these things, have flattered themselves that we are the ones who are going to do all this work. It is not so; we have got to be helpers, we have got to be those who co_operate with the remnants of Joseph in accomplishing this great work; for the Lord will have respect unto them, because they are the blood of Israel, and the promises of their fathers extend to them, and they will have the privilege of building that city, according to the pattern that the Lord shall give." Orson Pratt, JD, 17:300

In order to follow the Mormon Church leaders of today Mormons must reject the religion established through Joseph Smith and carried on by early Church leaders.

"And behold, they are: but thieves and robbers who seek to enter in by any other way. For they cannot enter into the rest of God when they repudiate the law and reject the conditions set at the door of the kingdom of God; wherein they make themselves rebels against God. And thus it is they become thieves and robbers, seeking to secure unto themselves, by stealth, and not by obedience, the abundant riches of heaven hereafter."

By shaming the Mormon religion through the words and actions of modern Mormon scholars, it is evident that the current leaders seem to be pursuing an agenda to drive the American Indians away from the Mormon Religion. They are evidently seeking to create such a stigma attached to anything associated with "Mormons," that good and intelligent American Indian People will want nothing to do with such an ignorant and pious people and their supposed beliefs, so that the Israelites will reject the Mormon religion entirely. The course of where the LDS Church has been led by its present leaders has reached the point that it stretches the imagination to its uttermost limits to try to reconcile the differences: "For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it." (Old Testament | Isaiah 28:20)

The Mormon Religion established by Joseph Smith is the same religion that was in possession of the forefathers of the American Indians. The thread of spiritual truth connecting heaven and earth was restored again when Joseph Smith Jr. translated the Book of Mormon and it is vitally important that this thread connecting Heaven and Earth not be broken, even if it is just one man that keeps it alive. Some American Indian Israelites such as the Hopis have specific prophecies of the importance of at least one or two men in the world standing for truth and the pending consequences if we don’t:

"...we must keep our thoughts on a spiritual level. This becomes the most important base for our village to stand on. We must not forsake the laws and instructions of the Great Spirit, the Creator, from whom we received our teachings and to whom we vowed to live them.

"It has been said that if even only one or two stand firm it will accomplish the good result for all land and life. If we weaken and fall under the mounting oppression of the Bahanna(People of the dominant anglo culture) as we did when we allowed our land to be cut up and put in writing and sold, then any possibility of recovery of our Tradition and our land is nil. When all that is ours, all that is Hopi, is taken away and all our powers of reaching the spirits of heaven and earth are gone, we are dead. We may stomp our feet to the beat of the drum and sing ever louder when praying, but, sadly, we will not reach the spirits, the guardian spirits and the producers of food and rain. We will know then our identity, our spirit power and values have gone. Though we may walk the crowded streets of our village, in truth, we will be dead."

In comparison to Joseph Smith, the teachings of the modern men who currently occupy the leadership positions of the LDS Church and the current actions of the present Church leaders constitute an all out attack to destroy this link between heaven and Earth by destroying the true points of the Mormon Religion. When faced or confronted with a blatant and obvious uncovered deception about how they have altered and betrayed their religion, most LDS people have no choice but to use their "follow the prophet" stonewalling tactics in which they have become well trained in. The "follow the prophet" stonewalling tactic usually occurs when an LDS person is at first dumbfounded to a question and cannot immediately come up with an answer. After time, however, an elaborately woven tale using "parallel meanings" or interpretations" emerges, often subtly, to provide a modern day explanation for the many inconsistencies of teachings of modern LDS leaders to those of actual prophets of any other time of recorded history. Because LDS leaders of today seek to lead their religion to conform to the mainstream thought of the world, they are easily able to escape that serious persecution that has always followed after true prophets of God. Although the inconsistencies may be glaring, the modern LDS leaders can always be trusted to pursue the course that will best be accepted by mainstream thought of the world, while living off and hiding behind the sacrifices of early Mormon pioneers. Mormons of today gladly reap the benefits of the price paid to establish their church, but they refuse to endure the price paid by the early Mormons, who only suffered and were only persecuted because they stood for truth, unlike the refuge of lies built by the Mormons of today:

"Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through..." (Old Testament | Isaiah 28:15 - 18)

By allowing only the downtrodden and outcast to stand alone for truth in defending Joseph Smith and the Mormon religion from the slander of Mark Hofmann and now the occultic infiltrations into the religion such as the pentagrams placed on the Navoo Temple, the Mormon people have failed in their calling as true saints, to stand for truth no matter the cost. By not repenting they have passed this curse of failure onto an entirely new generation of unsuspecting Mormon people. By assenting to the actions of their leaders all are under the veil of dishonesty. An entire membership of the Church is now becoming well versed and practiced in the art of deception.

Like the Jews of old, Mormons have fallen into the trap of taking this blessing of the Lord’s Church for granted and have willingly assented to allow themselves to be blinded to matters of truth. One of the Lord’s Commandments is "Thou shalt Not Lie." No people have ever been granted an exception to this basic commandment. The Mormon people will not be blessed for assenting to lies in the name of their religious beliefs, for a belief based on a lie is not sincere. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ has never been built upon lies, nor is there any place for deception to be used in the establishing of the Lord’s Gospel. The Lord’s House is not a house of chaos and confusion as has been common among testimonies in the current LDS Church. By removing the desire for truth among the LDS people, the course has been set to corrupt and eliminate the Mormon Religion, for it already is only a shadow of the true religion it once was. The Mormon people of today are timid when they are needed to defend the true religion, yet brave and cruel when the opportunity arises to oppress the downtrodden and outcast.

"I, the Lord God, make you free, therefore ye are free indeed; and the law also maketh you free. Nevertheless, when the wicked rule the people mourn. Wherefore, honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men ye should observe to uphold; otherwise whatsoever is less than these cometh of evil." (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 98:8 - 10)

Mormons remain silent on criticism they have betrayed their religion. Is this out of fear? Or is it that apathy has overtaken them and they are no longer sincere? They have claimed they are the same, yet the differences are glaring. The Mormons who have the sacred responsibility to stand for truth have taken the dishonest approach instead. It is a people shirking the truth in cowardice and they have lost the respect of many of the world. Now the groundwork has been set to eliminate the Mormon Religion.

By hiding behind Joseph Smith in their feigned defense of the Mormon Religion and allowing Joseph Smith to stand alone to absorb the slander of the world against him, the leaders have clearly separated themselves from Joseph Smith, and have led the Church to betray the Mormon religion down a clear path of confusion and eventual dissolution. Because the world in general does not apply the same levels of scrutiny that they attempted on Joseph Smith, and because the modern LDS Church leaders have become very adept at using the bold teachings of Joseph Smith as their cover, much of their works of betraying the Mormon religion often escape the limelight.

To truly love the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ you will let no man stand in the way and you will put no man before him. Because few are willing to investigate and find the truth, it is in this way that the doings of the current LDS Church have eluded careful scrutiny. As it is not in the mainstream world’s agenda to fairly and truthfully report on the truth taught by Joseph Smith as compared to current LDS Church leaders, they have been able to use their comfortable positions of leadership to implement their works to change and destroy the Mormon religion, generally staying unnoticed because an accurate portrayal of Joseph Smith would put the spotlight on truth that many in the world wish to avoid.

It is important that the current LDS Church leaders should be opposed in their efforts to break the thread connecting Heaven and Earth. In Book of Mormon,( Jacob 5) and the Doctrine and Covenants (Section 10) it is foretold in these two very important scriptures that the true points of God’s doctrine as taught by Joseph Smith be kept alive. Although leaders of the Mormon Church have always hid behind Joseph Smith, and have recently only given feigned defenses of Joseph Smith and the Mormon religion, they shirk from telling the truth. They have found themselves in a position of having revised their religion to the point where it is now impossible to tell the truth without admitting serious and grave errors over the direction of the present Mormon Church. Present leaders only teach a form of the Mormon religion but deny the power. The only hope for the Mormon Religion to keep from crumbling and dissolving is the prophecy to be fulfilled of the Israelite American Indians to bring the true points of the Gospel to light:

"Yea, and I will also bring to light my gospel which was ministered unto them, and, behold, they shall not deny that which you have received, but they shall build it up, and shall bring to light the true points of my doctrine, yea, and the only doctrine which is in me. (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 10:62)

The last admonition of the Prophet Joseph Smith on June 23, 1844 is as follows: "This day the Lord has shown to me that which was never shown to me before, that I have thousands of friends that never pretended friendship, while others have sought to crawl into my bosom because of my good feelings towards them, and now are the vipers and do seek my life; and if they shall take it they will pursue you; they will do it anyhow....I therefore will say unto you Saints and Elders of Israel:...you will yet be called upon to go forth and call upon the free men from Maine to gather themselves together to the Rocky Mountains; and the Redmen from the West and all people from the North and from the South and from the East, and go to the West, to establish themselves in the strongholds of their gathering places, and there you will gather the Redmen to their center from their scattered and dispersed situation, to become the strong arm of Jehovah."

Joseph Smith Said That Any Man Who Taught a Different Doctrine Than Him Would Be Cursed

All Good men are called upon to demand that modern Mormon leaders tell the truth of where they actually stand in regards to the religion they pretend to represent. You cannot revise away a religion. You cannot stand by idly while your religion is revised away. All Mormon people are called upon to become a truthful people once again. Mormon scholars and modern leaders are not telling the truth and must be demanded they tell the truth about their religion.

True Mormons called upon to lift their voices against latest works of Mormon apostates in the church. The biggest threat to the Mormon religion is not from former Mormons or anti- Mormons, but those who are in positions of influence. In the event mankind were to escape the pending judgments, history would record this era as a great time of dishonesty among the people of the world. History books would some day record that the generation inhabiting the earth at the end of the 20th century had been deceived and misled by the craftiness of Satan in areas of spiritual knowledge. It would record that the vain ministers and teachers of the world’s vain religions taught doctrine that was tailored to their own personal desires, and billions of the earth’s inhabitants lived in spiritual darkness.

It would record that no organized religion had any publicly visible leaders teaching the fulness of the gospel such as Joseph Smith, and that it was "like the days of Noah" because of the great wickedness among the people of the entire planet. It would record that only when the American Indian people came to a full knowledge of truth of the fulness of the gospel did the world have a chance to be redeemed. It would record that when the world came upon truth it was instantly rejected and all men and all leaders of the earth were silenced and feared to come face to face with the knowledge of God. It would record that most men of most of the world’s churches spoke evil of the truthfulness of God, and no ministers or church leaders were valiant enough to boldly proclaim the full wisdom of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world.

History would record that the honorable men of the world were misled because they knew not where to find the truth. History would record that, like in the days of Noah, most of the world’s inhabitants reject the knowledge of God, and nearly all of the earth’s inhabitants in all religions and churches are ripened for the wrath of God’s judgement for succumbing to the power of Satan. History would record that only through strict repentance and a true testimony that Jesus is the Christ will any man have a chance to be saved from the wrath of God’s judgements. It would proclaim that these conditions continued into the early part of the 21st century, until God’s covenant people, the American Indians, united to a knowledge of the fulness of the Gospel, the Mormon religion established by Joseph Smith. History would record that those men currently polluting the Holy Church of God - some deceived, some evil - will no longer be allowed to contaminate and corrupt the doctrines of the Lord Jesus Christ. History would record that the day when Mormon Leaders and Scholars used subterfuge against honest and sincere righteous people defending the true Mormon religion established by Joseph Smith will have come to an end.

"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (New Testament | Matthew 24:35) The Doctrine and Covenants commands us to seek to turn the Hearts of the Children to their Fathers and the hearts of the Jews to the prophets, or the connection established by Joseph Smith could be destroyed and "all flesh consumed." It is vitally necessary that even one man stay true and firm to the Gospel principles established by Joseph Smith. That connection that Joseph Smith established that is so vital to sustain the earth is all but gone among the Mormon people.

"Therefore, renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children; And again, the hearts of the Jews unto the prophets, and the prophets unto the Jews; lest I come and smite the whole earth with a curse, and all flesh be consumed before me." (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 98:16 - 17) The big tree with the lofty branches is presently bringing forth bitter fruit and all that is left is a little bit of life that is still in the roots of the truth of the Gospel established through Joseph Smith.

A Hopi prophecy contains the following prediction: "The time will come to pass when the minds of men will become deluded and the words of the wise will be ignored. When the influence from foreign sources has taken hold the spirit within the Native People of this land will wane, perhaps even be destroyed. We were warned of this by the prophets of old."

It is clear the modern LDS leaders are on a slippery slope down the hill with little hope to apply the brakes to correct their course "Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:" Isaiah 28:15

Joseph Smith’s prophecy is evidently coming to pass that the Church leaders will justify themselves from one step to another until they lead the people down to hell.

" And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. (Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 28:21)

It is clear that Satan’s plan to destroy the Mormon religion ahas taken root and more can be expected, and the question is how far will they go to bring shame upon and discredit everything to do with the Mormon religion? How can the LDS people hope to continue in the present situation that is rapidly deteriorating?

"For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?" (Book of Mormon | Mosiah 5:13)

Quote of the Month

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." (New Testament, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 - 4)

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